I have two, including a crystal one modded as a dev kit since the magazine I used to work didn't have a proper SDK and that was the only way to take proper screenshots from the buffer.
Sega made that console. Panzer Dragoon Orta, Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, Gunvalkyrie... Then you also had cult classics like Otogi, Steel Battalion, Phantom Dust, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System and Metal Wolf Chaos on top of more mainstream ones. Riddick, DOAX, Conker, Ninja Gaiden... all incredible games.
I think it may be my favourite console since the 16 bit generation.
Could be. I'm pretty sure DC TJ&E reached prototype stage at some point.
There you go.
Edit 2: And Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Deaththrow and Kingdom Under Fire. Man, Xbox had so many great games.