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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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From my understanding:

I've been thinking about that reading the thread and there is one little fact that everyone is ignoring and that is that the UK doesn't have a mimimum wage law (or at least, not a constant one), so it fluctuates wildly compared to the index countries (like the Netherlands) and is actually lower than that of its immediate peers on the continent.
Throw into that situation migrants that are also competing at the bottom, but companies don't have to 'care' who does the job, but which one is cheapest, and you have a recipe for fear and loathing on the lower end of the worker class.
The other part appears to older people grew up in a different world and simply didn't understand what the consequences of an exit would be. Which unfortunately, due to boomer demographics, is still a more sizeable vote than it should be. But here the argument is fear as well.

Xiao Hu

Melting over here in Shanghai. Next week are finals and it's so hard for me to review all the material from this midterm....I really need vacation.
Plus I'm horny as fuck :(
I quoted people in here who quoted me this morning about nudes. Also I might have more responsibilities at work with none of the pay.

That makes me mad. It shouldn't be the role of the employees to absolve the shortcomings of management. That's just bad business. Hopefully you can renegotiate sometime soon.

Melting over here in Shanghai. Next week are finals and it's so hard for me to review all the material from this midterm....I really need vacation.
Plus I'm horny as fuck :(

I'm too tired to be horny right now, which I generally don't believe is actually a thing, haha.

DId you do well on the midterm before?

Xiao Hu

I'm too tired to be horny right now, which I generally don't believe is actually a thing, haha.

Did you do well on the midterm before?

Normally I do, but this semester isn't as good as the own before. I barely did homework and just studied on my own. Plus I'm very tired of Mandarin right now, like I said I need a break...
Im proud scotland voted remain, every area had a remain majority. Some smaller than others tho.

This is starting a shitshow. Scottish people want to vote to leave the UK and stay with the EU before the uk leaves the EU and Northern ireland is calling for a vote to reunite with the repbulic with ireland, which is huge. This isnt the Uk leaving the EU, its the end of the UK. At least i hope. England forced us into something we didnt want.
How was the convention?

long. lol. And I got a talk for being on my phone too much.

So technically I'm just hired to do some artwork and operate a printer, and the vendor is supposed to supply all the customer-facing people. But because there's a lot of down time between prints, and thanks to some other logistics, I ended up be a lot more customer facing and talking to people all day. And I like that. Unlike typical retail environments, everyone is stoked to be there and happy and nice and patient. Plus, unlike most cons, VidCon is around 70% women my age or close to. I got to talk to a lot of really interesting video creators and hear about what they do.

The convention itself is interesting. There's a lot of cool stuff going on everywhere. Since I only took fifteen minute breaks at best, I didn't really get to invest too deeply in anything going on anywhere. My longest break I used to try out the VR headset at the M&M's booth because that line was way shorter than the one at the Samsung booth haha. Who knew?

I'm also not a good con goer. I'm rife with double standards, did things I would normally object to other people doing at cons. Like I noticed this one YouTuber and his crew walk by our booth and they didn't stop, which surprised me, because he's often professed on twitter to being a fan of the vendor I'm there for. So I ditched my post real quickly, followed him around the corner to where he and his partners were standing around having a meeting, then hugged him from behind and told him "Tim, you're my favorite." He had a laugh and said he liked my shirt. But like why did I think that was okay to do? I don't know. If somebody did that to me I would freak out.

If I get there early again tomorrow (most likely) I'm going to go spend some time in the Nickelodeon booth. They have dozens of Midway arcade games available to play.

All in all it was a much better experience than I thought it would be, and I'm glad I went. Though fifteen hours tomorrow and another eleven the next day is scaring me.
That makes me mad. It shouldn't be the role of the employees to absolve the shortcomings of management. That's just bad business. Hopefully you can renegotiate sometime soon.

It balances out, kinda. Right now I'm just answering phones, but next week they're gonna start training me for online help chat, which means I'll be off the phones (thank the lord) for those periods.
It balances out, kinda. Right now I'm just answering phones, but next week they're gonna start training me for online help chat, which means I'll be off the phones (thank the lord) for those periods.

Was that always in the plans? Do you think you'll like it more or less?

Sounds cool, and I wouldn't worry about it, not many people have issues with surprise hugs from attractive women.

Yeah, he was real nice about it. But I am recognizing it's a double standard.

goin' to bed

good night, frog
Was that always in the plans? Do you think you'll like it more or less?

A friend of mine who has a higher position than me filled me in on the day-to-day of the position, so it doesn't seem like it'll be too rough. The issue will be juggling two chat windows at once, but apparently chat has been (relatively) slow, so who knows.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I put 5 on Metroid, 4 on Zelda/SK2.

That hair style is fine, but then again I like guys with a man bun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I like man buns. Or rather, I see nothing wrong with them.

I voted the exact inverse. I wouldn't be upset with a Metroid.
Well hopefully Hillary wins,
would hate for us to have to work with Trump. :/

Actually worried it might happen

Trump gets more unfavorable the longer he's exposed to the GE crowd. He's already tanking and November is five months away. Short of it being revealed Hillary is actually the Butcher of Benghazi, he won't win.

Not to say she should just sit back and risk it. But she's already hitting him hard and he's tanking as expected. The GE crowd is very different from the racist asshats that make up a large part of the GOP base. There aren't enough white men in this country for him to have a realistic chance.


Trump gets more unfavorable the longer he's exposed to the GE crowd. He's already tanking and November is five months away. Short of it being revealed Hillary is actually the Butcher of Benghazi, he won't win.

Not to say she should just sit back and risk it. But she's already hitting him hard and he's tanking as expected. The GE crowd is very different from the racist asshats that make up a large part of the GOP base. There aren't enough white men in this country for him to have a realistic chance.

Polls sometimes make people complacent.
Hopefully your people go out and vote in droves.
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