Josh with a J
About to kill our first bottle of Jameson. Let's gooooo
I think I'll watch Happy Endings instead.
A friend and I were talking about Phantom Crash on the weekend while we schooled kids on Hawken.
Very, very different show. Haha.
A more memorable one imho tbh.
I think it was far more uneven. When it hit, it scored but I found it inconsistently funny and the characters more unlikable. Definitely not a group of people I wanted to hang out with (despite their charms at times).
(The drink that caused sex dreams ep is hilarious, though.)
Lol I dont wanna hang out with the cast of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia but that doesn't make the characters bad and its perhaps part of the appeal.
Season 2 of Happy Endings was uneven tho so I give you that but Friends I only liked 1 character so yeah...
(Who's the likable character in Friends for you, Joey?)
Scrubs reigns as supreme ruler of all things sitcom
explain yourself
Not having a mainstream voice countering the awful anti-immigration and anti-refugee rhetoric by arguing that the problems usually blamed on them is actually down huge lack of investment in the NHS, housing etc. is why the country is in the state it's in today. Voting out of the EU, followed by a huge increase in emboldened racists committing hate crimes will just be the start if we don't have an actual left wing voice.
There's an argument that elections are won from the centre, because that's how Tony Blair won and how Cameron won. Except that's garbage - Neil Kinnock lost against a massively unpopular Tory party, twice. Cameron became PM because there was a massive recession under Labour two years earlier. Miliband lost against a Tory party who have failed to meet any of their targets. The Lib Dems have never won an election. It's a nonsense argument.
Whenever the left accepts a right wing argument it's followed by a shift in political discourse to the right. We can't keep doing this. We can't keep having our supposedly left wing party abstaining on votes for bills to cut £12bn of the welfare budget, or putting out "Controls On Immigration" mugs, because every time they do it legitimises the position. We need someone like Corbyn, otherwise we'll continue to descend into fascism at a terrifying rate. We need someone to say the things he's saying here, or things will keep getting worse.
See, I need likable characters in my sitcoms. I can't watch Always Sunny as a result.
(Who's the likable character in Friends for you, Joey?)
Did you just start Rick and Morty?
Better left forgotten. Watch Saved By The Bell instead.Never watched Friends.
Scrubs is garbo
Better left forgotten. Watch Saved By The Bell instead.
Interesting. A lot of people consider her one of the meanest, especially in later seasons.
Don't do this.
I thought Phoebe was being kind of mean when she tried to break up her brother's marriage
I understood her concerns but the way she went about it was kinda wrongish
Interesting. A lot of people consider her one of the meanest, especially in later seasons.
Gonna hose me? I aint afraid of that.
Everyone watch Fraiser and ignore every other 90s sitcom.
Wow, you are so bad at opinions
Everyone watch Fraiser and ignore every other 90s sitcom.
Everyone watch Fraiser and ignore every other 90s sitcom.
Interesting. A lot of people consider her one of the meanest, especially in later seasons.
Everyone watch Fraiser and ignore every other 90s sitcom.
Phoebe is the character that is fine for a sitcom but would be an utterly shitty asshole in real life.
I am sure there is a Trope Name for this.
Too Dumb To Live ?![]()
Can someone explain me why some people liked Everybody Loves Raymond?
Because some people are fucking idiots.
Too bad my opinion is a proven fact, and you can't fit that up there.
Dude I tried watching a few episode and I didnt get a single laugh out of it. Its Big Bang Theory levels of bad tbh.
There's worse. Ever seen Home Improvement?
The best 90s sitcom is Dinosaurs.
that ending tho
that ending tho
That was the best part, the very heavy implication that the entire main cast dies.I really disliked Dinosaurs.
Wait, is it impossible to mute people in Overwatch??
Press P - this opens the voice chat panel. You then click on the speaker symbol for the person you want to mute and it will turn them off.
And what if I'm on peasant box one?
And what if I'm on peasant box one?