trab pu kcip
the pre-emptive reverse ghost!
the pre-emptive reverse ghost!
hahathere should be different movesets with a bunch of terms like this. that way you could comment it like some sports event.
I want someone to like me or want me for real.
oh good news he didn't ghost you, he's just talking to his taxidermy cats
patience trabby
so now that Clinton is finally in the clear Trump is basically done for yeah?
that was like his one big thing he had against her.
Now to investigate her political history to see if she actually deserves my vote.
oh thank the gods!
I want someone to like me or want me for real. should be different movesets with a bunch of terms like this. that way you could comment it like some sports event.
She's very liberal and tends to do what she says though she says it in the most scripted way possible. If you look at stuff from 20 years ago you might not like what she did entirely but she's consistently moved in the same direction and has only flipped but hasn't flopped. Personally I find being willing to evolve is an admirable trait though others don't seem to agreeso now that Clinton is finally in the clear Trump is basically done for yeah?
that was like his one big thing he had against her.
Now to investigate her political history to see if she actually deserves my vote.
if you think truth or reality or facts have any bearing on what trump says you haven't been paying attention
I'd vote for lisa's hobo boyfriend if he was running against trump. I'd vote for the stain on my carpet if it was running against trump (and I hate that stain). I don't know what research you need to do
I used to be of the mind of "vote against the person I don't like". There is no way I would ever vote for Trump, that much is obvious. However, I'm not going to vote for someone just because they are not Trump. I need to know if they actually deserve my vote.
Since Bernie didn't make it I was just planning on not voting but now that Clinton is in the clear I may end up standing beside her. Seem she did quite a bit of work for children and their healthcare. That's kind of a big deal
There are people who believe in accelerationism and Hillary proving to be a good candidate would help convince them not to root for it all burning down.Uhhh guys who cares what Hillary says or does?
Trump is openly a bigot and a racist, and that's only one of the many many many things wrong with him
What's to think about? It's the responsibility of any educated or civilized person to vote against him
you live with what we have not with what you wish we had
we have trump vs. not trump
if you don't vote against trump and he wins florida, please don't complain about racist in chief
my vote is my conscience
I am not okay with compromising on that, even if it is for the greater good of voting against Trump.
I'm slightly embarassed that I don't know more about Hillary but after I do some research and determine that she is a worthy candidate, then and only then will I feel good about voting for her.
Better? How so? The main character is an absolute prick who does not understand the meaning of the word "responsibility", there's no real story throughout because they're far too busy setting up its own sequels to do so, the other characters are shallow as hell very much as a result of that, various plot threads are abandoned for no good reason, moments that should have been emotional as all hell end up being executed it the most anticlimatic way possible with those moments going as far as to absolve Peter from any and all responsibility, those two movies are like American Hustle in a way, where the entire appeal seems to hinge on you enjoying what these characters are doing in the moment, and once that appeal fades away, the movie just falls apart at the seams. It's surface level competence masking complete ineptitude.I can't put in words how much I hate these movies. Lilith is totally right when saying the Amazing ones are better, pretty much everything is. I'd rather watch more japanese Spider-Man or Spidey and his amazing friends than those Tobey bullshit movies.
I would argue strongly that abstaining in an election between a great evil and someone who's just kinda boring is a violation of conscience. Have you been paying attention to what Trump says? How can you do nothing to push back against that?
Your call, but your reasoning is not sound IMO
of course I've been paying attention to the fuckery of Trump. Can't stand it. But I vote for what I believe in, nothing less. I am not okay with compromise. It's fine that you are okay with voting for "not Trump" but I need something more.
I defer to the wisdom of the monks during the time of Roman Empire. When they saw the state of things, they left, they refused to play their game and stuck to their convictions.
The probability is high that I will vote for Clinton, but in order to do so I need to believe in her.
edit - and btw I've been pushing back by way of supporting the Bernie Sanders campaign
bernie sanders is irrelevant unfortunately
you have a civic duty to vote in a way that is best for your community. if you think trump would be better or that it would make no difference, then don't vote for hillary, it's that simple
I liked the prequels overall plot better than the ot but the directing is the difference
Pt: good general plot, questionable script, bad directing
Ot: really not much in the way of plot, fairly straight forward script, good directing and acting
why are you more than $1000
ITT: Jobbs being condescending for someone wanting to vote for their convictions
Success!Cheryl Cole is getting a workout today
I can understand Float. it's not like Hillary is just "boring". I wouldn't feel good voting for her either. but it's like..either way y'all are fucked.
- Even though her major initiative, the Clinton healthcare plan, failed (due to Republican obstruction), you cannot deny that it laid ground for what we have today, the Affordable Healthcare Act, something Clinton supports and would continue.
- She played a leading role in the development of State Children’s Health Insurance Program, which provides the much-needed state support for children whose parents cannot afford nor provide them with adequate healthcare coverage.
- She was also instrumental in the creation of the Adoption and Safe Families Act and the Foster Care Independence Act.
- Successfully fought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and asthma at the National Institute of Health (NIH).
- She spearheaded investigations into mental illness plaguing veterans of the Gulf War; we now have a term for it – Gulf War Syndrome.
- At the Department of Justice, she helped create the office on Violence Against Women.
- She was instrumental in securing over $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
- Took a leading role in the investigation of health consequences of first responders and drafted the first bill to compensate and offer the health services our first responders deserve (Clinton’s successor in the Senate, Kirsten Gillibrand, passed the bill).
- Was instrumental in working out a bi-partisan compromise to address civil liberty abuses for the renewal of the U.S. Patriot Act.
- Proposed a revival of the New Deal-era Home Owners’ Loan Corporation to help homeowners refinance their mortgages in the wake of the 2008 financial disaster.
- Was a major proponent of sensible diplomacy which brought about a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, and brokered human rights with Burma.
-Oversaw free trade agreements with our allies such as Panama, Colombia, and South Korea.
- Was the most traveled Secretary of State to date.
- The Clinton Foundation, founded by her and her husband, has improved the living conditions for nearly 400 million people in over 180 countries through its Initiative program.
- These are not all of her accomplishments. Her activism on behalf of women a children across the world is renowned. Her activism for raising the minimum wage and combating climate change is stellar.
Hillary would continue Obama's policies. Trump wouldn't. Plus he's an open racist/bigot. It's actually a stark difference
you're saying that like it's a good thing in everyone's eyes. I was never a fan of Obama tbh. not that I have anything to say in this anyway but I still understand the frustration here.
and of course there's a difference between Trump and Hillary but when you don't really agree with either of them it still sucks.
Lea...I can understand Float. it's not like Hillary is just "boring". I wouldn't feel good voting for her either. but it's like..either way y'all are fucked.
Plus when she finally gets arrested for the email thing we can have our second woman president when VP Elizabeth warren takes officea cursory look at the google results are interesting
I can get behind this. She may not be the revolutionary that Bernie Sanders is but it seems that she has taken up some worthy causes.
Plus, finally having a woman president would be pretty awesome![]()
Democracy is about holding your nose and voting for the best outcome. The only itme I ever felt good about it was Obama.
And, again, the supreme court is so incredibly important. The next president will establish the balance of the supreme court right at the outset.
the supreme court, trabby!!
Trump is an open racist who endorses torture and says we should be chopping off heads and drowning people in cages like isis does. I just don't understand how you can say it's no different -- How anyone can say that. This is about the character of our country as well as the lives of vulnerable people who would be hurt by trump directly
the best outcome can still be bad. anything would be better compared to Trump but that's not a get out of jail free card for Hillary nor a compliment to her politics. it actually disturbs me how careless people talk about this. celebrating Obama and Hillary only because they may seem like the least shitty thing. you should still be critical.
we get it. it's obvious what we should all be against.
but what are you for?
does clinton represent that?
the best outcome can still be bad. anything would be better compared to Trump but that's not a get out of jail free card for Hillary nor a compliment to her politics. it actually disturbs me how careless people talk about this. celebrating Obama and Hillary only because they may seem like the least shitty thing. you should still be critical.
I want my own island.
There is no perfect candidate, but Trump makes every hair on my neck stand up, I have to do what is right by making a choice between what we have available to us.
I would rather have Bernie Sanders as president too. I seriously would. But he's not going to be in the general election. The choice will be Trump or Clinton, and the choice between those seems clear to me
ITT: Jobbs being condescending for someone wanting to vote for their convictions
edit - how about instead of being obnoxious about the "not Trump" argument. let's talk the pros and cons of Clinton. What has she done politically that you allign with? what makes you think she is a good candidate for presidency?
"not Trump" isn't an accolade btw
Populate it with frogs and make them pay taxes.
Complimenting Hillary happens way less often than criticizing her. Her achievements are never brought up and from every side she's painted as undesirable.the best outcome can still be bad. anything would be better compared to Trump but that's not a get out of jail free card for Hillary nor a compliment to her politics. it actually disturbs me how careless people talk about this. celebrating Obama and Hillary only because they may seem like the least shitty thing. you should still be critical.
I'm not saying you're doing the wrong thing here. I see what you mean. but I was just trying to say that I would be just as torn as Float in this situation. it's not just a match between good/evil or boring/evil. there's corruption and weird stuff going on on both sides. even though Trump takes it to a cartoon villain extreme of course. I definitely understand that and it's scary as shit.
oh Bernie :,(
She has long advocated for the kinds of economic change we need in America re: increasing minimum wages, affordable healthcare, reducing income inequality, regulating wall street in a sweeping but sensible manner.
She has long advocated for the kinds of social change we need in America re: racial inequality, discrimination, and the school to prison pipeline.
She has long advocated for the kind of gun control we need in America re: sensible laws restricting certain types of weapons, expanding background checks, enforcing existing laws, closing loop holes.
She has long been admired and respected by the international community re: all her work as first lady and senator and secretary of state
She has made many extremely tough decisions throughout her public service to America re: her tenure as Sec of State. (You may disagree with some of those decisions, but she made them and has not skirted the responsibility of those decisions.)
She literally has ZERO qualities that would make me think twice in voting for her. In 2008 she was my perfered candidate and she is in 2016.
The better question is, what are her negatives besides "I don't trust her" and "Voted for Iraq, advised on Libya"?
I would have voted for Bernie, but I prefer Clinton. Bernie at best is a benevolent idealist but at worst (and what's he's proven to be) is an ideological zealot who's willing to burn anyone who gets in his way.
I can't remember your stance on gun control but if you're for it keep in mind that she's more left than Bernie on that.this was the kind of insight I was looking for. Thanks
"not Trump" is an okay argument but not one I feel good about.
I can't remember your stance on gun control but if you're for it keep in mind that she's more left than Bernie on that.
"As Barack Obamas secretary of state, she presided over the expansion of illegal drone attacks that by conservative estimates have killed many hundreds of civilians, while reaffirming US alliances with vicious dictatorships."She has long advocated for the kinds of economic change we need in America re: increasing minimum wages, affordable healthcare, reducing income inequality, regulating wall street in a sweeping but sensible manner.
She has long advocated for the kinds of social change we need in America re: racial inequality, discrimination, and the school to prison pipeline.
She has long advocated for the kind of gun control we need in America re: sensible laws restricting certain types of weapons, expanding background checks, enforcing existing laws, closing loop holes.
She has long been admired and respected by the international community re: all her work as first lady and senator and secretary of state
She has made many extremely tough decisions throughout her public service to America re: her tenure as Sec of State. (You may disagree with some of those decisions, but she made them and has not skirted the responsibility of those decisions.)
She literally has ZERO qualities that would make me think twice in voting for her. In 2008 she was my perfered candidate and she is in 2016.
The better question is, what are her negatives besides "I don't trust her" and "Voted for Iraq, advised on Libya"?
I would have voted for Bernie, but I prefer Clinton. Bernie at best is a benevolent idealist but at worst (and what's he's proven to be) is an ideological zealot who's willing to burn anyone who gets in his way.