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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Generally when choosing people to vote for I try to read up on the big bills they advocated for and other causes they pushed for. I try to read summaries that more just spell out what they do without extra editorializing but that's sometimes hard to find it might be hard to understand without extra context.
I also try to read their statements and promises to see what they consider most important. Despite popular opinion, politicians generally try to push the policies they campaign in.

But I agree that even if it's a sure thing that you're voting for its nice to feel proud of however many good things you expect to come from your vote.


she also referred to black people as super-predators once. funny how easy people forget all the shit she pulled just because Trump is Satan himself :D

I think you just said it. I don't know much about the predator comments but I assure you Hillary would run away from them. Trump is an open racist, openly advocating bigotry and torture... He's not running away from it

I'm voting between the choices available

BTW let's talk about boys this is boring!!

Is "a luxury" supposed to be a bad thing? Nothing wrong with holding your nose while making a vote or feeling validated about your choice.

it is what it is. I"m saying we have a responsibility to vote in the interests of our country and our communities and how things will affect people, even if niether choice is perfect. Feeling proud of your vote is a luxury we rarely are afforded. I'm strictly living in hte realm of reality




As someone who just recently got the ability to vote, I admit that I find the idea of abstaining is a bit irksome.

what is that? $1000???
New Batman limited edition Samsung Galaxy s7. Not being released in the USA it seems so it's going for around $1000-2000.
Couldn't find the panini press, then found out that my dad snagged it a few months ago. Grrr! At least I'm not hungover this morning.

Also developed quite a knot in my left calf from dirtbike riding or something this weekend. Guess I shouldn't ride my bike to work today.

She found out I'm ticklish


I used to be so ticklish when I was little, and it pissed me off. So somehow I just decided I didn't care anymore and I stopped being ticklish. I kind of miss it now.


Couldn't find the panini press, then found out that my dad snagged it a few months ago. Grrr! At least I'm not hungover this morning.

Also developed quite a knot in my left calf from dirtbike riding or something this weekend. Guess I shouldn't ride my bike to work today.
What is a knot anyway? Beyond cramps I don't have much issue with my muscles ever


"As Barack Obama’s secretary of state, she presided over the expansion of illegal drone attacks that by conservative estimates have killed many hundreds of civilians, while reaffirming US alliances with vicious dictatorships."

"Clinton herself is widely recognized to have been one of the administration’s most forceful advocates of attacking or expanding military operations in Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria and of strengthening US ties to dictatorships in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco, and elsewhere."

"She ensured that Palestine’s UN statehood bid “went nowhere in the Security Council.” Though out of office by the time Israel launched its savage 2014 assault on Gaza, she ardently defended it in interviews. "

"As confirmed in her 2014 book, she effectively supported the 2009 military overthrow of left-of-center Honduran President Manuel Zelaya "

among others.

I would never deny that she is more hawkish than Bernie, but some of the negatives listed here and in the article are just leftist purity tests that may seem ludicrous stances out of context but given how deeply entrenched she's been in Democratic government for as long as she has aren't surprising.

The only reason Bernie has remained "pure" is because he doesn't actually work with anyone on anything.

She has been a war hawk in the past, and I agree with some and disagree with some of her hawkish decisions, but I'm not going to feel bad voting for her just because she made the wrong choice when it came to Libya. Her positive qualities and decisions VASTLY outweigh the bad decisions she's made.

My goal coming out of 2016 is a continuation of the Obama legacy and protection of his policies and Clinton, not Sanders, is the best candidate for that.

she also referred to black people as super-predators once. funny how easy people forget all the shit she pulled just because Trump is Satan himself :D

A statement she regrets. Nobody forgets it, it's just be brought up and she has commented on it. I accept what she's said and have moved on.

I'm voting for Clinton because I'm a pro-free trade, pro-limited intervention liberal who thinks sometimes hard and sometimes even bad decisions have to be made in order to advance the goals of progressivism and democracy. I disagree with her on the issue of Palestine, but that is an unfortunate reality of living in America. I disagree with some of the decisions she's made regarding foreign policy, but she does as well at this point.

She's proven she can recognize her own and others mistakes and learn from them.

There are limits to this of course, I do not advocate forcing our culture, values, or system of government on other nations or peoples.
What is a knot anyway? Beyond cramps I don't have much issue with my muscles ever

AFAIK it's when two separate muscles get somewhat slightly bonded somehow. Easily treatable with with deep or extended massage, but I don't have the time right now to work it out before I'd need to jump on my bike.


AFAIK it's when two separate muscles get somewhat slightly bonded somehow. Easily treatable with with deep or extended massage, but I don't have the time right now to work it out before I'd need to jump on my bike.

Hi Lili! How was your weekend at the cousins? Any particular highlights?


What is a knot anyway? Beyond cramps I don't have much issue with my muscles ever
They're basically spots of muscle tissue that tighten and can't release. Usually due to stress or over exertion, but sometimes dehydration or a low potassium level can contribute to their formation.

On another note: I am going to be so dead tonight in class. I haven't taken a nap, because this damned show has taken over and I'm binge watching it so hard.


AFAIK it's when two separate muscles get somewhat slightly bonded somehow. Easily treatable with with deep or extended massage, but I don't have the time right now to work it out before I'd need to jump on my bike.
Apparently knots are cramps. Did not know that. Only heard the term knot in the context of massages when they're given randomly rather than as a response to something

I either stretch or massage it. Most common ones I get are calf where I immediately lean forward till I'm in a sort of push-up position but with my ankle bent so it's stretching and jaw cramps where I push on it and massage it till it goes away.

Also stomach/intestinal but those are different...


it is what it is. I"m saying we have a responsibility to vote in the interests of our country and our communities and how things will affect people, even if niether choice is perfect. Feeling proud of your vote is a luxury we rarely are afforded. I'm strictly living in hte realm of reality

annnd the realm of reality for many people is that animal products are the most affordable protein rich substance one can consume.

interesting how people cherry pick their crosses causes.

but that is neither here nor there....



annnd the realm of reality for many people is that animal products are the most affordable protein rich substance one can consume.

interesting how people cherry pick their crosses causes.

but that is neither here nor there....

Most people don't advocate towards moving toward making plant based foods cheaper and don't have any particular interest in avoiding meat. Not the best comparison.


annnd the realm of reality for many people is that animal products are the most affordable protein rich substance one can consume.

interesting how people cherry pick their crosses causes.


where's my animated ghost ffs.. damnit


I think it's a fallacy that lower income people can only afford animal products to live, there are many alternatives

but if someone's somehow in that reality then I don't envy their position
Hi Lili! How was your weekend at the cousins? Any particular highlights?

Hi Matt! I had a really great time. Sunday afternoon I cleared a twenty foot jump on the dirt bike, which was huge for me but is actually pretty small by professional standards (most races have jumps that are fifty to seventy feet at least). But mostly I just love that enough of us are old enough to get drunk and lounge around the pool and play games all day. Family dynamics have changed a lot since I was younger. The fireworks went off without a hitch too, so that's nice I guess.

Try tickling the roof of your mouth.


Apparently knots are cramps. Did not know that. Only heard the term knot in the context of massages when they're given randomly rather than as a response to something

I either stretch or massage it. Most common ones I get are calf where I immediately lean forward till I'm in a sort of push-up position but with my ankle bent so it's stretching and jaw cramps where I push on it and massage it till it goes away.

Also stomach/intestinal but those are different...

Yeah, I kind of consider it a knot when it's a bit more severe and localized than general cramps. I feel like I can pinpoint the exact location of this soreness, not just a muscle group in general.


Hi Matt! I had a really great time. Sunday afternoon I cleared a twenty foot jump on the dirt bike, which was huge for me but is actually pretty small by professional standards (most races have jumps that are fifty to seventy feet at least). But mostly I just love that enough of us are old enough to get drunk and lounge around the pool and play games all day. Family dynamics have changed a lot since I was younger. The fireworks went off without a hitch too, so that's nice I guess.

I'm trying to imagine what a 20 foot jump looks like but it sounds pretty scary to me. Did you die?

I have a real fear of going over the handlebars. Did that once and ate shit when I was young. Wasn't fun

Glad you had fun ♫


annnd the realm of reality for many people is that animal products are the most affordable protein rich substance one can consume.

interesting how people cherry pick their crosses causes.

but that is neither here nor there....

I'm not sure how this conversation started, but I love food so I'm going to butt in.

Many individuals are typically unaware of the content of nutrients in their diet and that they can get good amounts of protein from plant-based diets, without the added boost of cholesterol. There's a severe lack of proper education, especially in terms of diet.. so much so that I'm not even sure if people realize that you can get protein from some really tasty veggies and plant-based foods. For that matter, I'm sure a lot of people don't realize that avocados have more potassium than bananas, with a lot of other really good nutrients too. There's also the people that are aware of everything and are ok with what they're eating, and that's fine. To each their own, I suppose.

If I didn't have such a difficulty with digesting certain plants, I'd probably be vegetarian again. I can't eat legumes due to migraines, a lot of leafy veggies I don't digest properly, and the list goes on. It really sucks, because I am so fond of vegetables, but my body is all like "nope" cause it's a dick. I pretty much take the protein where I can get it.

Kind of went off on a tangent, apologies.


Ooh, how was that? That sounds fun.

it was great.

me and that super unavailable girl made a great team :D

I'm not sure how this conversation started, but I love food so I'm going to butt in.

Many individuals are typically unaware of the content of nutrients in their diet and that they can get good amounts of protein from plant-based diets, without the added boost of cholesterol. There's a severe lack of proper education, especially in terms of diet.. so much so that I'm not even sure if people realize that you can get protein from some really tasty veggies and plant-based foods. For that matter, I'm sure a lot of people don't realize that avocados have more potassium than bananas, with a lot of other really good nutrients too. There's also the people that are aware of everything and are ok with what they're eating, and that's fine. To each their own, I suppose.

If I didn't have such a difficulty with digesting certain plants, I'd probably be vegetarian again. I can't eat legumes due to migraines, a lot of leafy veggies I don't digest properly, and the list goes on. It really sucks, because I am so fond of vegetables, but my body is all like "nope" cause it's a dick. I pretty much take the protein where I can get it.

Kind of went off on a tangent, apologies.

I was mainly just busting Matt's balls
I'm trying to imagine what a 20 foot jump looks like but it sounds pretty scary to me. Did you die?

I have a real fear of going over the handlebars. Did that once and ate shit when I was young. Wasn't fun

Glad you had fun ♫

haha it's really not that big. Try to remember how large the room you're sitting in is and compare it to that maybe. (like if your room is 10x12 then just double the floor length roughly)

No, I actually didn't drop the bike even once. I'm pretty proud of that, even if means I was riding conservatively most of the day.

it was great.

me and that super unavailable girl made a great team :D

Oh, well I'm glad you were able to enjoy it. It's good to be friendly with people for reasons other than relationship stuff.


haha it's really not that big. Try to remember how large the room you're sitting in is and compare it to that maybe. (like if your room is 10x12 then just double the floor length roughly)

No, I actually didn't drop the bike even once. I'm pretty proud of that, even if means I was riding conservatively most of the day.

I roughly measured it out and it's more than I'm comfortable jumping. You are officially braver than I am.

No guts, no glory. I am proud of you.

I endured being under siege all day yesterday as the neighborhood rumbled like London 1941, and capped it off by going out and being actively disliked by my date's brother + I saw a kid light his pants on fire. We're both brave in our own way.

I gotchu. I just really enjoy talking about two things: food and science. Lol

Speaking of which, I'm not sure what to do about dinner. Anyone have anything planned? I wanna hear what y'all are eating.

I just realized that you aren't the king of the sea, but a SeakLing with an L.. Whatever that is


I roughly measured it out and it's more than I'm comfortable jumping. You are officially braver than I am.

No guts, no glory. I am proud of you.

I endured being under siege all day yesterday as the neighborhood rumbled like London 1941, and capped it off by going out and being actively disliked by my date's brother + I saw a kid light his pants on fire. We're both brave in our own way.
Actively now? Guess I was wrong then. Gratz on being perceptive
Hey, I have a weird random game design question. How would people feel about there being a level in a game that's completely empty? The basic jist of the situation is you discover an ancient lost city that was evacuated and then essentially hermetically sealed to prevent anything from getting in. So it's not like a ghost town where there are ghosts or bandits or something that came back and reclaimed the space, and there aren't spiders or worms or other creatures that have filled the void. It's just an empty city. No traps, no friends, no enemies. Probably would take about fifteen to twenty minutes to walk all the way through it, or more if the player is especially adventurous.

I roughly measured it out and it's more than I'm comfortable jumping. You are officially braver than I am.

No guts, no glory. I am proud of you.

I endured being under siege all day yesterday as the neighborhood rumbled like London 1941, and capped it off by going out and being actively disliked by my date's brother + I saw a kid light his pants on fire. We're both brave in our own way.

haha thanks ♥

Fireworks are strictly banned in my community at home, so I would have missed a lot of them had I been in my house all day. Some of the golf courses around here put on shows though.


Hey, I have a weird random game design question. How would people feel about there being a level in a game that's completely empty? The basic jist of the situation is you discover an ancient lost city that was evacuated and then essentially hermetically sealed to prevent anything from getting in. So it's not like a ghost town where there are ghosts or bandits or something that came back and reclaimed the space, and there aren't spiders or worms or other creatures that have filled the void. It's just an empty city. No traps, no friends, no enemies. Probably would take about fifteen to twenty minutes to walk all the way through it, or more if the player is especially adventurous.
As long the adventure was worth it.
I've been tricked before.

Also, I'm a fan of places that further the plot, so even if it's just that, I see no problem with it.


Hey, I have a weird random game design question. How would people feel about there being a level in a game that's completely empty? The basic jist of the situation is you discover an ancient lost city that was evacuated and then essentially hermetically sealed to prevent anything from getting in. So it's not like a ghost town where there are ghosts or bandits or something that came back and reclaimed the space, and there aren't spiders or worms or other creatures that have filled the void. It's just an empty city. No traps, no friends, no enemies. Probably would take about fifteen to twenty minutes to walk all the way through it, or more if the player is especially adventurous.
At worst I have no problem with it. At best it can be an amazing atmosphere that contrasts the rest of the game.
Make sure to focus on the music and have things for the player to look at on occasion. My suggestion would be to have things out in the open that were just left there after the people abruptly left. Like Pompeii without the bodies


Hey, I have a weird random game design question. How would people feel about there being a level in a game that's completely empty? The basic jist of the situation is you discover an ancient lost city that was evacuated and then essentially hermetically sealed to prevent anything from getting in. So it's not like a ghost town where there are ghosts or bandits or something that came back and reclaimed the space, and there aren't spiders or worms or other creatures that have filled the void. It's just an empty city. No traps, no friends, no enemies. Probably would take about fifteen to twenty minutes to walk all the way through it, or more if the player is especially adventurous.

Oh. I have this exact thing and it's a great idea (IMO). In my game there's essentially a lost group of people who once tried to terraform the moon (in my game's lore) and were wiped out before they were able to succeed. They have a "home base" of sorts that is still overgrown with plantlife, the inhabitants long dead. There are a couple neat things to find there but basically it's all atmosphere and no conflict.

There are a number of references to these people but you never interact with them directly (save for one possible exception..).

The abandoned city is a great idea but in lieu of adversity the atmosphere -- the presentation -- become more important, obviously!

Actively now? Guess I was wrong then. Gratz on being perceptive

I may be being a bit dramatic but man he was ice cold :eek:


Thanks all! That's exactly what I hoped to hear :)

Maybe consider superficial interactions to keep the user engaged. Keeping the user occupied is key and if there's nothing but walking it may get dull.

For example, delicate things that fall apart when you touch them.


Hey, I have a weird random game design question. How would people feel about there being a level in a game that's completely empty? The basic jist of the situation is you discover an ancient lost city that was evacuated and then essentially hermetically sealed to prevent anything from getting in. So it's not like a ghost town where there are ghosts or bandits or something that came back and reclaimed the space, and there aren't spiders or worms or other creatures that have filled the void. It's just an empty city. No traps, no friends, no enemies. Probably would take about fifteen to twenty minutes to walk all the way through it, or more if the player is especially adventurous.

I think if properly placed it could make for some really nice pacing.

Like when you make it to Firelink, Majula or Firelink 2.0 it's such a nice respite after all the fighting.

I think the key is that even though it's a safe place there should still be things to do in it.


One of my favorite moments in indie gaming was non interaction. In bastion at the end you end up
carrying zulf's body and the enemies just stand there and watch you while you walk for a bit.
It was quite poignant

(Though I might not be remembering that entirely right since its been awhile)
Maybe consider superficial interactions to keep the user engaged. Keeping the user occupied is key and if there's nothing but walking it may get dull.

For example, delicate things that fall apart when you touch them.
Maybe. Crumbling ruins is pretty cliche, but perhaps for good reason. I'm banking on subversiveness right now.

I think if properly placed it could make for some really nice pacing.

Like when you make it to Firelink, Majula or Firelink 2.0 it's such a nice respite after all the fighting.

I think the key is that even though it's a safe place there should still be things to do in it.
I guess I'm wondering what those things to do would be if there are no NPCs and any text would be written in an illegible alien language.


Maybe. Crumbling ruins is pretty cliche, but perhaps for good reason. I'm banking on subversiveness right now.

I don't know what the full lore is, but I'm sure there's something that can be done to lead the user's attention or even act as red herrings.

If it's truly itsnothing.gif, that's honestly fine, but 15 minutes of nothing sounds like a lot.

in my case some of the plants stir and move when you disturb them.
I don't know what the full lore is, but I'm sure there's something that can be done to lead the user's attention or even act as red herrings.

If it's truly itsnothing.gif, that's honestly fine, but 15 minutes of nothing sounds like a lot.

in my case some of the plants stir and move when you disturb them.

Yeah, I'll figure something out.

There's a rough plot summary here but I don't expect anyone to read it because it's 5000 words. I also linked the game map below just in case. Spoilers obviously.



Yeah, I'll figure something out.

There's a rough plot summary here but I don't expect anyone to read it because it's 5000 words. I also linked the game map below just in case. Spoilers obviously.


I look forward to seeing Ukglok the Terrible. =] Just how big are we talking?

This is cool. I started with a strikingly similar document and map (and in each case things definitely drifted over time as the game was actually put together!).

edit: Why is it entitled "Another Love Story"?

edit 2: my game also has a character named Rime in it
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