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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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That's my favorite beverage.

ha it's just my perfume. I didn't drink anything sweet tonight.

When it's summer and you forget to flush your toilet at night


ventilate man. Always, always ventilate the bathroom.
I thought we lost you but you're holding on sorta! good job.

I'd love to see your moon thingy! that sounds awesome. I've found all kinds of cool stuff tonight, clicking around pinterest and other sites

I need to get better at building it in somewhere. also I got so tired that I put this response after Lilis post and hers under your post. will change around now.
ha it's just my perfume. I didn't drink anything sweet tonight.

ventilate man. Always, always ventilate the bathroom.

there's a cherry and vanilla perfume out there :eek: sounds a bit too sweet for me but still sounds cool :D

trab's up!


hey what does that mean >:[

Funky Papa

Not really. Hair is pretty light. It's only a drag when super wet or strong wind. That head of hair is probably half a pound, maybe less.

The feeling is relative. I worked at a beauty salon at a previous life (hey, I was a student, too) and plenty of customers expressed relief after doing away with their previously long manes. My girlfriend also has *long* hair and she complains quite a bit about it, to the point of cutting the inner part of it at the hairdressers'. Long hair is super warm, so I can only imagine that heat and sweat play a part in that feeling.

It won't snap your neck, but it can feel oppressive.
That makes sense. But you'd have to come up with a plan to go swimming, because yeah, that'd be heavy as darn!

I mean, I go swimming all the time. You just deal with it. Considering it takes years to grow out to that length, you have plenty of time to get used to the difference.

The feeling is relative. I worked at a beauty salon at a previous life (hey, I was a student, too) and plenty of customers expressed relief after doing away with their previously long manes. My girlfriend also has *long* hair and she complains quite a bit about it, to the point of cutting the inner part of it at the hairdressers'. Long hair is super warm, so I can only imagine that heat and sweat play a part in that feeling.

It won't snap your neck, but it can feel oppressive.

I can't very well speak to that since it's been over a decade since I had shortish hair. I just know long thick hair isn't a problem for me. But yeah, sometimes I pin it up to keep cool and get a breeze on my neck.


I think long hair is beautiful, and gives one so many options because there are so many ways to put it up if you want it out of the way.

It's just so fun to have that big canvas to work with.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I think long hair is beautiful, and gives one so many options because there are so many ways to put it up if you want it out of the way.

It's just so fun to have that big canvas to work with.

You'll have fun with my mop of hair


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I have more hair than I've ever had in a long time and I don't plan on cutting it until I need to



I got a haircut yesterday and now I look more hipster than I did before.

Next haircut I'm going to look exactly like Julian Edelman.

I'm also going to slowly grow out a handlebar mustache.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I got a haircut yesterday and now I look more hipster than I did before.

Next haircut I'm going to look exactly like Julian Edelman.

I'm also going to slowly grow out a handlebar mustache.
Why not go for the dandy stache?


Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Moustaches are a great reason to watch things!

agghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're breaking me, I'm too exhausted for this


that's awesome! is it a big hassle?

Yes! With the added annoyance of the colour too D:

Can I send you a photo of the metalhead. It makes me laugh and I need to share it
I have to imagine you'd feel that pulling on your head.

Yes— my partner braided her long hair for most of her life but by the time she was in her mid-20s it caused headaches and it's not really been significantly past her shoulders since for this and other practical reasons.

I should go find a photo of us from the early '00s. And despair.
Just finished watching Season 4 of Orange Is The New Black


Such an amazing season, on par with S2

Also the finale was just mental


Such a dark season, I loved it!

Funky Papa

This picture from The Guardian is my favourite thing of today

A reveller in Madrid’s gay pride parade strikes a pose as crowds in the Spanish capital defied heat and security concerns on Saturday for one of the biggest LGBT events in Europe, three weeks after the Orlando massacre

The pug makes it.
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