Next you'll tell me you haven't seen Blade Runner.
Like 90% of this thread hates radiohead
AND hasn't seen essential films like the godfather
I can't
Only the first ten or fifteen minutes.Next you'll tell me you haven't seen Blade Runner.
OMG, in that Pokemon GO thread...
People are walking around their block for the 1st time, WTF, I just can't...
This forum is just so depressing today.
I'm on mobile otherwise I'd post a dying Roy Batty.
I don't like taking baths. I take showers standing up in the pitch black with rock music blaring. Turn out all the lights, plug up all the doorjams with towels to keep light from seeping in. Total visual deprevation. Cold water.
Next you'll tell me you haven't seen Blade Runner.
Like 90% of this thread hates radiohead
AND hasn't seen essential films like the godfather
I can't
YupOmg, I NEED a modern Blade Runner game with interrogation and branching paths and shit. Give me a rebranded Deus Ex like and I'll be happyI also NEED to fuck somebody's brains out soon. I think the girl at the reception is quite fond of me so perhaps I should bone her in of the empty hotel rooms
Like 90% of this thread hates radiohead
AND hasn't seen essential films like the godfather
I can't
I want more life...FUME.I'm on mobile otherwise I'd post a dying Roy Batty.
Replace Muse with Tool and that's me.Radiohead, Muse, Dream Theatre are my main 3.
You had me right until you said cold water. Dark showers are the fucking bomb. Never listened to music in the shower though.
I'm on mobile otherwise I'd post a dying Roy Batty.
Not even going to try to multi quote.
Blade Runner is one of my favorite films for the cinematography alone. So many cyberpunk worlds built on those set designs.
Nah Blade Runner is the shit Vaz watch that shit.
That's all well and good but if you don't love cyberpunk then Blade Runner is hardly going to change your opinion on things. About the only cyberpunk movie I like a lot is Twelve Monkeys, and the cyberpunk parts are the worst parts of it.
Who doesn't love street level sci fi?
Vaz, the GiTS movie is great, but they aren't films I'd compare.
Who doesn't love street level sci fi?
I haven't seen any of The Godfather movies. But it seems a little too intense for me.
I have seen Alien, Aliens, Terminator, T2, and Blade Runner. Wasn't too impressed with the last one but that's after hearing all the hype and reading the book. I think I just don't like a lot of the tropes associated with it because of the noir thing.
Ghost in The Shell (animated) probably shits on BR tbh.
Blade Runner is one of the most boring movies I've seen. It put me to sleep. Still need to see the Godfather films. I have them on DVD.
lmao, no
Not even going to try to multi quote.
Blade Runner is one of my favorite films for the cinematography alone. So many cyberpunk worlds built on those set designs.
Brah I already explained I was fucking with Fume 2 times and now 3rd time. Jesus Christ in a G-String.
im a dirty brown kid i dont know how to read
Ghost in The Shell (animated) probably shits on BR tbh.
Please explain it again! XD
I just hate the notion that just because some thing is slower-placed, and builds itself up is shown as boring. Blade Runner is enthralling
Everyone figures this out, but everyone feels this way when they do. I don't think it's possible to fully realize that other people are actually fundamentally the same as you until you're older. Until then, you're the exception in the world.Nothing is more hilarious, heartwrenching, and uplifting than seeing someone learn that the world is fucked up and act like they are the only one to ever figure this out.
Replace Muse with Tool and that's me.
I haven't seen any of The Godfather movies. But it seems a little too intense for me.
I have seen Alien, Aliens, Terminator, T2, and Blade Runner. Wasn't too impressed with the last one but that's after hearing all the hype and reading the book. I think I just don't like a lot of the tropes associated with it because of the noir thing.
Blade Runner is one of the most boring movies I've seen. It put me to sleep. Still need to see the Godfather films. I have them on DVD.
OMG, in that Pokemon GO thread...
People are walking around their block for the 1st time, WTF, I just can't...
This forum is just so depressing today.
(If you want boring, try the Dune movie)
You people are into some very very soft music. Hahaha.