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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Once again you are letting your lack of suspension of disbelief ruin things for you Jobbs.

Believability should never be such a thing that ruins your enjoyment of a fictional thing.

It would be different if someone took insane liberties with a biopic or a documentary but this isn't that.

It's fine that you don't like it but I seriously feel bad that you can't suspend disbelief enough to enjoy so many things.

It depends on the tone of the movie. I can enjoy movies about all sorts of fantastical things, but tone is important -- And most important of all is that the characters behave in ways that seem believable -- That seem to come from some kind of human place. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo and so on are very simple archetypal characters, but they don't offend me because they behave in ways that seem consistent with who they are. I can understand them.

Interstellar seems to have been written backwards. He lazily bent his characters around a plot he wanted to do and it shows. "Wouldn't it be cool ifs" are fine for writing purposes, but they need to be challenged and vetted. Nolan needs an editor or a deputy or something. We see this kind of shit a lot with auteurs.


That end of the world one was funny too
I feel like I couldn't relate to it and it disappointed me a bit but I can get how someone could really enjoy it
Wait, really? Awesome. I find it to be very underrated. I also own the game and enjoyed it a lot!!!
It's not quite as good as the comic but it's very good. The style and casting was perfect

Well aside from Michael cera. He was still fine though


I feel like I couldn't relate to it and it disappointed me a bit but I can get how someone could really enjoy it

It's not quite as good as the comic but it's very good. The style and casting was perfect

Well aside from Michael cera. He was still fine though
Wasnt ready for it getting that crazy at the end but it was not bad


It's not quite as good as the comic but it's very good. The style and casting was perfect

Well aside from Michael cera. He was still fine though
I should had gotten into the comics, I believe my bro did. TBH I rarely read comics for some reason.

Sucks it never got ported to PC and while I have the PS3 version I dont like turning it on lol.
Lol, why not?


Oh yes all these immigrant dads who leave their families behind in order to get money to send back home are all monsters.

thanks for letting me know my dad was a monster all along!!!!!

Im woke because I'll die making the world a better place for EVERYONE.

How many people in here will give up their on safety to do that? How many of you all protest and attended a BLM rally?

as someone who only has a moderate amount of chill myself... you should consider increasing your chill.


I hate that word


:: shivers ::


Im woke because I'll die making the world a better place for EVERYONE.

How many people in here will give up their on safety to do that? How many of you all protest and attended a BLM rally?
Umm. Okay? I'm not sure what that has to do with movie opinions.

By the way, I'm a Latina immigrant who didn't go to protests until recently for fear of deportation. So sorry I didn't want to be deported back to the country where my father was kidnapped and my family consistently threatened and track downed and kidnapped and murdered.

In any case, this has shit to do with movie opinions so I'm still not sure why you brought it up and why you are posting in a thread where you clearly don't like the other folks?
I never got Hot Fuzz....like I didn't find anything funny. I don't know why. I love Spaced and Shaun of the Dead

watch Every Frame A Painting's video on 'What is Bayhem' first, then watch Hot Fuzz.

It's a parody of action movie tropes, including the visual style. Paralax, paralax, slowmo, paralax, paralax, etc. I do think that makes it harder to 'get the joke', since we're so used to zombie tropes those require less explaining. But they're very similar movies in terms of their setup.
It's The World's End that was the miss for me. Yes, I know it's coming of age stories or the 'shitty man must learn to not be shitty' plot, but aside from the ending and the action segments (due to Brad Allen) I sadly did not get as many laughs from it as the other two.
Scott Pilgrim is kind of 'eh' to me. It's funny, but it's not a movie I would think of as 'I should rewatch this'.


watch Every Frame A Painting's video on 'What is Bayhem' first, then watch Hot Fuzz.

It's a parody of action movie tropes, including the visual style. Paralax, paralax, slowmo, paralax, paralax, etc. I do think that makes it harder to 'get the joke', since we're so used to zombie tropes those require less explaining. But they're very similar movies in terms of their setup.
It's The World's End that was the miss for me. Yes, I know it's coming of age stories or the 'shitty man must learn to not be shitty' plot, but aside from the ending and the action segments (due to Brad Allen) I sadly did not get as many laughs from it as the other two.
Scott Pilgrim is kind of 'eh' to me. It's funny, but it's not a movie I would think of as 'I should rewatch this'.

Every Frame A Painting is fucking awesome

solid suggestion
Interstellar was edited a lot. The original story was a lot different and in many ways worse. I like its ending better, but most everything else was well adapted.

My favorite character is the one who seems to get the most shit
Matt Damon.
In a movie about exploring what it is to be human, he's the most human of them all (and his name is a dead giveaway).
Humans are social animals and the pressures of isolation got to be too much for him, which is totally something I can relate to. I don't know if that means I'd sabotage a hugely important mission, but the failure of scientific inquisition at the behest of human emotion is a deeply compelling story to me.

Spoilers for the original ending in the 2008 screenplay
Mann is dead on the planet they find him. Chinese robots fought and defeated him. Later, these same robots go and start a laboratory on the event horizon of the nearby black hole and spend 6000 years developing a cure for the blight, which for the people on Earth is just a few days and short enough to save them all.


watch Every Frame A Painting's video on 'What is Bayhem' first, then watch Hot Fuzz.

It's a parody of action movie tropes, including the visual style. Paralax, paralax, slowmo, paralax, paralax, etc. I do think that makes it harder to 'get the joke', since we're so used to zombie tropes those require less explaining. But they're very similar movies in terms of their setup.
It's The World's End that was the miss for me. Yes, I know it's coming of age stories or the 'shitty man must learn to not be shitty' plot, but aside from the ending and the action segments (due to Brad Allen) I sadly did not get as many laughs from it as the other two.
Scott Pilgrim is kind of 'eh' to me. It's funny, but it's not a movie I would think of as 'I should rewatch this'.
Tbf Scott pilgrim is also "shitty man must learn to not be shitty" :V
I just find it more relatable
We must conclude that he's either a terrible person or an implausibly written character. Either way I don't relate to him.

Human nature isnt so defined, do you really believe it impossible that a human with such a passion could not leave their child to pursue that passion. To look at it deeper, we must understand the gravity of this passion. What impact this adventure will have not only on himself but humans at all. You just assume he is a terrible person for leaving his child, who still has a parent and is looked after, without realising he has probably already went though this thought process in his mind. I havent even watched the movie, but such a blanket statement on the nature of people is what piqued my curiosity. Is it not plausible a father would leave his daughter on earth, knowing the emotional effect it would have on him, because of his passion on the advancement of human knowledge and his role in this adventure, being a one in a generation event?

I mean, fuck, yeah sure he regretted it later on. But that is human nature. Our reasoningings change overtime based on circumstantial evidence, maybe this adventure is not what he thought it would be or he underestimated his initial impact on it and thus knowing this new information would rather go back and spend his time with his daughter. But thats what makes us human, hindsight is 20/20.

Again im writing this on never seeing the movie or plot, just based on what ive read here. But based on that alone, I would find that character incredibly complex exploring the basic nature of what it means to be human, and wouldnt ever consider him a terrible person.


Interstellar was edited a lot. The original story was a lot different and in many ways worse. I like its ending better, but most everything else was well adapted.

My favorite character is the one who seems to get the most shit
Matt Damon.
In a movie about exploring what it is to be human, he's the most human of them all (and his name is a dead giveaway).
Humans are social animals and the pressures of isolation got to be too much for him, which is totally something I can relate to. I don't know if that means I'd sabotage a hugely important mission, but the failure of scientific inquisition at the behest of human emotion is a deeply compelling story to me.

Spoilers for the original ending in the 2008 screenplay
Mann is dead on the planet they find him. Chinese robots fought and defeated him. Later, these same robots go and start a laboratory on the event horizon of the nearby black hole and spend 6000 years developing a cure for the blight, which for the people on Earth is just a few days and short enough to save them all.
He had an awesome death as well.=p


Interstellar was edited a lot. The original story was a lot different and in many ways worse. I like its ending better, but most everything else was well adapted.

My favorite character is the one who seems to get the most shit
Matt Damon.
In a movie about exploring what it is to be human, he's the most human of them all (and his name is a dead giveaway).
Humans are social animals and the pressures of isolation got to be too much for him, which is totally something I can relate to. I don't know if that means I'd sabotage a hugely important mission, but the failure of scientific inquisition at the behest of human emotion is a deeply compelling story to me.

Spoilers for the original ending in the 2008 screenplay
Mann is dead on the planet they find him. Chinese robots fought and defeated him. Later, these same robots go and start a laboratory on the event horizon of the nearby black hole and spend 6000 years developing a cure for the blight, which for the people on Earth is just a few days and short enough to save them all.

While Matt Damon's placement in the plot had some eye roll aspects for me, I think I agree that he's oddly the most relatable person in the movie

Human nature isnt so defined, do you really believe it impossible that a human with such a passion could not leave their child to pursue that passion. To look at it deeper, we must understand the gravity of this passion. What impact this adventure will have not only on himself but humans at all. You just assume he is a terrible person for leaving his child, who still has a parent and is looked after, without realising he has probably already went though this thought process in his mind. I havent even watched the movie, but such a blanket statement on the nature of people is what piqued my curiosity. Is it not plausible a father would leave his daughter on earth, knowing the emotional effect it would have on him, because of his passion on the advancement of human knowledge and his role in this adventure, being a one in a generation event?

I mean, fuck, yeah sure he regretted it later on. But that is human nature. Our reasoningings change overtime based on circumstantial evidence, maybe this adventure is not what he thought it would be or he underestimated his initial impact on it and thus knowing this new information would rather go back and spend his time with his daughter. But thats what makes us human, hindsight is 20/20.

Again im writing this on never seeing the movie or plot, just based on what ive read here. But based on that alone, I would find that character incredibly complex exploring the basic nature of what it means to be human, and wouldnt ever consider him a terrible person.

well watch it then report back! :p I only listed the first of many "I don't buy this character as a human being" moments in the film


That's alot of Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead is better than Hot Fuzz, I even prefer Scott Pilgrim to it.=O
Hot fuzz is very good. A bit low on your list though

Forgot about Scott pilgrim. That's my #9

I never got Hot Fuzz....like I didn't find anything funny. I don't know why. I love Spaced and Shaun of the Dead

Hmm, how do you feel about terrible action/cop movies in general? I absolutely adore anything by Arnold, Sly, Seagal etc.(my taste is basically the same as Danny's in the movie!), so the way Hot Fuzz plays on those tropes is hilarious to me :p

EDIT: Freeza said this a lot better lol


To continue with what I was saying about my desire for characters in movies to seem human -- For all of the problems in the prequels, this is the deal breaker. The characters simply aren't human.

With one exception. The Emperor! He's wonderful! He has passion. He cares about something. He's so fun!

He alone provides ep3 with just enough redeeming value to be worth an occasional watch.


Umm. Okay? I'm not sure what that has to do with movie opinions.

By the way, I'm a Latina immigrant who didn't go to protests until recently for fear of deportation. So sorry I didn't want to be deported back to the country where my father was kidnapped and my family consistently threatened and track downed and kidnapped and murdered.

In any case, this has shit to do with movie opinions so I'm still not sure why you brought it up and why you are posting in a thread where you clearly don't like the other folks?
I don't like one person in this thread. And with that I'll make this my last post here.

I got to where I am through passion and fighting for what's right. I grew up in literal poverty but here I am. I hardly relate to anyone here. I hardly do fun because fun is not for me. My very existence is to serve the concept of humanity. My life is expendable yet important. I am a tool to be used to make things better.

PS. I have had a gun shoved to my face. Many times. Whether it be cops, criminals or racist ass white dudes. I am for all intents and purposes lucky to be still breathing today. This is the reason I'm hardly chill today. Is it PTSD who knows?
^ love Perturbator

I've been thinking of going back to working at this bar again. the pay was very unsteady since we did get sent home a lot if business was shitty but some extra cash wouldn't be bad. just don't know if it would be worth it :/
I suck at bartending but some of it would also just be sitting at the entrance


^ love Perturbator

I've been thinking of going back to working at this bar again. the pay was very unsteady since we did get sent home a lot if business was shitty but some extra cash wouldn't be bad. just don't know if it would be worth it :/
I suck at bartending but some of it would also just be sitting at the entrance

But think of all the gross drunk guys you could get hit on by <3


^ love Perturbator

I've been thinking of going back to working at this bar again. the pay was very unsteady since we did get sent home a lot if business was shitty but some extra cash wouldn't be bad. just don't know if it would be worth it :/
I suck at bartending but some of it would also just be sitting at the entrance

a fan of appleseed cast and perturbator :O

you win today trab

and regarding the bar gig - it would never hurt to give it another go. maybe it's less shitty these days?

Can we at least agree that Interstellar's OST is a real smanger?
No Time for Caution
Cornfield Chase

annnnnnnd I'm going to brag about the fact that I got to see Hans Zimmer perform this music live earlier in the year. The whole thing was prefaced by a lecture on gravity waves by Kip Thorne and it was easily one of the most emotionally affecting artistic experiences of my life.


this didn't even happen that often. only one old creepy dude who wanted to take me home and that fuckboy who contacted me lately. hmmm I'm really just all about the money

Come work for me. You can be community manager or director of something something.


not hiring but maybe some day :(


So theres this number that tried to call me 16 times in the last two hours. Now I'm too creeper out to answer if they do it again


irresponsible vagina leak
Scott Pilgrim is the best comic book / graphic novel / etc adaptation tbh. One of those few movies were I even enjoyed Michael Cera. I also had a minor crush on Mary Elizabeth Winstead that started in Sky High and then went even bigger when she did Ramona lol.
Scott Pilgrim is the best comic book / graphic novel / etc adaptation tbh. One of those few movies were I even enjoyed Michael Cera. I also had a minor crush on Mary Elizabeth Winstead that started in Sky High and then went even bigger when she did Ramona lol.

I never got that Ramona crush thing. heard if by so many people. like she's pretty and cute but that haircut? and inline skates?!?!


I never got that Ramona crush thing. heard if by so many people. like she's pretty and cute but that haircut? and inline skates?!?!

The look didn't particularly translate well to real life and MEW especially doesn't really seem to fit it even though I really like her and thought she played the character well


Scott Pilgrim is the best comic book / graphic novel / etc adaptation tbh. One of those few movies were I even enjoyed Michael Cera. I also had a minor crush on Mary Elizabeth Winstead that started in Sky High and then went even bigger when she did Ramona lol.
Everything in this post is true, all of it.

And yes, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is cute!
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