Desperate parents want a reason. Snake oil peddlers exploit it.
Somehow having a child with autism is the worst thing in the world in their demented view.
Tons of child abuse from "treatments" like chelation therapy, enemas, bleaching, extreme diets:
Depressingly, in addition to all these antivaccine quacks, theres one particularly despicable, one particularly nasty quack. Im referring, of course, to Kerri Rivera, the woman who advocates subjecting autistic children to ingesting bleach and taking bleach enemas to treat autism. I once asked whether the autism biomed movement will ever renounce the use of bleach to treat autism. The answer, we now see, is clearly no. It looks like its bleach enema karaoke again this year, at least if Riveras talk is any indication:
I don't know why I'm not getting tired of that
No food in here dude. Have to be up in 3 1/2 hours for some stupid investor meeting thing -_-Lets play fencing with our sausages?
No food in here dude. Have to be up in 3 1/2 hours for some stupid investor meeting thing -_-
Think mine would go inside itself homie, doesn't do it for meBy sausage I meant our dicks
Think mine would go inside itself homie, doesn't do it for me
K night few more shots and let the assistant wake me up
I'd make a joke about how gay men aren't truly horndogs because no one seems to want to fuck me (or even talk to me) on these apps but then I'd have to cry bitterly. I mean, DAMN.
Katy Perry = 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
She is the most followed person on Twitte
Oh right I was supposed to link music for Turin
And my current favourite solely for the lyrics
You are the most followed person on Frogge.
I see.That "PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS" bit had me cracking up for some reason.
(Late reply because I bowed out after successive pictures of blue hair.)
They were sending them to me.I heard a rumour that Jobbs recently conspired to send bombs through the US postal service.
The Killers was basically the soundtrack to my high school experience. Everyone used to get into furious debate about what all the songs meant. Ah, good times.
My boyfriend has an interview for a new job on Monday, which I'm pretty excited about. Among other things, it would mean he doesn't have to go to bed at 11 and wake up at 6 anymore, so we would have more time together.
This weekend is my dad's birthday, which feels weird because Father's day was just three weeks ago, so it's like hey we just celebrated you. For some reason I'm more conscientious of that closeness this year than years prior. Maybe time is flying by. I don't know.
Matt, bomb ass pussy doesn't make any sense. The dna of the donkey and cat is far too separate to allow for a viable spawn of that unholy union. Although I suppose you could do whatever you like with the decrepit fetus.
I probably have asperger's but I don't want to be one of those hypochondriacs who self diagnose when they perceive a bunch of symptoms
I am going to make Jobbs some of my special lavender/sodium bath bombs.
Well then...
Had a movie night that turned into a dog party since we all brought our pets. Finally saw Zootopia. The allegory for racism is a lot stronger in that film than I had originally thought. It's a fantastic movie though and I would definitely recommend it.
Never would have expected Disney to make ajoke.Breaking Bad
I'm officially out of of cool plans for this week.
This has been the worst day in my whole life so far. I haven't slept in 30 hours, I'm dehydrated, hungry and my heart hurts. All thanks to the incompetence of Jetshitstar that had the audacity to refuse to buy me a flight home, a flight that I missed because that shit company neglected to maintain their aircrafts properly. Now I'm suddenly 300 Euros poorer and my throat is sour from screaming at those little shits behind the counter...God give me strength, I almost killed one of those maggots.
my tolerance for emoji is running thin of late. Here, have some proper ascii characters ♥☺☻
Wouldn't be the first time I exploded in the bath tub. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It's weird that fish swim around in their own poop, and we eat them like they haven't been swimming around in their own poop their whole life.
Unicode is a homophone of eunuch ode.
If I moved into a backpacker hostel my rent would decrease from $345 a week to $50 a week...
And it'd be closer to work, and there'd be people to meet, and there's a gym...
I wanted to have emma roberts be like "not me, bitch" or "I don't eat fish, bitch" or something.. but alas (homophone for "a lass", btw, which is what I was looking for!)
If I moved into a backpacker hostel my rent would decrease from $345 a week to $50 a week...
And it'd be closer to work, and there'd be people to meet, and there's a gym...
This has been the worst day in my whole life so far. I haven't slept in 30 hours, I'm dehydrated, hungry and my heart hurts. All thanks to the incompetence of Jetshitstar that had the audacity to refuse to buy me a flight home, a flight that I missed because that shit company neglected to maintain their aircrafts properly. Now I'm suddenly 300 Euros poorer and my throat is sour from screaming at those little shits behind the counter...God give me strength, I almost killed one of those maggots.
God, I hate everything about flying.
Our hostels aren't like that, they are filled with attractive suntanned foreign women, and even more attractive foreign men, who do manual labor in exchange for money so they don't have to go back to their depressing lives of manual labor in the French countryside or London or Rio or Bonn or wherever.
Alright then! I expect plenty of interesting stories from this advent.
Poppy says what we're all thinking. I may have to make a gif folder for her.