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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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I think how often you find people annoying is also a reflection of yourself. If you look for good in people you'll often find it. If you look for bad you'll often find it.


I think how often you find people annoying is also a reflection of yourself. If you look for good in people you'll often find it. If you look for bad you'll often find it.
that's not really the same thing. I tend to be way more positive than other people about random people and never could find it in myself to hate anyone but I don't really find most people worth spending time with.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I think how often you find people annoying is also a reflection of yourself. If you look for good in people you'll often find it. If you look for bad you'll often find it.
It depends on where and what you are looking for.

Trying to find someone genuine in like, say a bar in Hermosa Beach is different than say, a meetup group of history enthusiasts.


If you have a somewhat irrational fear of flying (and don't "it's statistically safer than driving" me, because I also don't like driving) there's always a kid somewhere nearby who's saying out loud all the things you're thinking

I actually had the "what's that sound?" "are we gonna die?" "is the plane gonna crash?" kid a few rows back last time I flew to philllyy

I don't especially fear it anymore. I just hate the process of travel. All the waiting, the security, the jet exhaust fumes, the discomfort and boredom of the flight itself. It's all exhausting to me.

(I don't particularly care for driving long distances either but at least in that scenario, you have a little more control in the breaks you can take. In my last long drive, I took great advantage of rest stops.)
Yeah, it's not really the legality of it that I'm bothered about - it's all above board - it's just the maturity, the lifestyles, and the distance. It's a 1 1/2 hour drive to where she lives, and she's at university.
That's an absolutely terrible idea. It's a bad for her because kids at eighteen don't know what they want and who they are. That age is pivotal in shaping who someone is. It's not a good time to date someone unless they're right in that process of discovery with you. And plus if she's at school then she's going to have a host of friends she spends every day with which forms tight groups to the exclusion of people outside that clan. Furthermore, university becomes increasingly busy as it goes along. She may have a light load this first year, but in the years following trying to find time to hang out with people becomes harder and harder, especially if they don't conveniently live next door.

And it's a bad idea for you because after driving so long to see her you're going to naturally expect a higher payoff from the visit than if you had just dropped by a few minutes away. It puts an unfair expectation on the whole affair. Plus there is often a stigma of being an old person on campus if you hang out with undergrads since it's so damn obvious then.

I really wish I could be supporting this because I really want you to find a bunch of happiness, but everything from my experience is telling me it's an awful idea. I don't know one person whose long-distance relationship survived a whole year of university but I know at least a dozen whose did not. Sorry :(


I really wish I could be supporting this because I really want you to find a bunch of happiness, but everything from my experience is telling me it's an awful idea. I don't know one person whose long-distance relationship survived a whole year of university but I know at least a dozen whose did not. Sorry :(

My sister who I mentioned previously went through a year of long distance in college(an hour an a half away actually) with a 29 y/o bf.

I'll leave it at "its possible but theres a lot more than normal to go wrong"


I could absolutely never ever ever be involved with an 18 year old

Most people under 25 seem like kids to me

There are certain people under 25 who can be very mature and intelligent and carry an adult conversation, but the minute they're around their friends it's like being in another world


She's not far from 26 but yea, like I've said, there are times when she seems really young. I'm 34

for some reason that's making me think of Tammy and Birdperson

also I don't know about anyone else but I feel like age generally isn't noticeable in this thread and i find that interesting
How does the blue drink taste?

My sister has a snow cone machine in her bedroom. One time we poured glasses of milk and then stirred in a bunch of blue raspberry syrup meant for the snow cones, and then pretended we were in star wars.



okay so I'm legit excited. I know I'm 34 but my mom is here and going to make cookies and I'm going to watch a stupid movie or two

That's the jerkiest superpower!
Hmm I'd take superstrength and invincibility. I'm oldschool and I wanna be violent with the bad guys

Invincibility is a near cousin of regeneration.. Plus that's far jerkier. Wolverine CAN be killed, it's just really hard

edit: also you picked two. :mad:
If you finally get your ass to Hamburg are we going to party?
We'd be doing nothing else!

okay so I'm legit excited. I know I'm 34 but my mom is here and going to make cookies and I'm going to watch a stupid movie or two

Invincibility is a near cousin of regeneration.. Plus that's far jerkier. Wolverine CAN be killed, it's just really hard

edit: also you picked two. :mad:
But they go together! It's a package
My sister has a snow cone machine in her bedroom. One time we poured glasses of milk and then stirred in a bunch of blue raspberry syrup meant for the snow cones, and then pretended we were in star wars.


I must say that when I think of Star Wars I'm not reminded of blue drinks, but it does sound like it would look cool. Was the taste any good though?
is blue drink anything like purple drank? if so please don't do it

most are probably over 27 or so tho

Nah, many here are a bit younger than that. I'm 23.

I chugged down some coffee creamer so it's probably not as bad.


Which makes me curious, what is the weirdest thing people here have consumed? Let's exclude sperm.

We had some dog treats when I was a lot younger that didn't taste too bad so I had a few of those.

Which makes me curious, what is the weirdest thing people here have consumed? Let's exclude sperm.

We had some dog treats when I was a lot younger that didn't taste too bad so I had a few of those.

Probably spe-

Dammit. I guess peanut butter and onion. It's so fucking good. Gotta be sweet onion tho.


Which makes me curious, what is the weirdest thing people here have consumed? Let's exclude sperm.

Aside from the 800 spiders a year we all eat in our sleep, probably a live worm. My cousin and I would get into these "do weird things" contests when we were kids
Aside from the 800 spiders a year we all eat in our sleep, probably a live worm. My cousin and I would get into these "do weird things" contests when we were kids

That makes me remember that I got a grasshopper with a magazine once for consumption. They threw in some recipes with it too. I was willing to eat it, but never got around to it and after a while I didn't feel like I still wanted to eat it.

I think we have some bugs at a supermarket nearby though, I'd like to try them sometime. High prices though, supply and demand I guess.


That makes me remember that I got a grasshopper with a magazine once for consumption. They threw in some recipes with it too. I was willing to eat it, but never got around to it and after a while I didn't feel like I still wanted to eat it.

I think we have some bugs at a supermarket nearby though, I'd like to try them sometime. High prices though, supply and demand I guess.

why is this a thing


Those are real scorpions encased in candy

So hot ❤️❤️❤️

Blood soaked crazy eyed Gosling is my favorite Gosling

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