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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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I would think ENFJ but its hard to say from posting on the internet forums. also most of those tests aren't super accurate to how Meyers Briggs is supposed to work since they just do binary for the letters but I don't feel like explaining how it really works
we're the same!
I got ENFP. It has me at 56% extroverted which seems wrong somehow, because I know I'm introverted. The other sliders seem about right.

edit: that makes me sailor moon and in charge of you. >:)

it also means we're hooking up haha


myguess: isfj

Got (INFP-A)



errr EXXJs are the leader types :p

If I'm Sailor Moon, I'm the leader, right? The show is named after me!

Story time?

Sat on a cactus? Intentionally shoved a cactus in there? A finger?

Nothing too sexy. My nutritionist had me putting anal suppositories into my, er, anus. You have to push it passed the sphincter and then it absorbs into your system. Imagine the feeling of reverse shitting


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
My personality type is AWSM

Amazing, Witty, Snarky, Magnificent
I always scored INTP, INTJ, or INFP. Taking these tests isn't fun anymore since it presents questions that are considerably relative or at times, patronizing. For example, the question "Do you like socializing?". Of course I do, it's just I don't have the resources/am too fucking neurotic to do it as much as I'd like to. Sorry for my piddly little tiff.


I always scored INTP, INTJ, or INFP. Taking these tests isn't fun anymore since it presents questions that are considerably relative or at times, patronizing. For example, the question "Do you like socializing?". Of course I do, it's just I don't have the resources/am too fucking neurotic to do it as much as I'd like to. Sorry for my piddly little tiff.

rank thosein order of what you relate to: http://understandmyersbriggs.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-8-cognitive-functions.html

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Never made out with a guy with a septum piercing and tongue bar. So that was a new experience.

I'm so tired.

Do I go back out for day 3 of the BBQ festival? Or do I go home and sleep for possibly a year. Last time I had a half decent sleep was probably last Sunday. I feel like a walking corpse.
In toronto
jetlagged and tired as fuck

The poor stewardess had to go the entire flight telling the lone guy in the exit row that it would not be funny to open the hatch mid-flight.

then he complained to her for half an hour that ordering a cheeseburger was easier than following the safety instructions.

I say INFJ
wanna make it interesting?





I'll cave and take the test.

What's the difference? :O
INTP is kinda typical nerd, work with numbers get excited about stuff on computers and comics etc. generally smart keep to themselves often a bit witty
infj i don't really understand but generally they kinda got their shit together from what I understand. not like frustratingly so but kind and well kept and often good at writing

tho these are huge stereotypes based on the kinds of people that would fit either
Very true. :p

They tried to analyze Kark and my relationship and it didn't fit at all.
tbf mbti relationship stuff is generally bullshit too. fits a bit better for suggesting what jobs you'd have a temperament for though


Haha how come?

How come I can't see it or how come they just do binary letters?

For the first just cause you don't talk or argue like any INTJ I've ever talked to and they're incredibly obvious once you recognize the pattern

For the second cause its super easy


How come I can't see it or how come they just do binary letters?

For the first just cause you don't talk or argue like any INTJ I've ever talked to and they're incredibly obvious once you recognize the pattern

For the second cause its super easy
Meant the first, yeah.

I think the biggest area where I'm like umm no is the whole arrogance and self confidence thing.

misha agrees with me that pau is INTP and the results are wrong

Pau what was your judging/prospecting ratio?
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