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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Are you really going to eat all that?
You should eat more!
When are you going to stop dying your hair?
Have you considered dying your hair red/blonde/white?
Are you sick? You look awful. Something about your eyes...
You're so flat (chested)!
Make sure you wear heels to that event.
Why did you get a tattoo? Your skin is so pretty, it's a shame to cover it.
When are you getting your next tattoo?
You need to get some sun, your skin is so pale!
hope you didn't let them off easy

My dad never criticizes me for pretty much anything which I'm really grateful for.

My maternal grandmother tho. Lord help me.

Queen of the geighs.

I mean this is maybe song of the decade but not the century.

It kind of reminds me of Tunak Tunak Tun
Grandmas don't give a shit anymore and will go in on you real quick

decade times 10


irresponsible vagina leak
Shit I get from family
"You would look really handsome if you lost some weight"
"When will you start diet?"
"When will you shave the beard?"
"Are you depressed?" (When my beard is really full this gets thrown often)

I think that's part that I've gotten


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
How do they determine if you've answered honestly, not just how you think they want you to answer?
I dunno, actually. I answered honestly so it wasn't a problem for me. They did tell me that the tests have certain flags for dishonesty.


Are you really going to eat all that?
You should eat more!
When are you going to stop dying your hair?
Have you considered dying your hair red/blonde/white?
Are you sick? You look awful. Something about your eyes...
You're so flat (chested)!
Make sure you wear heels to that event.
Why did you get a tattoo? Your skin is so pretty, it's a shame to cover it.
When are you getting your next tattoo?
You need to get some sun, your skin is so pale!

My favorite is the insult/compliment combo. Like they're the arbiters of all things good and bad.

I'd fite most of those people -- that said I'm always genuinely curious about/interested in peoples' tattoos and tattoo plans so I hope it's not upsetting when I ask!

I've been told things like "dude you look like shit" if I've had a rough go of it here and there, but for the most part no one seems to care what I look like.
Grandmas don't give a shit anymore and will go in on you real quick

Indeed. She and my grandpa STILL don't know about the gay mainly because I don't think it would be worth it to tell them. I don't think they'd disown me or anything but some of their comments in the past have pretty much made me against telling them ever. They're both p old anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Shit I get from family
"You would look really handsome if you lost some weight"
"When will you start diet?"
"When will you shave the beard?"
"Are you depressed?" (When my beard is really full this gets thrown often)

I think that's part that I've gotten

Weight and hair is a fav to bring up with families
Indeed. She and my grandpa STILL don't know about the gay mainly because I don't think it would be worth it to tell them. I don't think they'd disown me or anything but some of their comments in the past have pretty much made me against telling them ever. They're both p old anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Was told to just shut up and let old family talk. They get tired quick and then you can sneak away
Don't bring something major asking for their opinion unless ya'll real close and cool
I dunno, actually. I answered honestly so it wasn't a problem for me. They did tell me that the tests have certain flags for dishonesty.

Interesting. I mean I figured you would certainly be answering honestly. I'm just curious about the logistics, as usual.

As far as personality tests in general, I think they can be useful tools for helping people relate to you. Not in a way like "you're INFP? Me too!" but more like "I'm ENTJ, so if I sometimes act or behave in X way then that's why, or this is what I'm feeling".

Even the people who know me best, like my parents, I still have to step them aside sometimes and explain why I behave certain ways or what my train of thought is in a given situation. Sometimes labels can quickly communicate what mere observation and vague intuitions do not.

My favorite is the insult/compliment combo. Like they're the arbiters of all things good and bad.

I'd fite most of those people -- that said I'm always genuinely curious about/interested in peoples' tattoos and tattoo plans so I hope it's not upsetting when I ask!

I've been told things like "dude you look like shit" if I've had a rough go of it here and there, but for the most part no one seems to care what I look like.

The problem is most people are well meaning about it on some level. Like if someone tells me my skin is too pale, it's (usually) not because they want me to know I'm less than, it's because they want me to be the best I can be and improve myself.

Or when people tell me to eat more, it's like they think there's some ideal weight and I've fallen below it because someone is lying to me about how skinny I should be, so them telling me that it's okay and proper to eat more is going to finally relieve me of that false burden.

But the thing is I love my body right now. Besides, if there was something "wrong" with me that I felt was a problem, then I would either already be working on fixing it or I would have a reason for continuing to be that way.

Take, for example, dying my hair. It's unnatural, some people don't think it looks good, and on a biological level it's less healthy for my hair than not dying it. Okay, but so what? I'm okay with it being dyed. I did a cost/benefit analysis and came in favor of dying it. (and at risk of overstepping my bounds, I feel like you could make a similar argument for people who choose to be overweight)

In unrelated news but sort of a callback, I found out this afternoon that my brother's fiance's best friend is going to have a rainbow-dyed mohawk in the wedding. Haha.

For the tattoo thing, I think there are as many ways to talk about someone else' tattoos respectfully as there are disrespectfully. The main thing, I think, is to not have any expectations about it. And just because you're okay with or interested in tattoos doesn't mean you want a whole bunch of them. Some people tat their skin like the American flag, designed on every spare inch. I just want to be the Japanese flag. :)


irresponsible vagina leak
I'm drunk. Ask me anything.

What would you prefer to be doing right now?
If you could delete 1 discography, 1 game series and 1 film franchise which ones would you pick per category?
What you drinking?
Why are you drinking?
What is the meaning of life?
There's gotta be more to life than what we currently have?


If I ask about tattoos it's because I'm curious. I never offer feedback on things like that (beyond "it's awesome!") unless it's specifically asked of me, in which case I'll try to offer up my best ideas.
Should I call the girl that gave me her number tonight?

Do it!

What should I drink tonight?

Well, a nice wine can never go wrong. But other than that, vodka tbh.

What would you prefer to be doing right now?
If you could delete 1 discography, 1 game series and 1 film franchise which ones would you pick per category?
What you drinking?
Why are you drinking?
What is the meaning of life?
There's gotta be more to life than what we currently have?

Having sex.

Britney Spears' discog, DOA for the game series, and Fast and Furious for the film franchise.


Because I can.



On what? I had a glass of chardonnay with dinner, but not enough to get drunk.

Wine. Chardonnay as it happens.
Wine. Chardonnay as it happens.

Hahaha yes.

What is the most important invention of the past hundred years, and what's something you hope gets successfully invented in your lifetime?

If I ask about tattoos it's because I'm curious. I never offer feedback on things like that (beyond "it's awesome!") unless it's specifically asked of me, in which case I'll try to offer up my best ideas.

Yeah I know. It's about tone and context. So like when you ask, you have a respectful tone and I understand the context. But, for example, it would be possible for someone else to ask in a way where it feels like "why do you only have one? Do you not actually love tattoos and it was just a dare/drunk thing? Is that just a poser thing? Prove to me that you actually like tattoos as much as I do."

Briggs Myers is absolute garbage. I rate it as the same as I rate Freudian psychology.
Something best left behind.

Don't be like that. If other people find a tool useful, don't shit on it.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
It's not useful since it's not reproducible. It's bad science and psychology as a field is having a reproducibility crisis as is.


By its very nature, psychology is almost impossible to quantify or replicate.

And yet it is very useful to some people.
and it encompasses all evaluations of stuff like personality as a whole. simply put you change and how you respond to such things change.

its not like anyone is basing their life decisions solely based on it anyway. it has its uses.

People change but not that much, which is why the consistency is based over certain periods of time.I dont really want to write an essay on it, but myers briggs is fun only, it really doesnt have any uses. The MBTI is a company that makes money based on lies while psychologists pretty much lament it. Its not a valid psychometric test, because of what i said. You said people change from what I remember MB personalities changed by about 50% based on the structure of the test and its nature. Theres no such thing as a definite answer, in psych the more you try to apply definites the easier it is to disprove, which is why MB fails.
Who would you like to have sex with?
What would you eat now?
Ever eaten booty like groceries?
If you could give any advice to yourself 5 years back what would you say to yourself?
Why is Ellie Goulding latest album so awful?

With bae.


I'd deadass eat anything rn.


Don't be an indecisive little shit.

It's not tho. It has some bops. Oop.

Hahaha yes.

What is the most important invention of the past hundred years, and what's something you hope gets successfully invented in your lifetime?

Most important invention is honestly the internet. The quick dissemination of information is incredible and absolutely vital to society.

And I hope teleportation gets invented. International travel is shite.


Unconfirmed Member
Singer is adorable.

And, damnit, I can't even watch a movie without checking my phone and stuff every 10 minutes or so. The internet age has ruined me

Hey don't insult my best friend (the Internet) like that. You ruined you.

Wow! This song is so good and these girls are so pretty



Not quite so. Like what Silphonica said.

Same with many fMRI studies, which is quite a pet peeve for me.

Don't get me wrong, I was diagnosed with depression after I busted my back, I told my lawyer appointed psych to go fuck himself.

In hindsight I was depressed, but whatever.


Yeah I know. It's about tone and context. So like when you ask, you have a respectful tone and I understand the context. But, for example, it would be possible for someone else to ask in a way where it feels like "why do you only have one? Do you not actually love tattoos and it was just a dare/drunk thing? Is that just a poser thing? Prove to me that you actually like tattoos as much as I do."

Poser judging is moronic. You do your japanese flag

There's something wrong with me because I am a huge tattoo advocate and yet I have absolutely none. Philosophically I don't even care about messing up this earthen vessel with "permanent" markings because nothing is permanent; we're all rotting away and we're all gonna die. I say "to hell with it, draw something on me!" And yet... Here I am, bare as the day I was born!

It's raw indecision. I just can't decide.


Unconfirmed Member
Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and get a tattoo every once in awhile, you could miss it.


Yeah I know. It's about tone and context. So like when you ask, you have a respectful tone and I understand the context. But, for example, it would be possible for someone else to ask in a way where it feels like "why do you only have one? Do you not actually love tattoos and it was just a dare/drunk thing? Is that just a poser thing? Prove to me that you actually like tattoos as much as I do."

My tone concerning tattoos usually just changes in level of excitement, but if you've never been around me when I've seen a cool tattoo it wouldn't even register. The odds of me giving you negative feedback on your tattoo are pretty low because it's your body (you read that in Sonic's voice) and you can do what you want, unless it's like a teardrop tattoo or something. Those are stupid.
Poser judging is moronic. You do your japanese flag

There's something wrong with me because I am a huge tattoo advocate and yet I have absolutely none. Philosophically I don't even care about messing up this earthen vessel with "permanent" markings because nothing is permanent; we're all rotting away and we're all gonna die. I say "to hell with it, draw something on me!" And yet... Here I am, bare as the day I was born!

It's raw indecision. I just can't decide.

I'm indecisive as well. Plus I think a lot of body decorations work best as temporary elements. For example, I draw hearts on my skin all the time. Right now I have one on my left hand, but I also frequently draw them on my arms, cheeks and ankles. But I don't want them there all the time, so I'm okay with them washing away.

My tone concerning tattoos usually just changes in level of excitement, but if you've never been around me when I've seen a cool tattoo it wouldn't even register. The odds of me giving you negative feedback on your tattoo are pretty low because it's your body (you read that in Sonic's voice) and you can do what you want, unless it's like a teardrop tattoo or something. Those are stupid.

I've kinda just assumed teardrop tattoos are something I'll never understand, and perhaps never could understand. But yeah, if I think a tattoo is dumb, I'm not going to tell anyone about it or gossip about them.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Just woke up from a 3 hour nap. Now I'm planning 2 more dates in the next few days. I need a shower I smell like smoke. And I think I smoked too much coz my lungs hurt.
I should get on my laptop to show y'all the amazing profile. Maybe shower first.


Just woke up from a 3 hour nap. Now I'm planning 2 more dates in the next few days. I need a shower I smell like smoke. And I think I smoked too much coz my lungs hurt.
I should get on my laptop to show y'all the amazing profile. Maybe shower first.

I smell like peppermint right now

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
y'know, drinking a lagunitas, not owning enough lagunitas.

I'm off tomorrow and savoring these moments of nothingness

I wish I could convince more people to wash their denim
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