I dunno, actually. I answered honestly so it wasn't a problem for me. They did tell me that the tests have certain flags for dishonesty.
Interesting. I mean I figured you would certainly be answering honestly. I'm just curious about the logistics, as usual.
As far as personality tests in general, I think they can be useful tools for helping people relate to you. Not in a way like "you're INFP? Me too!" but more like "I'm ENTJ, so if I sometimes act or behave in X way then that's why, or this is what I'm feeling".
Even the people who know me best, like my parents, I still have to step them aside sometimes and explain why I behave certain ways or what my train of thought is in a given situation. Sometimes labels can quickly communicate what mere observation and vague intuitions do not.
My favorite is the insult/compliment combo. Like they're the arbiters of all things good and bad.
I'd fite most of those people -- that said I'm always genuinely curious about/interested in peoples' tattoos and tattoo plans so I hope it's not upsetting when I ask!
I've been told things like "dude you look like shit" if I've had a rough go of it here and there, but for the most part no one seems to care what I look like.
The problem is most people are well meaning about it on some level. Like if someone tells me my skin is too pale, it's (usually) not because they want me to know I'm less than, it's because they want me to be the best I can be and improve myself.
Or when people tell me to eat more, it's like they think there's some ideal weight and I've fallen below it because someone is lying to me about how skinny I should be, so them telling me that it's okay and proper to eat more is going to finally relieve me of that false burden.
But the thing is I love my body right now. Besides, if there was something "wrong" with me that I felt was a problem, then I would either already be working on fixing it or I would have a reason for continuing to be that way.
Take, for example, dying my hair. It's unnatural, some people don't think it looks good, and on a biological level it's less healthy for my hair than not dying it. Okay, but so what? I'm okay with it being dyed. I did a cost/benefit analysis and came in favor of dying it. (and at risk of overstepping my bounds, I feel like you could make a similar argument for people who choose to be overweight)
In unrelated news but sort of a callback, I found out this afternoon that my brother's fiance's best friend is going to have a rainbow-dyed mohawk in the wedding. Haha.
For the tattoo thing, I think there are as many ways to talk about someone else' tattoos respectfully as there are disrespectfully. The main thing, I think, is to not have any expectations about it. And just because you're okay with or interested in tattoos doesn't mean you want a whole bunch of them. Some people tat their skin like the American flag, designed on every spare inch. I just want to be the Japanese flag.