holy crap, a group of tourists just stormed on our yard, looking for Pokemon. It is crazy, app is not even officially released over here, but people are already walking around with phones in their hands.
wtf? how does this game work?
does it ask you to go somewhere IRL and find a pokemon?
It connects to the GPS on your phone so as you walk around / visit places pokemon will pop up that you can catch
There are also spots / landmarks to visit to collect poke balls and eggs and stuff and gyms to battle at various IRL locations. Someone made a church their gym and I battled it tonight, for example
Pokémon Go teaching the ancient art of trespassing
you battled a church?
God's not dead
Count your lucky stars that Holly isn't around to wtfpwn you all for talking shit about duckface.
Last time I made a joke about it I was satan/hitler
Pokémon Go teaching the ancient art of trespassing
Still awake at 3:45am so what the hell let's try Pokemon GO. Hey, they let you have blue hair. Already a better game than Miitomo. Pokemon spawning outside my house, down the street and whatnot? I guess not. Climb back into bed and try not to disturb him even though he's been sound asleep for four hours.
People making jokes about kissylips/duckface? What a ripe opportunity to change my avatar.
Okay sleep juice time. It's four in the morning and I'm not okay.
Edit: Lea I'm sure there will be something.
woah I scored this Tinder match which is just lit. trying to find out what's wrong with this guy because I can't believe it yet
I've been awake since 5am so, yeah, I felt like death at that point.My curiosity has never been that morbid, Anthony. I can't imagine what compelled you.
No you're notTexted my dad happy birthday at four twenty in the morning. A minute later he replies thanks.
I'm a good daughter.
Well I... wasn't expecting that, interesting to know thoughDuckface (also referred to as "Magnum") started in World War II by service women celebrating the defeat of Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis in 1945. The duckface phenomena was isolated to Britain before being popularised and brought to American audiences by Paul Mccartney in 1964. It's now seen primarily on teens and young adults because they need a face to pull and for some reason this one is the one society chose, possibly out of a subconscious self-hatred.
what if he's a skater boi
pics or it didn't get lit.
skater bois are actually one of my weaknesses. I just don't like inline skater bois.
I kinda wanna share pics but I feel creepy about it
Dont be. I shared my creepy person profile. Just cover their name or whatevs
haha I saw! diaper boy! don't tell me you don't wanna be his mommy
okay I'm just gonna give y'all a little sneak peek
He has me for the beard already. Get on that.
haha I saw! diaper boy! don't tell me you don't wanna be his mommy
okay I'm just gonna give y'all a little sneak peek
25? Dude looks like mid 30s with that beard.
I'm not even a fan of most full beards anymore but this one just kills it. at least on the pics.
edit: okay so here's the German way of dating: I went out with this guy once. I had one bottle of lemonade that was like 2 bucks and he still insisted on splitting the bill. I don't expect someone to buy me a five course meal but c'mon. it was 2 bucks. I then messaged him afterwards and the didn't reply for several days. after this half-assed show he suddenly messaged me weeks later but I already moved on. now after 1 year of no talking whatsoever he now drops me a message again. German guys seriously think you wait around for them for as long as they need to make up their mind or something. happens so often. aaaah this drives me crazy. hope the regrets are killing him rn![]()
Just came back from a Highlander / Highlander 2 double feature.
It was the director's cut, unfortunately, so I missed H2 in all its original turdey glory![]()
Was it in theatre? They never do cool shit like that near me
That's like...even more frustrating than being ghosted.
Nah just someone's house. They never do cool shit like that here either.
at this point I'm not even sure why so many dudes act like that...is it either that they're playing exremely hard to get or that they have like 5 other women on their waiting listdoesn't make any sense
At least you have cool friends man
Oh shit oh shit she messages me, must not appear desperate. Should wait a couple of days...
Oh shit I forgot to send a message, it's been a week already, should think of an excuse. Christ it has been two weeks already, I've been busy. Well, no point in rushing now. Let's just wait for a good opportunity. Damn it has been a month, just fuck it, I'll only piss her off.
Year later: ¯\_(ツ_/¯ She was kinda cool, let's give it another shot. I heard playing hard to get was a thing.
I really have no clue why people do this, I tend to be very responsive so it frustrates me so much. It's not just men though, I can assure you that.
I'm not even a fan of most full beards anymore but this one just kills it. at least on the pics.
edit: okay so here's the German way of dating: I went out with this guy once. I had one bottle of lemonade that was like 2 bucks and he still insisted on splitting the bill. I don't expect someone to buy me a five course meal but c'mon. it was 2 bucks. I then messaged him afterwards and the didn't reply for several days. after this half-assed show he suddenly messaged me weeks later but I already moved on. now after 1 year of no talking whatsoever he now drops me a message again. German guys seriously think you wait around for them for as long as they need to make up their mind or something. happens so often. aaaah this drives me crazy. hope the regrets are killing him rn![]()
Group of us are starting a fortnightly 80's movie thing. Next time we're doing Escape From New York and Krull
One of my tinder guys was doing that so I deleted him off fb and unmatched him.Yeah, I don't know. I always respond immediately and get kind of anxious if people don't respond after one day. Especially if you can see that they were online...