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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Triangles can side with many people, especially if those others lean into them, but triangles are not good support on their own and feel most comfortable on top of everyone else.
You could also go with a rhombus if you're very careful! One wrong move and you'll set him off

On second thought let's forget rhombus
hahaha yeah fuck the rhombus!
because your a cute one?

I'll leave now

is this a triangle pun? if so I'm too dense to get it :eek:

Triangles can side with many people, especially if those others lean into them, but triangles are not good support on their own and feel most comfortable on top of everyone else.

wise words. but eh..I like a bit of dominance. let them sit on my head. uh- geometrical speaking of course.


I'm a mathematically inexpressible four dimensional shape.

I'm also tired as fuck, was freezing last night and the bed only had a thin cover on it so I had to leave the heater on.

Which was loud as fuck and would make strange noises intermittently so I slept like shit.

Ah well, sample some monitor wells, drive back to the city listening to hardcore history and see if my date is still on tonight.
Come on fill your cup up
Looking for some good luck
Good luck, good luck to you
Hanging like a fruit
Ready to be juiced
Juiced, juiced

I'm kind of in a weird phase rn where I kind of want sex but can't be bothered to put any effort into getting it.

So I'm just pretty much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but in real life.
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