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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The chrome guy made that fantastic 4 movie that everyone days is bad... is it? Everyone also says BvS is bad and I liked that far more than any of the marvel crap

Josh Trank, and yes, it's terrible. There's some neat darker imagery in a few scenes, but otherwise it's a hot unfocused mess. You can spot the desperate reshoots via Kate Mara's low quality wig.

The Descent tho.


Amazing movie.
That's an awful thing to hope for

On the surface, sure. Ten years ago I would have agreed. It isn't like we're poisoning her— but it will surely be a relief when she is gone.

Would it be too hard to just cut her out of your life?

Oh, I barely see her. I merely have to help her furniture surf and slowly shout the same conversation to her every time I see her-- sometimes multiple times a visit. Sometimes she confuses me for her son.

She is a burden on my mother who has demanded we euthanize her if she gets like that. She may only be partially joking. This is the real reason for the awful hope-- so that my mother may have some relief.

I am told my grandmother was better before my memory begins; it is hard to imagine how my mother is a product of her upbringing otherwise; though perhaps my grandfather had a lot going for him.

On a happier note, A Force Awkens just got added to Canadian Netflix, so we watched that on our projector tonight. Still loved it on my second viewing even if the plot contrivances still grate.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
The vent scenes in 10 Cloverfield Lane did that for me
That part didn't affect me as much actually. Probably coz it wasn't down a cave.

Day is going well. I'm meeting the guy in 2 hours and I'm gonna be in my work clothes. And oh god the hair. I've already warned him I'm not gonna look my best


As Above, So Below tries its hardest to be as good as The Descent.

It's not the worst French Catacombs movie. There's that one where Pink pranks her severely anxiety stricken sister into thinking everyone is dead and there's a killer down there, and then her sister is so emotionally distraught by the end that she kills them all anyway.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.



this is insane.

what if a terrorist plays pokemon go too?
This seems fake. From my experience Eevee are common enough for you to get all 3 eeveelutions without much of a problem. Plus if they were close enough to see it spawn then they didn't have to go running, unless they were tracking it but that still seems a little Farfetch'd (ba dum tss). I'd say they were running to get in range but the crowd is only a few feet from the cars. The people in the cars should be within spawn range.

Every party has a pooper, thats why they invited me...

That said I'm going to a Pokemon Go event tomorrow with a friend, so this may happen,but not for a Vaporeon this late in the game.
You can improve the flavor of theater popcorn by sopping it with Sprite. I've decided not to keep this a secret anymore.

Ghostbusters review: Thor and Kate McKinnon steal the show as expected. The third act doesn't do anything interesting but it's a decent movie prior to that. Verdict? It's something to do, and it's nice to look at.

Jobbs, your concerns were unfounded.

Wbo missed me?

Welcome back. How are things?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
what's for dinner, kiddos


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
what's for dinner, kiddos
Spicy chicken and ice cream to follow. Same as every Friday.

All I eat is chicken and yogurt. Protein city, at least.


Erica bits

  • Erica caught an Arbor or whatever outside the mall and was pleased that it has "gunk shot" as a move then named it after me.. Not sure what to think of that
  • Erica gouged my eye by accident (which REALLY sucked - worse than you know what) but made it up to me
I can't understate how obnoxious trying to do stuff with a half-working left mouse button is... I'm fuming. I went to get the wireless from the laptop but the batteries are dead. Recently I ordered a bunch of AA batteries on the mistaken belief that my battery stash is full of AAAs and is out of AAs.. But it was the the reverse! I now own more AA batteries than anyone has ever owned... And can't power my mouse. To this I say fie.

And to just fume about one more thing about something that'll be interesting to maybe none of you..
But Stencyl has a setting in its engine that limits the maximum speed things can move. No one has ever been able to articulate why this is. Projectiles in my game routinely are meant to go above this speed, so long ago someone helped me figure out where the setting is to raise the speed limit. The problem is sometimes when I update Stencyl, the setting gets set back to its default, and I forget to raise it again. I don't always immediately notice because the player's bullets aren't affected much by it, but other things exist that are.

I've designed the last series of encounters with the speed limit on without realizing it. I took the speed limit back off just now and found all the shit I just did is now broken by NOT having the speed limit and will have to be corrected by going back over it and adjusting values. Not the end of the world but oh so annoying.


Im so far behind our games of magic, what do i do now, I wanna play but Im apprehensive of unknown sets :(

You'll have new story modes to go through that will cover everything and give you gold for packs.


For a second there Jobbs I thought you wanted my feedback.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Dinner was six hours ago. Cheese ravioli and brick-pressed chicken with a lot of lemon squeezed over it.

Spicy chicken and ice cream to follow. Same as every Friday.

All I eat is chicken and yogurt. Protein city, at least.

I do miss chicken, especially spiced and grilled up on my barbecue. Ate a lot of it and fish when I was on keto.

This looks fantastic. I'll give it a try.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Matt, maybe the speed limit thing an element to ensure collisions are actually resolved? Too far apart between frames and an object would phase through walls if the collision detection is programmed poorly/cheaply.


Matt, maybe the speed limit thing an element to ensure collisions are actually resolved? Too far apart between frames and an object would phase through walls if the collision detection is programmed poorly/cheaply.

I've heard that theory but I have no problems with collisions not registering on account of speed. Maybe it's an issue on other platform targets.

I'm in the bizarre position of being the only person using Stencyl for an actual stand alone windows project. It's pretty much only used for mobile and flash stuff by educators and tinkerers.
I've heard that theory but I have no problems with collisions not registering on account of speed. Maybe it's an issue on other platform targets.

I'm in the bizarre position of being the only person using Stencyl for an actual stand alone windows project. It's pretty much only used for mobile and flash stuff by educators and tinkerers.

Well so like a common "solution" to the problem is to check every half step, or every quarter step, or something like that. Like even Mario 64 uses that solution. So if the speed you're going is 16m then it checks for a collision after each 4m, 8m, 12m and 16m. Which means that it's still going to detect a collision of an object smaller than the whole delta from frame A to B so long as the collider is at least a quarter of the size of the gap. Stencyl probably does something like this under the hood and doesn't want to bother you with the nitty gritty so none of it is exposed.

If you let the speed vector go unbounded then you're either going to get lots of failed collisions or necessitate far more interstitial checks, a performance drain. To that end, Stencyl devs are probably hoping you'll program your own raycast or similar if you need a very fast-moving instance like weapon projectiles.

I don't know. I'm just speculating. I could be wildly off base.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
71 years ago an explosion in the New Mexico desert changed the world.

Though, I think the Anthropocene should probably start with the second industrial revolution.



Well so like a common "solution" to the problem is to check every half step, or every quarter step, or something like that. Like even Mario 64 uses that solution. So if the speed you're going is 16m then it checks for a collision after each 4m, 8m, 12m and 16m. Which means that it's still going to detect a collision of an object smaller than the whole delta from frame A to B so long as the collider is at least a quarter of the size of the gap. Stencyl probably does something like this under the hood and doesn't want to bother you with the nitty gritty so none of it is exposed.

If you let the speed vector go unbounded then you're either going to get lots of failed collisions or necessitate far more interstitial checks, a performance drain. To that end, Stencyl devs are probably hoping you'll program your own raycast or similar if you need a very fast-moving instance like weapon projectiles.

I don't know. I'm just speculating. I could be wildly off base.

Good read, but ultimately it works when I raise the limit so I'm not too concerned about it except for the fact that I messed up and unwittingly designed encounters that relied on the lower limit to work correctly.

Stencyl makes me nervous because the devs are all sorta part time and I have no guarantees about whether or how long any support I need will be there. I'm the *only* person using it for a significant project. It's scary. If something happened that broke my game completely or made it impossible to finish, and they weren't there to help, I'd be in such deep dog shit. It's genuinely scary what could happen in a worst case.
I think plaid skirts are a very good idea. It's so hard to go wrong.


Good read, but ultimately it works when I raise the limit so I'm not too concerned about it except for the fact that I messed up and unwittingly designed encounters that relied on the lower limit to work correctly.

Stencyl makes me nervous because the devs are all sorta part time and I have no guarantees about whether or how long any support I need will be there. I'm the *only* person using it for a significant project. It's scary. If something happened that broke my game completely or made it impossible to finish, and they weren't there to help, I'd be in such deep dog shit. It's genuinely scary what could happen in a worst case.

Dude that's terrifying. It makes me happier than ever that I migrated to Unity. Fingers crossed for you.

I'm drawing bushes right now. It's so zen.
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