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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Dude that's terrifying. It makes me happier than ever that I migrated to Unity. Fingers crossed for you.

I'm drawing bushes right now. It's so zen.

I'm looking into plaid pants but I don't think it's necessarily as good an idea.

I'm too deep in the shit to turn back. All I can do is go forward and hope for the best.

I'm drawing a dead body that is to be animated in three progressive states of decay/shriveled upness.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

one day i hope to reach that level of enthusiasm


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
screw you. I have nachos and drunk.

I win.

I waaaaas gonna grab some brews tonight to drown my sorrows (shitty week), but I'm trying to curb the temptation. As much as I love my craft beers and reds, booze is making me too unproductive, and then down in the dumps about being unproductive. Might do a month of sobriety, see how it goes.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I waaaaas gonna grab some brews tonight to drown my sorrows (shitty week), but I'm trying to curb the temptation. As much as I love my craft beers and reds, booze is making me too unproductive, and then down in the dumps about being unproductive. Might do a month of sobriety, see how it goes.
I'm going to do that once classes start.
Hopefully lose some of this weight gain. It's getting gross.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I waaaaas gonna grab some brews tonight to drown my sorrows (shitty week), but I'm trying to curb the temptation. As much as I love my craft beers and reds, booze is making me too unproductive, and then down in the dumps about being unproductive. Might do a month of sobriety, see how it goes.
This is me lately. Maybe getting smashed on Fridays is a bad idea until I can ramp up my productivity again.

Maybe it will put an end to these Saturdays of Regret
It's not a competition. There's room on the winner's podium for more than one couple.

Congrats Lisa. When are you tying the knot?

My cutie is passed out on the bed. I almost wish I was tired right now.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm going to do that once classes start.
Hopefully lose some of this weight gain. It's getting gross.

This is me lately. Maybe getting smashed on Fridays is a bad idea until I can ramp up my productivity again.

Maybe it will put an end to these Saturdays of Regret

It's a killer, because I love a boozy drink (even if I'm not getting drunk, just sampling the flavours or having a glass of red), but I'm finding that alcohol in particular over the last couple of months really brings down my mood. I'm guessing it induces anxieties compounded by other stressful shit going on. Family called Friday morning to tell me our old dog of 14 years died (maybe a heart attack), so I'm down about that. But work has been all over the place too; cunt clients I can't be bothered with, clients I want to help but have serious mental barriers, bureaucracy of the system weighing down, losing our manager to another company (she understood our workflow and methods very well, and liked them) so dealing with a handover to a manager that unfamiliar, and learning that our entire parent company is up for sale. In a couple of months we could be absorbed by the competition, dissolved, restructured...who knows.

I've been fucking around on my Unity project lately, but the last week and a bit has been progress = zero. Stopped exercising. Ate more takeaway. Just haven't mentally had the energy to do all these non-work things outside of work.

Need to reboot my vibes and I think a break from the booze will help.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
My favorite classes in college was an anthropology class on interpreting studies and Shakespeare's history plays.

Postmodern lit was next up.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I put in some chapters of my novel and got Margaret Mitchell. Who the fuck is that?


I write like
Raymond Chandler

edit: pasted in one of my old ign reviews and got Edgar Allan Poe. hahaha

this thing is so dumb

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I'm consistently getting some guy named David Foster Wallace. I just analyzed large writs on material covering three different subjects, yet it points to him each time. Apparently he has a book called The Pale King, so that's cool.

One of the best, if not only controversial modern authors!

My most influential author is Cormac McCarthy. I love his work and his science promotion.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I write like
Bram Stoker
This story is written like Mark Twain
There was a boy on a hill. A sad boy. The boy's name was Tom. Tom had no friends and this was why he was sad. But being sad is why Tom had no friends.

Tom made sure his parents were dead. Dead in the head. Shot with a gun. Good Tom.

The cops talked to Tom a lot. Tom, was your mom a good mom and your dad a good dad?

Yes. The mom and the dad were the most good they could be. The most. Tom made sure they were dead.

Tom had a gun from the store. A store where they do not sell guns anymore. Tom got the gun with a handful of cash. Cash from the store where he got the gun from.

Tom shot the man with the gun that he got. The man at the store in charge of the lot. Shot to the head and dead dead dead dead. Good Tom.

Tom has no friends. Good Tom.

And this one is written like Raymond Chandler.
There was a boy on a hill. A sad boy. The boy's name was Fred. Fred had no friends and this was why he was sad. But being sad is why Fred had no friends.

Fred made sure his parents were dead. Dead in the head. Shot with a gun. Good Fred.

The cops talked to Fred a lot. Fred, was your mom a good mom and your dad a good dad?

Yes. The mom and the dad were the most good they could be. The most. Fred made sure they were dead.

Fred had a gun from the store. A store where they do not sell guns anymore. Fred got the gun with a handful of cash. Cash from the store where he got the gun from.

Fred shot the man with the gun that he got. The man at the store in charge of the lot. Shot to the head and dead dead dead dead. Good Fred.

Fred has no friends. Good Fred.

The only difference is I didn't ping it with Tom (Sawyer) a hundred times. lol
I just checked another part of my drunken movie review and got Margaret Mitchell. A mess.

That being said, the James Joyce and gibberish thing was clearly a deliberate joke and I applaud the site for it.


This story is written like Mark Twain

And this one is written like Raymond Chandler.

The only difference is I didn't ping it with Tom (Sawyer) a hundred times. lol

Are you proud of your detective work?

Try putting in song lyrics. That's the fun of this algorithm.

2Pac Hit Em Up = Mark Twain
Are you proud of your detective work?

Try putting in song lyrics. That's the fun of this algorithm.

2Pac Hit Em Up = Mark Twain

Yes. But I'm also sad I don't get to find out who my awful short story actually sounds like, if anyone.

Finnegan's Wake is the ultimate literally troll.

I even wrote a paper on that.

It's like Joyce thought Jabberwocky would make a good read in novel format.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Woke is another term I see going out of style soon.


Hervey Cleckley was #woke:

It’s a 628-page collection of erudite gibberish indistinguishable to most people from the familiar word salad produced by hebephrenic patients on the back wards of any state hospital.

It's a stream of consciousness meant to be evocative of a dream

why am I still up. I'm nursing my many wounds watching absolute trash on youtube

Woke is another term I see going out of style soon.

I'm never giving up "lit"


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Get woke, fam. Lit is transient.
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