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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Back from my beach/Pokemon trip. I've got enough water types to take down most people in my area. I'd have more if my phone hadn't crapped out on me half the time. Overall I had a nice time. Going to the beach is always like going to the edge of the world when you see that infinite horizon of water.

Xiao Hu

Every time I've felt that way, it has led to an unrequited crush that has devastated both my mental health and the relationship. I'm in one of those cycles right now and it is very painful. I hope you have better luck.

I think you're right. I shouldn't make things more complicatedthan they already are.


I think you're right. I shouldn't make things more complicatedthan they already are.

I think you should talk to her. It sounds like you want more and it kinda sounds like she wants more (if the kiss is any indication). If your feelings for her have changed, you owe it to yourself to see where that goes. Plus, take it from someone with a merit badge in this area, you do not want to be just friends with someone you have feelings for. It'll tear you to pieces.
Yes, bu you have shipped infinitely more product than either of them ;P

only if you define product as "games on Steam" :p

I know what you're trying to say, but the truth is I've "shipped" dozens of freeware games and I've been paid to professionally develop all sorts of art, apps and web pages.

No one should be made to feel insecure by my work. I'm a fucking mess.

Just remember this extends to yourself as well!

Back from my beach/Pokemon trip. I've got enough water types to take down most people in my area. I'd have more if my phone hadn't crapped out on me half the time. Overall I had a nice time. Going to the beach is always like going to the edge of the world when you see that infinite horizon of water.

I've noticed that I avoid looking at the horizon if I can. I mostly stay focused on the shoreline and immediate waves. I wonder why.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
only if you define product as "games on Steam" :p

I know what you're trying to say, but the truth is I've "shipped" dozens of freeware games and I've been paid to professionally develop all sorts of art, apps and web pages.

Just remember this extends to yourself as well!

I've noticed that I avoid looking at the horizon if I can. I mostly stay focused on the shoreline and immediate waves. I wonder why.
I was just poking fun. I kill brown people for a living ffs, what do I know.

Anyways. One of my kids friends dad's is really hot. Would it be inappropriate to try and bounce on him or nah?


I'm redesigning a character I've meant to redesign for ages. Originally he basically just looked like a starcraft marine, which isn't good enough. Trying to make him more interesting or at least not a starcraft marine.


He's a bounty hunter, one of several who have come hunting a particular mark. The idea is he has had his suit broken in a bug attack and being exposed to the air in the bug tunnels has infected him with their spores. Over the course of several encounters throughout the game he becomes progressively crazier, until he ultimately
becomes hostile.

This is all side stuff that you can find, it's far away from the main plot.
Ghostbusters was great!

Yes. Yes it was. Kevin is my favorite. I can't believe how dumb they made him.

I was just poking fun. I kill brown people for a living ffs, what do I know.

Anyways. One of my kids friends dad's is really hot. Would it be inappropriate to try and bounce on him or nah?

If he's single and interested, why would it be inappropriate? The only concern I can think of is if things go south and lose your kid a friend.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Back from my beach/Pokemon trip. I've got enough water types to take down most people in my area. I'd have more if my phone hadn't crapped out on me half the time. Overall I had a nice time. Going to the beach is always like going to the edge of the world when you see that infinite horizon of water.
That's a very poetic way to view the world around you. I agree.


I wonder if most men are DTF most the time even if they barely know you (as long as you look good to them). Speaking for myself I'm kinda like.. not.


I just watched the last two episodes of Stranger Things. I had watched the first six episodes with Erica, but she couldn't be here and wanted to finish it so we watched the last on our ownsies.

Really awesome show. It's suitably nostalgic, and revels in its period iconography -- Which I'm totally fine with.

Beautiful production with great acting and characters. One child actor in particular absolutely slays. Synthwave soundtrack is gorgeous.

Some shaky parts plot-wise in the final few episodes, but all is forgiven because it's a generally empathetic show. I like the characters and the way topics are handled.


Flirting with a dude on Scruff who just proclaimed how much he's looking forward to Gilmore Girls returning. I'm going to marry this man.


I just watched the last two episodes of Stranger Things. I had watched the first six episodes with Erica, but she couldn't be here and wanted to finish it so we watched the last on our ownsies.

Really awesome show. It's suitably nostalgic, and revels in its period iconography -- Which I'm totally fine with.

Beautiful production with great acting and characters. One child actor in particular absolutely slays. Synthwave soundtrack is gorgeous.

Some shaky parts plot-wise in the final few episodes, but all is forgiven because it's a generally empathetic show. I like the characters and the way topics are handled.

I've heard only good things. I need to check it out.


Uh oh. He wants to meet in person. Do you think he'll be turned off if he finds out I'm a mess? MUST HIDE ALL MY UNSAVORY CHARACTER TRAITS.


I've never seen a skinny person drinking Diet. Maybe I just don't pay enough attention.

What's this supposed to mean though?

It's just a drink powered by artificial sweeteners. It has no calories. It doesn't have some magic hidden property that makes you fat. If fat people drink it it's because they're -- Well, they're probably using it as an excuse to eat more.

Meanwhile, it's a great work of science and there have been no studies that show any ill effects. It doesn't cause cancer.

I drink Diet and I'm not fat at all. I actually have pretty defined abs at this point.

Uh oh. He wants to meet in person. Do you think he'll be turned off if he finds out I'm a mess? MUST HIDE ALL MY UNSAVORY CHARACTER TRAITS.

Can you stop hooking up for like 5 minutes

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Statistically, Lili is right. More overweight people drink diet drinks than non-overweight people.

Jobbs is right in that it doesn't cause obesity and a lot of the research that has shown negative effects is reaching. Gut biome and rat studies.


Statistically, Lili is right. More overweight people drink diet drinks than non-overweight people.

Jobbs is right in that it doesn't cause obesity and a lot of the research that has shown negative effects is reaching. Gut biome and rat studies.

I can believe that more fat people drink it, sure, but what is the subtext in pointing that out? If you shovel shit in your mouth all day but make the drink diet are you really going to suggest it's the diet drink that's making you fat? Most people are absolute SHIT at actually knowing the true number of calories they're eating. They assume it's way less than it is, and in all likelihood they're using the diet drink as some kind of justification to eat more. I don't mean to sound insensitive but if I hear one more fat person say "I really don't eat much at all" I'm going to explode

It's the calories that make you fat, and diet drinks don't have any. There's no causality

Request denied. And weren't you super invested in my sex life just a few months ago? What happened, Matt? Huh? Huh?

(The dude is also a Matt, btw. Which just proves to me you can't go wrong with that name. And yes, I am a shameless suck up.)

Why anyone would suck up to me is baffling, but I won't try to stop you :)

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I can believe that more fat people drink it, sure, but what is the subtext in pointing that out? If you shovel shit in your mouth all day but make the drink diet are you really going to suggest it's the diet drink that's making you fat?

It's the calories that make you fat, and diet drinks don't have any. There's no causality

Totes.There are people who believe that and science "journalism" is quick to push that narrative.

You fight obesity and weight gain with empathy.


I feel sorry for anyone named Todd because I will never be able to take anyone named Todd seriously. I don't understand who looks at a newborn baby and thinks "Todd". I don't get it.

I'm fortunate in that I actually like my name and wouldn't change it. I can't think of any other first name I could tolerate. Most people call me Matt, but "Matthew" feels softer and some people go with that. It's versatile.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Stuff like Diet Coke was a godsend when I was on keto.
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