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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Huh. The oldest thing I own that I don't use anymore is my PS3 slim. Throwing useless stuff away is so cathartic for me.

^ I'm a pack rat. I think I inherited the gene from my mom. As I keep saying, I'm very aware that some of my tendencies aren't rational. It's this ongoing fear of one day needing something and not having it.

Every now and then I purge some things, and I get what you mean, but the cycle continues. I think I should have a great culling one of these days and just sell, donate, or junk everything I don't regularly use. It would be healthy, I think.

working on adding social animations for the main character in my game.

In other words.. The character may not speak, but it's interesting that maybe she has some subtle motions when other characters speak or in reaction to certain situations - Ones that don't break up the flow of the game and hopefully humanize the character. Just the most subtle nod or posture change or whatever..


irresponsible vagina leak

My sexuality right now.
Omg symphonia and silphonica are different members I thought they were just changing avatars

Yeah, it still confuses me sometimes if I don't pay too much attention.

^ I'm a pack rat. I think I inherited the gene from my mom. As I keep saying, I'm very aware that some of my tendencies aren't rational. It's this ongoing fear of one day needing something and not having it.

Every now and then I purge some things, and I get what you mean, but the cycle continues. I think I should have a great culling one of these days and just sell, donate, or junk everything I don't regularly use. It would be healthy, I think.

Are you speaking of sentimental things, or practical stuff? This is probably my privilege speaking but I always figure if I need something again in the future I'll be able to replace it later. Also I don't get super sentimental. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

working on adding social animations for the main character in my game.

In other words.. The character may not speak, but it's interesting that maybe she has some subtle motions when other characters speak or in reaction to certain situations - Ones that don't break up the flow of the game and hopefully humanize the character. Just the most subtle nod or posture change or whatever..

That's a good idea. Shifting her weight, maybe rolling her shoulders a bit, a slight head loll, shifting her foot, et cetera. I'm planning on putting all sorts of these idle animations in my game when I have time. Maybe also some fun ones!

Anyway, I've been drawing all day and need a break. Gonna go see if someone else wants to run to the pool for a few hours.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Lazy Saturday. Playing Shenmue II, bout to get Sonic for me, my kiddo and her friends.

Cherry Limeade Slush with pop rocks is orgasmoc.
Let me just swing by with the random: "I crapped blood today!" and then never explain that.

Felt good too. Since apparently, that, whatever it was, was the thing that needed to be crapped out. Four fucking days of sitting on the toilet virtually non-stop, and then suddenly.: nothing. I feel like that should be a scene in a comedy somewhere, where a character just sits on the crapper with day and night exchanging, toilet paper rapidly decreasing in the background, fever, cold shakes, stomach pain (and in that order), and then *plop* just standing in front of that four-day throne, staring at it in disbelief.

I even managed to get out of the house after that, without pressure pain on the lower belly. It was magical. Is, I should say. I can eat a regular meal again (yay! actual calories! ), and not have to worry about the consequences. Well, aside from allowing the intestines some time to heal up, that is.

And this is apparently pretty common with infection or parasites too (?) (since 'diarrhea' is kind of a term for 'we don't really know the cause, but symptom is same', as I've had time and motive to read up on it in recent days), but I've never had this before. So there is a new experience in that.
Off to some well deserved actual sleep now.
I've been reading this:


It's fantastic and depressing and all too plausible which makes it perfect dystopia. All I can say is thank fuck the Crittenden Compromise failed and the Civil War happened.

that premise sounds a little too wild though. Slavery in four states on 'plantages' in this day while the universal human rights (post WWII) situation would be the same?

Also, when you say 'thank fuck the CW happened', you do take into account that supposedly the South should have won based on its starting resources and numbers, right? If we're talking alternate history, the South winning would be more likely. Just a coin-flip away if you will, whereas 'no war' is stacks of flips away.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Conversation between 5-6 y girls in my backseat discussing why anyone would want to marry a boy if you are allowed to marry girls.

Xiao Hu

I feel conflicted. I bid farewell to her 15 minutes ago and even though I told myself repeatedly that there is nothing beyond mutual affection between the two of us I fucking long for her. I want to cry but I'm conflicted what to cry about. I will take this feeling and develope it into self-confidence, she's kind of my little angle I guess and I thank God for bringing her into my life...
that premise sounds a little too wild though. Slavery in four states on 'plantages' in this day while the universal human rights (post WWII) situation would be the same?

Also, when you say 'thank fuck the CW happened', you do take into account that supposedly the South should have won based on its starting resources and numbers, right? If we're talking alternate history, the South winning would be more likely. Just a coin-flip away if you will, whereas 'no war' is stacks of flips away.

I'm not really convinced the Confederacy ever had a chance of actually winning. They had the advantage of being very large in terms of land area (making it more difficult for the Union to completely blockade them) and playing defense as the war began. Their main strategy seemed to be to defend their "country" and wear the Union army down through sheer attrition. But when taking their numerous disadvantages into account it becomes apparent that they were almost from the beginning fighting a losing battle.

Nearly 19 million people lived in the Union whereas the Confederacy had a total population of around 9 million including slaves. The Union was far wealthier than the Confederacy by about $160,000,000. The Union had more livestock, far more wheat, and more corn. The Confederacy excelled in rice, tobacco, and cotton. The sheer numbers of enlisted fighting men put the Union ahead of the Confederacy 2 to 1. The Union had undergone massive industrialization with factories, factory workers, and railway lines vastly outnumbering those in the Confederacy putting logistics, manufacturing, and transport very much in the Union's favor. The Confederate economy depended primarily on cotton, plantations, and slave labor making them much less industrialized. As the years passed and the war went on many in the Confederacy still clung to an asinine hope that King Cotton™ would save them and Britain or France would intervene in their favor. The Confederacy then began to starve because the majority of cultivated land was set aside for cotton and not you know food. And I'd say ultimately the Confederacy lost because they were literally starved until their morale broke.


Those crisps look so great at this curent moment. I may have to make a run to the store for some junk food now lol.

"Crisps"? Where are you from again? :D

Time to go out!

Be safe everyone and get drunk!

Already done that twice recently, think I'm good. Need to recover!

Have fun though!

I feel conflicted. I bid farewell to her 15 minutes ago and even though I told myself repeatedly that there is nothing beyond mutual affection between the two of us I fucking long for her. I want to cry but I'm conflicted what to cry about. I will take this feeling and develope it into self-confidence, she's kind of my little angle I guess and I thank God for bringing her into my life...

The feeling of regret around these things is real and I recognize it :\ There's no instant fix but time helps!


How's that going? Anything interesting you wanna share? :D
Work is whatever, but haven't been too motivated recently to look for other work. I really really should be.

Coworker and I have a tradition of playing Tupac's Changes while packaging.

About to go to a movie night that a friend's neighbor hosts. They apparently have old theater screens and a projector and invite people out to their backyard. Should be fun.

I'm still a bit iffy/hungover but I'm bringing a bottle of wine because I've never met this neighbor and I'm an impression maker.

Xiao Hu

The feeling of regret around these things is real and I recognize it : There's no instant fix but time helps!

When we parted I gave her a kiss on the cheek. While I leaned forward I noticed that she was tilting her head for a proper kiss but then she quickly stopped. I mean we both agreed to not pursue anything to maintain a healthy friendship, but damn I would love to know her true feelings for me.


When we parted I gave her a kiss on the cheek. While I leaned forward I noticed that she was tilting her head for a proper kiss but then she quickly stopped. I mean we both agreed to not pursue anything to maintain a healthy friendship, but damn I would love to know her true feelings for me.

I could tell you what I think. Do you want to hear it in 24 year old Matt language, or 34 year old Matt language?



I want it in Prescient 54 Year Old Matt Language.

When I was a young swab jockey stationed in Korea I did the back seat bingo with this korean girl... But it was only that one night. :: stares off into the distance ::

And, uh... well back home I raised my own family. Four girls. After my youngest, Nancy, graduated High School I got a letter telling me about my son. My son in Korea.. Hwan. Can you imagine? I have a son named Hwan. Shame I didn't know him. Shame I can't talk about him. Well, never before now.

Now I gotta get back to work on painting that damn boat. It's the only thing that brings Judy any peace. I told her I'd finish it.

Xiao Hu

When I was a young swab jockey stationed in Korea I did the back seat bingo with this korean girl... But it was only that one night. :: stares off into the distance ::

And, uh... well back home I raised my own family. Four girls. After my youngest, Nancy, graduated High School I got a letter telling me about my son. My son in Korea.. Hwan. Can you imagine? I have a son named Hwan. Shame I didn't know him. Shame I can't talk about him. Well, never before now.

Now I gotta get back to work on painting that damn boat. It's the only thing that brings Judy any peace. I told her I'd finish it.

Shit. Are you telling me I impregnated her when we kissed? I shoulf have used a bubble gum around my tongue.... :O
When I was a young swab jockey stationed in Korea I did the back seat bingo with this korean girl... But it was only that one night. :: stares off into the distance ::

And, uh... well back home I raised my own family. Four girls. After my youngest, Nancy, graduated High School I got a letter telling me about my son. My son in Korea.. Hwan. Can you imagine? I have a son named Hwan. Shame I didn't know him. Shame I can't talk about him. Well, never before now.

Now I gotta get back to work on painting that damn boat. It's the only thing that brings Judy any peace. I told her I'd finish it.

And I had to walk 15 MILES in the snow just to get groceries when I was a youth.


I feel conflicted. I bid farewell to her 15 minutes ago and even though I told myself repeatedly that there is nothing beyond mutual affection between the two of us I fucking long for her. I want to cry but I'm conflicted what to cry about. I will take this feeling and develope it into self-confidence, she's kind of my little angle I guess and I thank God for bringing her into my life...

Every time I've felt that way, it has led to an unrequited crush that has devastated both my mental health and the relationship. I'm in one of those cycles right now and it is very painful. I hope you have better luck.

No one should be made to feel insecure by my work. I'm a fucking mess.

Your work is amazing and I can't wait to play it. I hope you feel better soon.
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