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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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People who think vocal fry is a conscious affectation in 2016 are so old

Pokemon GO is the BEST pro-social game of all time.

oh I've been talking to randoms all the time as a result of this game. it's crazy. I'd suggest people try it even if they don't care about pokemon, because it's so interesting to see what's happening

it'll fall way off very quickly, I'm sure, but I'm glad I got the chance to witness this brief moment. ZEITGEIST.



It's true!

That doesn't mean it's a good game of course, but man does it encourage social interaction like no other game before.

oh I've been talking to randoms all the time as a result of this game. it's crazy. I'd suggest people try it even if they don't care about pokemon, because it's so interesting to see what's happening

it'll fall way off very quickly, I'm sure, but I'm glad I got the chance to witness this brief moment. ZEITGEIST.

It's going to follow the same track as Ingress where in 6 months the only people left playing Pokemon GO are crazy people with beards who are putting booby traps around gyms.

I get accused of that all the time.

Old, boring people are always hesitant toward linguistic change and judgemental of people who don't talk exactly like them.

Luckily they either will die soon or they have such a small cultural impact that they'll be forgotten soon.


Hmm, GAF can't seem to have a discussion on religious tolerance devolving into chaos without devolving into chaos.

Theres about 4 different ways it can go wrong. One of the few topics where you never know what kind of person is going to be the butt to derail it


played a bunch of smash with erica and my niece, and I pretty much beat the shit out of everyone 😫 ain't no thing

the third person blaming the bad controller brings me back to childhood, too
played a bunch of smash with erica and my niece, and I pretty much beat the shit out of everyone 😫 ain't no thing

the third person blaming the bad controller brings me back to childhood, too

Yeah, I don't start losing in fights consistently until the handicap is all the way up to like 90%. My friends suck at the game.


GAF isn't capable of having a discussion on religion, period without it devolving into chaos.
Religion is such a weirdly anachronistic thing for a lot of people under 25, it's easy for them to separate themselves from it but it's hard for them to empathize with the reasons people might have for participating in it.


Unconfirmed Member
Pokemon GO is the BEST pro-social game of all time.

That's how I used to be in Halo. My friends had to 3v1 me with all of the power weapons to stand a chance.

Ah, I don't know if I'd like that. The handicap in Smash feels remarkably fair and fun to me. The threshold for how high your % has to be to get easily knocked off the field is kind of arbitrary anyway if you play with a lot of different characters. So it somewhat invisibly nerfs you and makes attacks connect harder without materially changing the way you play. In comparison, the Halo situation feels specifically and unilaterally antagonizing.

People who think vocal fry is a conscious affectation in 2016 are so old

thank you ♥


Yeah, I don't start losing in fights consistently until the handicap is all the way up to like 90%. My friends suck at the game.

I made my niece use the tablet controller at first (because I'm mean) until she complained and then I used it, but I still kicked ass.

"I thought you DIDN'T want to go to summer school -- And yet here we are."

Nothing like landing sick burns on a 9 year old


Ah, I don't know if I'd like that. The handicap in Smash feels remarkably fair and fun to me. The threshold for how high your % has to be to get easily knocked off the field is kind of arbitrary anyway if you play with a lot of different characters. So it somewhat invisibly nerfs you and makes attacks connect harder without materially changing the way you play. In comparison, the Halo situation feels specifically and unilaterally antagonizing.

I usually train for multiplayer using the hardest difficulty. In Black Ops, if you set the AI to the hardest difficulty you would be shot tge moment you entered earshot. It was unbelievably unfair.


irresponsible vagina leak
EDF 4.1 is surprisingly fun. Will regret not getting I Am Setsuna probably but this is way better than expected.


EDF 4.1 is surprisingly fun. Will regret not getting I Am Setsuna probably but this is way better than expected.

The EDF games (for the most part) are the embodiment of big dumb fun.

What class are you using?

Give or take.


Idiots. I have a BSEE, multiple DoL and CompTIA certs, and can guarantee I have accomplished more than damn near everyone in that thread

Sic 'em!


I don't care how people talk `\_(ツ)_/¯

my brother does the uptalk thing because he has spent many years living out west so I have fun imitating his speech sometimes but it's good natured

my sister speaks in constant vocal fry and I honestly never really put much thought into it

Vive et sine alios vivere
Do you sound like a quintessential California girl?

oh, for sure. I was raised knowing little different, and now I take pride in it.

I made my niece use the tablet controller at first (because I'm mean) until she complained and then I used it, but I still kicked ass.

"I thought you DIDN'T want to go to summer school -- And yet here we are."

Nothing like landing sick burns on a 9 year old

she's going to need some Uncle Matt Balm for that burn!

I just bit the bullet and invested in four Pro controllers so no one would argue.

I usually train for multiplayer using the hardest difficulty. In Black Ops, if you set the AI to the hardest difficulty you would be shot tge moment you entered earshot. It was unbelievably unfair.

haha if that's what floats your boat then I'm not judging.


Wing Diver. I love flying around the place wrecking shit.

Yeah, I was using the fencer in 2025 but switched up to Wing Diver for 4.1.

I grind stage 6 on a higher difficulty to get better weapons early.

I don't care how people talk `\_(ツ)_/¯

my brother does the uptalk thing because he has spent many years living out west so I have fun imitating his speech sometimes but it's good natured

my sister speaks in constant vocal fry and I honestly never really put much thought into it

A few people have heard my mellifluous pronunciation of the word cunt when we played CAH.

oh, for sure. I was raised knowing little different, and now I take pride in it.

I used to cringe at my accent long ago (what happens when you live in 3 different countries before you turn 7-8) but not for a long time.


Can't remember which I've been doing recently but I've started to put more inflection in my speech again and that leads to a lot more of a stereotypical girl accent.


irresponsible vagina leak
Once you know the stage it's not too hard to keep them all coming at you from one angle.

I use the tube corridor and let them get in and attack them. I think it might work on higher difficulties. If anything I can always try online coop I guess?


A few people have heard my mellifluous pronunciation of the word cunt when we played CAH.


I like how your women speak but you aussie men can



I should be the last one to criticize how anyone sounds because I sound 15


I use the tube corridor and let them get in and attack them. I think it might work on higher difficulties. If anything I can always try online coop I guess?

There's really only 4 spawns of them - in the mall, in the corridor & cavern after the train station, ants at the bottom of the tunnel leading out of that cavern and then the spiders.

Hang back in the tunnel before that second opening and you'll have an easier time not getting fucked by those spider threads at the end.

I'll imagine you speaking in trabs voice.


People who judge others by their vocal affectations, involuntary or not, show just how insular and small their intellect really is.

Linguistics is a science for a reason. Get some basic education before you say "this" or "that" is bad.


Still kinda regretting the last one tbh lol. Stupid alcohol.

Hahaha, it's been that long for me (as in, I would have hooked up with the women I've been with in the meantime whether I was drunk or not) but the last instance of that came after a 3 day bender, had to share a bed with this girl at a friends house, blah blah, the best I could muster was a semi so I was like "Nah, this is not going to happen" she....uh, rode me anyway. All I could feel were her pelvic bones slamming into mine.

Definitely in the 20%.
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