I don't have a thorough understanding of the Catholic faith so I won't go up to bat for it, but I do know that understandings of sexuality and perversions have changed wildly over the last 2000 years in both the secular and religious communities. There are many valid interpretations of biblical texts that don't consider homosexual behavior to be sin, and there's also the idea that most of the biblical authors were biased and even wrong at points, even if you consider the bible to be mostly true or valuable. You can't just do a straight reading of the text with a modern-day lense because it wasn't written with modern day context, nor with a consistent and universal context.
For example, a lot of the books in the New Testament are named different things like Ephesians, Galatians, Colossians, et cetera. That's because these books weren't written to followers of The Way at large, they were written to specific churches in specific places (Ephesus, Galatia, Colossae respectively). And at one church there was a particular group of women who were causing troublenot because they were women, just because they were trouble makers. So Paul wrote to that church and said don't let those women hold ruling positions. He wasn't saying women can't teach, he was saying those specific women were bad teachers. Yet it's such a common modern interpretation to believe that women can't hold high positions in ministry.
Another casualty of this twisting of instruction has led to the persecution of homosexual people and it makes me so sad. That's not the movement the historical Jesus was trying to start.