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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Reagan was a disaster for the country and we're still feeling the effects ... That's when the wealth gap started on its extreme path

I agree that Reaganomics™ has fucked us over immensely. But I still don't agree with the comparison between Trump and Reagan.

Reagan is to the extreme left of Trump and the modern GOP and that's a fact.


Redmond's Baby
It is such beautiful day that it would be bad to stay indoors, even if the temps are high. Went for a 10 km walk, some hometown pimpin' incoming

Water in the lake is pleasantly warm, but I don't like swimming in it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Just got back from Star Trek Beyond. I nodded off a handful of times. Unintentionally. I don't even think it was bad. It was better than Not Wrath of Khan. But it was such a nothing movie. Inoffensive and fun but whatever. Had a really hard time investing myself in anything.
Just got back from Star Trek Beyond. I nodded off a handful of times. Unintentionally. I don't even think it was bad. It was better than Not Wrath of Khan. But it was such a nothing movie. Inoffensive and fun but whatever. Had a really hard time investing myself in anything.

I liked it best of the reboots. No major glaring plot holes. A bit of questionable technobabble but nothing terrible. Enterprise dies for the third time in three movies but it was actually in service of the plot this time.


Just got back from Star Trek Beyond. I nodded off a handful of times. Unintentionally. I don't even think it was bad. It was better than Not Wrath of Khan. But it was such a nothing movie. Inoffensive and fun but whatever. Had a really hard time investing myself in anything.

I don't like the 2009 and on Star Trek movies.

They are competent sci fi action flicks, I guess, but that's not what I want out of Star Trek. Star Trek is more cerebral... Asking big questions, thinking about ramifications, mulling over morality and ethics... Also lots of tech babble!

Nothing about them seems like Star Trek to me. I don't even think Star Trek works particularly well in movie form. I jes don't care.

Now - I'm not offended because TOS sucks and I don't care that they've pillaged it to make boring action flicks. Kirk sucks.

If they did this to TNG I'd have a stronger reaction, though. I love TNG.


It is such beautiful day that it would be bad to stay indoors, even if the temps are high. Went for a 10 km walk, some hometown pimpin' incoming

Water in the lake is pleasantly warm, but I don't like swimming in it.
Damn that's pretty.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Yeah I agree with both of you. I think I liked this more than 09, but where that at least kept me somewhat interested with being a new take on things, this was just so formulaic and whatever. Innocent and harmless and a fun adventure, but I'm not invested in the playfight, no real struggle or challenge to overcome junk that the last three movies have been about.

And yes, Star Trek should be more cerebral. I mean, this is hollywood junk so it's obviously not, but yeah. I was talking about it with a friend, and we figured the movie would have been much better if it dialled itself back.

Kirk indeed feels bored and aimless with being a captain in the federation, and on his last minute him and his crew encounter the swarm which strands them on the planet. The swarm turns out to be an ancient planetary defence mechanism that has for centuries been destroying and stranding ships on the surface, all unable to leave. Keep the old star ship captain and crew. He is a war veteran who stepped into a traditional federation captain role and, after being stranded on the planet, one also home to prior and post extraterrestrials caught in the same trap, had to resort his militaristic training to lead his crew, conquer hostiles, assimilate others willing to work together, and in general survive. And through that survival he's developed a archaic militaristic hierarchy, one fuelled by a practically pathological delusion of grandeur; a true belief that only through conflict and struggle can people work together and overcome odds.

This echoes his former military lifestyle and his own boredom with the federation, resulting in a nice dichotomy between him and Kirk as Kirk feels the same way but for other reasons. The old captain is the slippery slope, and his goal is to gain control of the planetary weapon system not necessarily to leave (he's lost hope in any true value of that) but instead to trigger a war (I dunno, nearby Klingon system) that he legitimately believes is for the best of social and culture evolution, splintering what he sees as the pacifistic nothingness of the federation.

Kirk offers a nice parallel of accomplishment through teamwork and unity in order to leave the planet, and through his experiences on the planet (maybe uniting some of the others stranded there, effectively playing the higher role of federation he was originally going for) gains a deeper appreciation for what it actually means to lead a crew. That it's not just about adventure and action, but a true leader leads the people under him to better them as people and reinforce that unity.

Plus you could still have explosions so whatever.

edit; did i just write star trek fan fiction

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Just bought a soundbar for my tv coz the speakers are shit. Now I'm considering buying a new tv as well. But I should wait I guess.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
What you wrote is like 85% of what did happen. But yes you are now a fanfic writer.

85% is generous. I guess what I was aiming for is the general concept with the dumbest shit culled (hello another super weapon) with a greater emphasis on discourse and challenging themes, perspective of individuals, as opposed to what amounted to a video game movie.

Just bought a soundbar for my tv coz the speakers are shit. Now I'm considering buying a new tv as well. But I should wait I guess.

I still don't understand what soundbars are. Are they like...stereo speaks in bar form?
85% is generous. I guess what I was aiming for is the general concept with the dumbest shit culled (hello another super weapon) with a greater emphasis on discourse and challenging themes, perspective of individuals, as opposed to what amounted to a video game movie.

I still don't understand what soundbars are. Are they like...stereo speaks in bar form?

Well, mono speakers even as it is from one position. They just try to bounce the sounds around the room. Definitely better than TV speakers though,


Yesterday while out and about drunkalunking, we got to talking with the people next to us at the bar, an Australian and his mom visiting.

Made me wish fengshui was visiting :'(


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Yesterday I was out with the girl at the aquarium and a god damn Blastoise spawned. Around 20 other people were there too trying to catch it. Bastard ran off while I tried to catch him even after giving two Razzberries. Fuckkkkkk


Had a dream that the actress who plays the wicked witch of the West in Once Upon a Time wanted to manipulate me into joining her to take the iron throne. I ended up saying yes because I liked the attention and planned on betraying her later

Power is still out so that dream was heat-induced. My phone will die soon too, so it'll be goodbye until they fix it.


Hopefully the new star trek show pulls a doctor who cause I'm not going to go back and watch old ones but the overall show seems like something id like


My school's computer lab is open so I'm plugged in here charging my stuff.

Star Trek was always too slow for me. Plus I wasn't big on the ship or weapon designs.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Update on my Drakengard LttPness:

Drakengard 1: What the fuck: The game

Drakengard 2: Accomplish nothing and be an idiot: The game

Drakengard 3: What the fuck redux (Featuring profanity)


My school's computer lab is open so I'm plugged in here charging my stuff.

Star Trek was always too slow for me. Plus I wasn't big on the ship or weapon designs.

It always looked super goofy to me.

I like slow tho. Action usually feels like pointless filler. Mad max fury road being one of the few exceptions

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
It always looked super goofy to me.

I like slow tho. Action usually feels like pointless filler. Mad max fury road being one of the few exceptions
As a kid/young teen I also thought the designs are laughable and silly, but these days I love everything Trek. Even the designs are way better and, eh, realistic than your standard Sci-Fi-Fightyfight X-Wing fare I think. New movies are fine, but TNG/VOY (fite me) is still the GOAT.

I'm really curious about that new show.


The new Star Trek movies fixed that, hell Beyond is kinda fast!!! Probably the fastest movie I've seen all year as it just flew by even though it's a little under 2 hours.

I saw the first two. It was faster but still a little off.

It always looked super goofy to me.

I like slow tho. Action usually feels like pointless filler. Mad max fury road being one of the few exceptions

I don't need non-stop action but I need something to happen. Having a long conversation through view screens while occasionally rocking in your chair and yelling that the shields won't hold is too slow. It's not the worst I've seen, though. I consider the political stuff in the Star Wars prequels to be far worse. There's a moment in the first or third Star Trek movie (the old ones) where it's like 10 minutes of absolutely nothing.

The entirety of Fury Road is a car chase but it's not all action. There are some nice moments during that car chase.

Speaking of stuff that I like, I like protagonists who are clearly in amazement of the villain's plan but still plan on stopping them, like the 10th Doctor. He would always marvel at what was around him, and then blow it all up with a screwdriver.


I don't need non-stop action but I need something to happen. Having a long conversation through view screens while occasionally rocking in your chair and yelling that the shields won't hold is too slow. It's not the worst I've seen, though. I consider the political stuff in the Star Wars prequels to be far worse. There's a moment in the first or third Star Trek movie (the old ones) where it's like 10 minutes of absolutely nothing.

The entirety of Fury Road is a car chase but it's not all action. There are some nice moments during that car chase.

Speaking of stuff that I like, I like protagonists who are clearly in amazement of the villain's plan but still plan on stopping them, like the 10th Doctor. He would always marvel at what was around him, and then blow it all up with a screwdriver.

I'm not talking about constant action, just that actions scenes usually add about as much to a movie as a romance plot. Mad max fury road definitely fixed that a lot as almost every scene with action did some serious character building in one way or another.
And I also liked the political stuff in star wars. They didn't entirely handle it right but the general plot thread is my favorite in the star wars movies

Lightning just hit super close to my house...


I'm not talking about constant action, just that actions scenes usually add about as much to a movie as a romance plot. Mad max fury road definitely fixed that a lot as almost every scene with action did some serious character building in one way or another.
And I also liked the political stuff in star wars. They didn't entirely handle it right but the general plot thread is my favorite in the star wars movies

Lightning just hit super close to my house...

Action allows for a break in between world-building moments. When you do it right, You have a break to let your eyes look at something cool while you process all of the important information that you just learned, which usually ends up emphasizing the urgency of the current situation. Of course this varies between genres. You don't need action in your romance movie (Twilight being the exception as that fight was the ONLY good thing to come of that series and it was all a dream so they screwed it up anyway)

Again, it doesn't have to be a laser space battle, but do SOMETHING.

The political stuff in Star Wars felt like it amounted to nothing. You could have cut a lot of it out and still gotten across how Palpatine came into power, which is pretty much the only reason it's there in the first place.


Action allows for a break in between world-building moments. When you do it right, You have a break to let your eyes look at something cool while you process all of the important information that you just learned, which usually ends up emphasizing the urgency of the current situation. Of course this varies between genres. You don't need action in your romance movie (Twilight being the exception as that fight was the ONLY good thing to come of that series and it was all a dream so they screwed it up anyway)

Again, it doesn't have to be a laser space battle, but do SOMETHING.

The political stuff in Star Wars felt like it amounted to nothing. You could have cut a lot of it out and still gotten across how Palpatine came into power, which is pretty much the only reason it's there in the first place.

I usually dont find it cool which is essentially my point

Though actually what you're saying describes something the original trilogy of star wars gets really right. Every blaster fired added some tension. The lack of that is partially why the large scale battles in the prequels and rotj fell flat a lot of the time


I usually dont find it cool which is essentially my point

Though actually what you're saying describes something the original trilogy of star wars gets really right. Every blaster fired added some tension. The lack of that is partially why the large scale battles in the prequels and rotj fell flat a lot of the time

I think that's something similar to the difference between something hack and slash like God of War and something like the Souls series.

Actually can you remember any prequels that were legitimately good? I'm having trouble. I can think of some in games like Birth by Sleep, but not in film.


I think that's something similar to the difference between something hack and slash like God of War and something like the Souls series.

Actually can you remember any prequels that were legitimately good? I'm having trouble. I can think of some in games like Birth by Sleep, but not in film.

Exactly. Even grinding in dark souls is often meaningful since its an opportunity to learn.

Objectively good? None off the top of my head. I dont think its impossible but prequel are usually cash grabs so its not surprising.


Exactly. Even grinding in dark souls is often meaningful since its an opportunity to learn.

Objectively good? None off the top of my head. I dont think its impossible but prequel are usually cash grabs so its not surprising.

Prequels have to interest you in the way that 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon does. The beginning and end are known so you have to make the middle as interesting as possible while throwing off the viewer so they don't see where it's going.

This computer lab is a pokestop so I'm filling up on items while I wait for power to come back to my house. I still have about 1 more hour.
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