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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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It's been a long, long time since I've watched the Simpsons, I can only think of McGarnagle.


Getting my McBains and McGarnacles mixed up.

Hell yeah I remember McBain and the fact it cuts together, don't know what "Power" you're referencing though.

Oh, Power is a show on Starz that 50 Cent runs and acts in. It's on every once in a while and I've seen enough bits and pieces to know the general story

Same for The Last Ship. This show seems like the movie Contagion from the Navy's point of view.
bojack v3 is depressing me. Two episodes left and I almost don't want to finish.

leftover taco meat and trimmings is a blessing. it's equal parts messy and delicious



Back at home in NYC.

Lost my voice this weekend. Probably ranting too much about Batman.

Kark is almost done building his new computer. Can't wait to play with it while he's at work all day! >:D
Lil, your avatar picture is adorable <3

Thanks Alex :)

Übermatik;211253097 said:
Why's this thread so shit.
Why won't any of you fight me.

No, you're right. We're just flies.

Back at home in NYC.

Lost my voice this weekend. Probably ranting too much about Batman.

Kark is almost done building his new computer. Can't wait to play with it while he's at work all day! >:D

How long does it take to build a computer like that? I always go with prebuilt models because I'm lazy, and hardware is not my forte.


Did Bojak get hell dark or something?

Yes. Bojack continues to be a super shitty person, and then Todd
finally calls Bojack on all his shit and basically said that the reason Bojack's life continues to suck isn't that everything around him is going wrong, it's that he's an asshole.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Back at home in NYC.

Lost my voice this weekend. Probably ranting too much about Batman.

Kark is almost done building his new computer. Can't wait to play with it while he's at work all day! >:D
Some particular annoyances?


Back at home in NYC.

Lost my voice this weekend. Probably ranting too much about Batman.

Kark is almost done building his new computer. Can't wait to play with it while he's at work all day! >:D

Hopefully you can like frosty and come back again some day :p


How long does it take to build a computer like that? I always go with prebuilt models because I'm lazy, and hardware is not my forte.
No worries so am I. :p He's been researching for about four months or so now I think? Part of it was waiting for a particular graphics card to come out. Some of it has been trial and error because he wants a smaller form than his older (and more typical) computer. He says he really complicated it for himself. "If you do something a normal person would do, it would take you a lot less time for sure, every step of the way. I'm just a crazy person."

Some particular annoyances?
The Killing Joke thing. But really it's more that I had a cold and then Kark came to visit and while I'm normally rather quiet, I don't shut up around him.

Hopefully you can like frosty and come back again some day :p
I will! I think we'll be seeing Hunchback of Notre-Dame there in January? (You are more than welcome to come with us if you would like!) After that it's a question of whether or not I get accepted into Carnegie Mellon for graduate school.


I will! I think we'll be seeing Hunchback of Notre-Dame there in January? (You are more than welcome to come with us if you would like!) After that it's a question of whether or not I get accepted into Carnegie Mellon for graduate school.

Sounds much more convenient than las vegas (or whereever you were looking at in the past) :p
January should be a much better time for me so we could probably at least meet up briefly. Still a while tho so we'll see!

Do you have a preference now for Carnegie Mellon or is it still just one of the options?


Sounds much more convenient than las vegas (or whereever you were looking at in the past) :p
January should be a much better time for me so we could probably at least meet up briefly. Still a while tho so we'll see!

Do you have a preference now for Carnegie Mellon or is it still just one of the options?
Yeah, the other show was in Utah! So much more expensive. D: And yeah, it's pretty early to plan for now but we'll touch base again as the date comes closer!

Carnegie Mellon is still in my top three programs. I don't know if I've been really convinced that I can get in but at least one of the other graduate students was very supportive in me at least trying.
I'm not dating Gary Busey.

I was playing Bloodborne today and for some reason appreciating it more than I did originally

I watched your video. well like the first sixteen minutes of it. Rhodes was like hey go get the loops and I figured I better save the solution for my own figuring.

it looks really really good. Like better than the sum of the parts or whatever.
my sleep pattern is so

last night we finished cleaning up around midnight and then I was in bed half an hour later and asleep shortly thereafter

cut to four in the morning and I'm wide awake. like I guess my body thought I was just taking a nap or something since I normally stay up until three at least? I guess

I finally fall back asleep at five because I was morbidly curious how long I would last in bed without either any distractions nor sleeping aids. so just natural

cut to eight in the morning and I'm half awake with a throbbing headache that wasn't there before. I don't think it was the hangover because I don't remember feeling it the first time I woke up

cut to ten and I'm rolling around in bed like wtf is this

then noon came and I don't remember

so then I asked Justin if he wanted to watch Bojack but he didn't so I did anyway

and I think the fact that I spent most of today in complete isolation as opposed to being surrounded by two hundred friends on the happiest day of my life so far and then also watching a depressing show and not having adrenaline running through me

#1 line from Bojack v3 "I'm the only albino rhino gyno I know". it's probably funnier in context

I don't want to resort to energy drinks or coffee or whatever. But it's like nine and I'm confused and exhausted and I don't want tomorrow to be more of the same offness and it definitely will be if I wake up early again

I hope my brother and sister in law are fucking a bunch


my sleep pattern is so

last night we finished cleaning up around midnight and then I was in bed half an hour later and asleep shortly thereafter

cut to four in the morning and I'm wide awake. like I guess my body thought I was just taking a nap or something since I normally stay up until three at least? I guess

I finally fall back asleep at five because I was morbidly curious how long I would last in bed without either any distractions nor sleeping aids. so just natural

cut to eight in the morning and I'm half awake with a throbbing headache that wasn't there before. I don't think it was the hangover because I don't remember feeling it the first time I woke up

cut to ten and I'm rolling around in bed like wtf is this

then noon came and I don't remember

so then I asked Justin if he wanted to watch Bojack but he didn't so I did anyway

and I think the fact that I spent most of today in complete isolation as opposed to being surrounded by two hundred friends on the happiest day of my life so far and then also watching a depressing show and not having adrenaline running through me

#1 line from Bojack v3 "I'm the only albino rhino gyno I know". it's probably funnier in context

I don't want to resort to energy drinks or coffee or whatever. But it's like nine and I'm confused and exhausted and I don't want tomorrow to be more of the same offness and it definitely will be if I wake up early again

I hope my brother and sister in law are fucking a bunch

Well, alrighty then.

Most advice about resetting a sleep pattern won't really work with your schedule, so I'll just wish you good luck.


I was playing Snatcher. God dammit it is so good. It wears its influences on its sleeves but fuck Kojima was so good

I never owned a Sega CD and had to look this up. The kid a couple houses away had one and I remember playing Sewer Shark and thinking it was shit.

I also played Sonic CD at some point, which, of course, is also shit.

I'm not dating Gary Busey.

I watched your video. well like the first sixteen minutes of it. Rhodes was like hey go get the loops and I figured I better save the solution for my own figuring.

it looks really really good. Like better than the sum of the parts or whatever.

Thanks, that's good to hear. And fair enough but you should also know I tend to end my videos on the strongest note I can.

The reason the video exists at all is one guy. A detractor. Most people I hear from are exceedingly positive (to the point where I wonder if I'm being overly coddled and not prepared for the real world, TBH), but one guy sent me the angriest email criticizing me for taking too long and not posting enough stuff... So I posted this because it's relatively self contained and has at least some things people haven't seen.

I happen to think this area is kind of weak, honestly, especially with respect to environment art. The design flow also didn't gel as well as I'd hoped in practice compared to in my imagination (in your imagination it's always pretty easy, since you can mush the specifics).

Anyway, the detractor was right, so I'm trying to be better about sharing.
Well, alrighty then.

Most advice about resetting a sleep pattern won't really work with your schedule, so I'll just wish you good luck.

listen they're a couple of super prude uber virgins and I just hope they can drop that charade now that they're married

I'm so different from him it's not even funny

also I'm remembering now that a bunch of people were saying the day after the wedding is super exhausting for the people in the party, which I should have paid attention to. I'll be fine. I'll figure it out. It's okay to have off days every once in a while.

Thanks, that's good to hear. And fair enough but you should also know I tend to end my videos on the strongest note I can.

The reason the video exists at all is one guy. A detractor. Most people I hear from are exceedingly positive (to the point where I wonder if I'm being overly coddled and not prepared for the real world, TBH), but one guy sent me the angriest email criticizing me for taking too long and not posting enough stuff... So I posted this because it's relatively self contained and has at least some things people haven't seen.

I happen to think this area is kind of weak, honestly, especially with respect to environment art. The design flow also didn't gel as well as I'd hoped in practice compared to in my imagination (in your imagination it's always pretty easy, since you can mush the specifics).

Anyway, the detractor was right, so I'm trying to be better about sharing.

Yeah, you told me about that and I probably would have noticed anyway. or I read it in one of the updates. Who can recall?

it's certainly a feat that the (relatively) weak point is so strong. I understand being critical of your own work but I was surprised at how much it impressed me, and I've already seen and enjoyed a lot of the game so far.


listen they're a couple of super prude uber virgins and I just hope they can drop that charade now that they're married

I'm so different from him it's not even funny

also I'm remembering now that a bunch of people were saying the day after the wedding is super exhausting for the people in the party, which I should have paid attention to. I'll be fine. I'll figure it out. It's okay to have off days every once in a while.

Yeah, you told me about that and I probably would have noticed anyway. or I read it in one of the updates. Who can recall?

it's certainly a feat that the (relatively) weak point is so strong. I understand being critical of your own work but I was surprised at how much it impressed me, and I've already seen and enjoyed a lot of the game so far.

Thanks. So, like, that's only about half the lab. There's an entire "haunted" section full of ghosts that you can access by secret means (the ghosts that were extracted from the zombies in the main section). Most people probably won't see it and it's not essential. There are some things I just completely want to save for people to discover on their own (like the thing I skipped past in the video).

BTW the bride and groom were virgins up to their wedding day for real?

I don't mean any disrespect but I'm kind of amazed by that. It's quite a commitment without trying everything out first.

Anyway glad to hear the wedding went well!
Thanks. So, like, that's only about half the lab. There's an entire "haunted" section full of ghosts that you can access by secret means (the ghosts that were extracted from the zombies in the main section). Most people probably won't see it and it's not essential. There are some things I just completely want to save for people to discover on their own (like the thing I skipped past in the video).

I think people will probably find it. You have to go through enough secret doors just to continue the critical path so it seems plausible that most players will find lots of other secrets.

BTW the bride and groom were virgins up to their wedding day for real?

I don't mean any disrespect but I'm kind of amazed by that. It's quite a commitment without trying everything out first.

Anyway glad to hear the wedding went well!

yeah. They dated for almost three years though, and saw each other on literally every single day of that time (except for two short spans, like when my brother went to India with me) so they're going to be fine. Both of them are really gentle, unassuming and timid, and both of them are hard core traditional protestant. For better or worse, they're perfect for each other.


I think people will probably find it. You have to go through enough secret doors just to continue the critical path so it seems plausible that most players will find lots of other secrets.

yeah. They dated for almost three years though, and saw each other on literally every single day of that time (except for two short spans, like when my brother went to India with me) so they're going to be fine. Both of them are really gentle, unassuming and timid, and both of them are hard core traditional protestant. For better or worse, they're perfect for each other.

I'm starting to realize this will likely be a 15-20 hour game, if not more, for most regular users (as opposed to the 10 I originally thought). I spent 25 minutes going straight through this relatively small section, without failing or getting lost or exploring most of the secrets.

Do you have any idea about what game length you'd shoot for with your own project? I find this kind of thing incredibly hard to gauge or plan since no one is going to play the game how you play it as creator.
I'm not aiming for a certain length. I'm just going to put everything I want in it and nothing else, and then call it a game. Four hours, thirty, I don't care. Length doesn't make a game good or bad unless it's criminally short and boring like Gone Home or ridiculously overdrawn like Witcher 3.

I guess I'm expecting it to be eight to twelve, but I'm not going to be upset or try to change things if it falls outside that range.


I'm starting to realize this will likely be a 15-20 hour game, if not more, for most regular users (as opposed to the 10 I originally thought). I spent 25 minutes going straight through this relatively small section, without failing or getting lost or exploring most of the secrets.

Do you have any idea about what game length you'd shoot for with your own project? I find this kind of thing incredibly hard to gauge or plan since no one is going to play the game how you play it as creator.

How do you feel about it now that you are approaching the finish line, is it looking like you'll achieve what you wanted to with it?

Also, why is there dorito puke on your son?
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