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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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I cannot be brought. I am the one who brings.
But can you be bought?


*Million Dollar Laugh*


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Excellent. Can you bring more alcohol, k? Thx.
You can't tell me to lay off the drinking and start drinking at noon, dude.

Lay off the drinking.
I also understand
Also I'd drink with you


Reading this thread...


And what the article in question has to say about Friends...

Stuart Heritage of The Guardian said:
Here’s my theory: despite what they may claim, nobody loves Friends. Nobody on the entire planet has ever felt a genuine whoosh of love when they realised it was on. Maybe they felt a warm tingle of familiarity. Maybe a fizzle of nostalgia. Maybe resignation because the remote was too far away to reach. But love? Hardly.

Friends was – is – too mass-produced for that. It was a fast-food sitcom that prized lukewarm consistency over wit or invention. If Seinfeld was a show about nothing, Friends was a show about nothing interesting. It was about six white twentysomething haircuts relying on tired old cadences for laughs. Friends never changed, it never evolved. Watch any episode now and it could realistically come from anywhere in the series. The only way you can accurately date an episode is by scrutinising Matthew Perry’s face for the ravages of drug-related exhaustion.

Even though it ended 12 years ago, Friends inexplicably refuses to die. It was repeated into the dirt on E4 for years, and now it’s repeated into the dirt on Comedy Central. When Netflix bought the US broadcast rights, over a decade after the final episode aired, it paid almost $120m. This is a bewilderingly vast sum of money, because Friends isn’t anywhere near as good as people say it is. I had to watch Friends in the 1990s because I was young and we only had four channels. But now, with all the choice available, you can do better. Friends is wallpaper. It’s slop, mashed down and processed for easy consumption. Friends is hospital food. Could it be any blander?
AWWWW YEAH! And what was said about Arrested Development...

Benjamin Lee of The Guardian said:
As much as I liked the ensemble cast and the many talented guest stars, this show was far too happy with itself to make me happy too. It always felt as if I was watching it with the writers sitting next to me, signposting every overly constructed joke, smugly looking back at me not for a laugh but for a self-satisfied smirk. I had similar problems with Community – another show that decided to tell you it was funny then explain why for what felt like an eternity.
I'd have to agree. Arrest Dev just isn't a particularly deep show, thematically. By the time I got to the third series, the whole premise was wearing thin for me. Funny...but that's really it.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Reading this thread...


And what the article in question has to say about Friends...

AWWWW YEAH! And what was said about Arrested Development...

I'd have to agree. Arrest Dev just isn't a particularly deep show, thematically. By the time I got to the third series, the whole premise was wearing thin for me. Funny...but that's really it.

I like Friends. I dislike Arrested Development. Not much more to it than that aside from thinking the writer is trying his/her best to be 2cool

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Pretty sore. And of course I organised a date while front and centre at a show with a guy I went on a date with a few weeks ago lol. Thus is notfume5-1. Psycho guy was technically notfume5-2. I'm gonna need a flowchart to keep up lol. And tentatively planned something this weekend with notacridmeat...
I finally blacklisted Trump threads on here. One of the latest ones had some posts that were just making me SEETHE.


Did that a while ago. It's incredibly liberating!


I sent a message

This was a bad plan


Nah. Don't dwell on it. Find someone else to send a message to and jump on that as well so you're not hedging all your bets on this one person who probably already gets loads of messages.


One of my cousins' boyfriend is leaving on military deployment in a couple weeks, so maybe swoop in there? :O

(I probably just made Em and Holly really mad)
Nah. Don't dwell on it. Find someone else to send a message to and jump on that as well so you're not hedging all your bets on this one person who probably already gets loads of messages.
I'll probably just leave it for a while, don't want to have to worry about potentially having to keep up multiple conversations. One step at a time kind of thing. Going to watch some wrassling and try to forget about it

Also my friend is saying that apparently I said someone was into me at uni but I can't for the life of me remember what she's talking about. Which is weird because I definitely feel like I should remember.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Trump has this weird slant to his mouth whenever he opens it.


He invested his fortune to make his hair sentient.

You'd think he'd get an entire wig if he was going to do extensions anyway.

if you have the money there are many options for good looking hair

like wigs or having professionals glue hair ot your head or w/e

that said, maybe if you're rich enough you get into a not giving a fuck mindset because everyone you come across kisses your ass anyway
Trump is 70 so I don't think he'd want to change his hair or try anything to risk losing it

man if I ever go bald it'll be the end haha, I have a big ass head and will look even more uglier D:


if you have the money there are many options for good looking hair

like wigs or having professionals glue hair ot your head or w/e

that said, maybe if you're rich enough you get into a not giving a fuck mindset because everyone you come across kisses your ass anyway
And transplants look amazing these days
Trump is 70 so I don't think he'd want to change his hair or try anything to risk losing it

man if I ever go bald it'll be the end haha, I have a big ass head and will look even more uglier D:
It's hard to find wigs for large heads
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