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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Anyone embarrassed about where they come from?

Just got into it with a friend of mine who is in the process of calling me out for hating on my home town.


Ah good puppers of the qwack qwack type not the Bork Bork type.
But what of this type?



Anyone embarrassed about where they come from?

Just got into it with a friend of mine who is in the process of calling me out for hating on my home town.

Eh, not really. When I used to explain where I was born people would start singing the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme because it's west of Philadelphia (not West Philadelphia) which was apparently close enough for them. It's actually closer to Pittsburgh.

The first half was so fucking awful and the rest was just meh. Also for all the hype the animation looked cheaper than Dragon Ball Super.

We've known about the animation since the first trailer, but stuff like the way they portrayed Barbara and apparently
tempering the ambiguity of the ending
are what disappoint me.


Tasmanians get mocked for being inbred, country bumpkins and that sort of thing all the time.

But nah

The ONLY thing I grew up associating your country with was your devils.

And I was so disappointed when I finally saw a real one


how does someone see that and imagine a slobbering bipedal whirlwind of death?


The ONLY thing I grew up associating your country with was your devils.

And I was so disappointed when I finally saw a real one


how does someone see that and imagine a slobbering bipedal whirlwind of death?
Why would you picture that, I was picturing this instead.

am i supposed to say YAAS QUEEN or something? im bad at this...

this one might help you understand better

Anyone embarrassed about where they come from?

Just got into it with a friend of mine who is in the process of calling me out for hating on my home town.

I love my home town. I'm never leaving here.

That said, I have some friends who hate where they grew up and I'm perfectly fine supporting them in that.


What do normal single people do? Learn new skills and do drastic self-improvement with all of the spare time? Yeah I can give that a try
What do normal single people do? Learn new skills and do drastic self-improvement with all of the spare time? Yeah I can give that a try

when I was still single I spent a huge chunk of my time with other single people

I also focused a lot of my time and energy into creative efforts


What do normal single people do? Learn new skills and do drastic self-improvement with all of the spare time? Yeah I can give that a try

I was single through most of 2015 and it wasn't much different. The main difference is now sometimes there's a girl here and I leave the house a bit more but not a ton more really.

now I'm dating an ex stripper who drinks and does drugs hahaha.

I wish there was such a thing as "exclusive and casual". like, it's not real serious, but we don't see other people either.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
What do normal single people do? Learn new skills and do drastic self-improvement with all of the spare time? Yeah I can give that a try

masturbate cry and listen to phil collins


VR/dance night photos finally went up.

edit: This isn't post pics of yourself.

We'll let it slide.

My uncle just dropped off the generator I'd lent him, his finger looks exactly like Jobbs' toe after he smashed it while he was away.

Disappointingly, he went to the doctors and they used a super heated needle on it.

#bringshametothefamily #stillplayinggolftomorrow


Man Ive got the shakes. I hope it's just a sugar rush from the shit I ate today and not something worse 😲😕😴

Xiao Hu

Anyone embarrassed about where they come from?

Just got into it with a friend of mine who is in the process of calling me out for hating on my home town.

Well, I don't like the obnoxiousness and cringyness of my hometown of Cologne. Locals think way too high of their 'Kölsche' mentality and in general everything outside is trash in their eyes. Whole year is revolving around Karneval which is basically an amalgamation of horribly prudish humour, people puking on the streets and trash tier Cologonian music that HAS to be sung in this stupid uncompromised local dialect everyone is jerking off to.

Jesus, I feel very depressed today. Can't wait for the university to start again.


You're a magnet for malaise mate, you've been sick how many times this year?

The only thing I've been is hungover.

well the infections I'd been getting were due to a very specific medical iussue related to a past surgery

this is the first random stomach thing I've gotten this year I think
two episodes left but my boyfriend is asleep. looks like I'm not getting any more Strange tonight

You're a magnet for malaise mate, you've been sick how many times this year?

The only thing I've been is hungover.

this was one of my best friends in high school. I felt like we never went a full month without her being sick again. I blame her diet which was basically just Taco Bell and RedBull.

I get it now...she's a David Lynch character!

ha, that's one way to put it

but seriously her whole career/persona is an art project and a parody. There's an interesting breakdown of it by the YouTube user Night Mind if you want to lose a little of the mystery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmXQKMjEC8E


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Poppy is the antichrist and a thing of beauty.
lilith watch that shit now the eps are better back to back

and plant the seeds of doubt and distrust that will inevitably lead to us breaking up? :O

unless that's what you want to happen so I'm back on the market? O_O

Poppy is the antichrist and a thing of beauty.

yeah, I find everything about her alluring, both real and fictitious. But I'll admit to being weird that way.

Oh I thought she was just really like that

No. But you can still enjoy it as if she were.

Night Mind is good shit and did a crazy and comprehensive breakdown of Adult Swim's "There's People In This House".

Yeah. I'm well aware of his other work. Good shit indeed.
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