okay I'm done. That's the last one.
hahaha alley oop!
Emma Roberts is totes attractive, but something about those gifs make her not so.
oh please.

okay I'm done. That's the last one.
Emma Roberts is totes attractive, but something about those gifs make her not so.
Emma Roberts is totes attractive, but something about those gifs make her not so.
Moriah Pereira (That Poppy) is fifteen years old.
Moriah Pereira (That Poppy) is fifteen years old.
Emma Roberts is a month younger than me, fuck. I'm getting old.
haha. I didn't know that nor would I have guessed it, but I'm good because I don't generally make a lot of sexual remarks about people
they put her in a lot of different makeup to try and keep it ambiguous, so sometimes she appears a lot older.
She honestly doesn't look any different from many ditzy, late twenty-somethings with granny dresses I see around the local hipster clubs.
I'm shocked she's that young.
I just threw away all my peanuts.
I got sick and barfed peanuts before, now they are associated with puking and ruined -- perhaps forever.
Feminine scents are way better than men's. It's not even a contest.
cute nose guy said he's looking for something serious, he really doesn't seem like a fuckboy :3
cute nose guy said he's looking for something serious, he really doesn't seem like a fuckboy :3
I return to my old Asperger's forum, only for the very first fucking post to be from the MRA Gator that drove me from there in the first place.
Then I go into the Political Correctnees thread where some guy posts "sometimes it is necessary to call certain groups certain words". I respond with ".... please tell us what those are".
cute nose guy said he's looking for something serious, he really doesn't seem like a fuckboy :3
Please don't die. Or at least come back as a zombie if you do :3About to head to notfume5-1s place for netflix and chill. If he murders me please tell my wife I'm an orangutan etc
You are glutton for self-punishment.
how dare you!What if it turns out that... You're the fuckboy?
Going on first post-sick run.
Could this be it?! After all this time? :O
Please don't die. Or at least come back as a zombie if you do :3
*trying to think of opening message for possibly American girl*
Definitely don't feel as anxious about doing it as i used to though, which is awesome![]()
*trying to think of opening message for possibly American girl*
Definitely don't feel as anxious about doing it as i used to though, which is awesome![]()
*trying to think of opening message for possibly American girl*
we're on a roll! high five!
"So, how about that first woman presidential nominee, huh?"
Woo! Is nose guy the Jawbreaker guy? I am bad at keeping up with the thread
Related: I do find it quite funny how a lot of America's super psyched about this, while we're on our second female PM and they've both been total shit
Be glad Clinton isn't total shit
While we're on the topic of the Democrats, Obama didn't have to lump communists in with fascists they're nowhere near as bad
What annoys me about it is that people are already getting ready to blame the left for if Trump wins because they didn't vote for heryisss *o*
bleeeh @ all the hillary praise. she's better than trump not more.
What annoys me about it is that people are already getting ready to blame the left for if Trump wins because they didn't vote for her
As if they're entitled to the votes of the left, despite constantly mocking and disparaging them (see the people laughing at the crying Sanders delegates). This happens with Labour over here too, they took the left vote for granted and lost 5 million votes between 1997 and 2005
Politics is about convincing people. If she can't convince enough people to beat Donald fucking Trump, that's on her. Stop blaming other people for her flaws.
Totally. I don't agree with Bernie or Bust but instead of getting angry at them and calling them stupid, maybe actually think about why people are doing so and try to combat it.well it's the whole argument of seeing her as the lesser evil. also why Sanders endorses her. that's the only good thing about her tbh because I can only imagine she made some sort of deal with him in order to achieve that
well it's the whole argument of seeing her as the lesser evil. also why Sanders endorses her. that's the only good thing about her tbh because I can only imagine she made some sort of deal with him in order to achieve that
What annoys me about it is that people are already getting ready to blame the left for if Trump wins because they didn't vote for her
As if they're entitled to the votes of the left, despite constantly mocking and disparaging them (see the people laughing at the crying Sanders delegates). This happens with Labour over here too, they took the working class vote for granted and lost 5 million votes between 1997 and 2005
Politics is about convincing people. If she can't convince enough people to beat Donald fucking Trump, that's on her. Stop blaming other people for her flaws.
To be honest, I'm terrified of what's going to happen in the next election if there's not a significant break from the status quo. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem that will just get worse if it's not addressed. Inequality needs to be tackled. The working class need to be given attention.
I fucked up my pinky real good
Medical here I come
I lost two of nails earlier this year when I smashed them in an m2Looks nasty. A friend of mine lost her whole finger nail during one night of heavy drinking. Took her several hours and a shower to realize that something might be missing.
I lost two of nails earlier this year when I smashed them in an m2
Anyways, hopefully it's no biggie Dragonz and you get more than Motrin
Imagine how those of his outside the US feel we get our politics and your politics.
It's all you see so you don't really see how it is kind of the same everywhere. Everyone sensationalizes their politics.Our politics are so simplistic and inhumane, it sucks.
Hail Satan. Archangelo.