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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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okay I'm done. That's the last one.

hahaha alley oop!

Emma Roberts is totes attractive, but something about those gifs make her not so.

oh please.


A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Like, I guess it's the campy overacting in the show, which is totally cool.
I like campy things. Just odd out of context.


Speaking of, there's probably nothing more stupid or that makes you feel more stupid than jizzing in your pants.

Moriah Pereira (That Poppy) is fifteen years old.

haha. I didn't know that nor would I have guessed it, but I'm good because I don't generally make a lot of sexual remarks about people


I just threw away all my peanuts.

I got sick and barfed peanuts before, now they are associated with puking and ruined -- perhaps forever.

Funky Papa

I just threw away all my peanuts.

I got sick and barfed peanuts before, now they are associated with puking and ruined -- perhaps forever.

I had that issue with fish and restaurants for a long time. Salmonella is a bitch. The only time I've had to spend a couple of nights at a hospital.

I thought I had it bad, then last year I had a batch of bad chicken with my girlfriend that fucked us up for an entire week. It was worse than just having a bad case of the runs. We vomiting pucking while shitting ourselves at the same time in such a violent fashion that most of the times we could barely run towards the smaller bathroom if the main one was already occupied. And then we had to carry a bucket with us because sometimes we'd just powerpuke at the same time we were spraying our innards all over the toilet.

Severe food poisoning is hell.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
About to head to notfume5-1s place for netflix and chill. If he murders me please tell my wife I'm an orangutan etc
I return to my old Asperger's forum, only for the very first fucking post to be from the MRA Gator that drove me from there in the first place.

Then I go into the Political Correctnees thread where some guy posts "sometimes it is necessary to call certain groups certain words". I respond with ".... please tell us what those are".

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I return to my old Asperger's forum, only for the very first fucking post to be from the MRA Gator that drove me from there in the first place.

Then I go into the Political Correctnees thread where some guy posts "sometimes it is necessary to call certain groups certain words". I respond with ".... please tell us what those are".

You are glutton for self-punishment.
we're on a roll! high five!

Woo! Is nose guy the Jawbreaker guy? I am bad at keeping up with the thread

"So, how about that first woman presidential nominee, huh?"

Related: I do find it quite funny how a lot of America's super psyched about this, while we're on our second female PM and they've both been total shit

Be glad Clinton isn't total shit

While we're on the topic of the Democrats, Obama didn't have to lump communists in with fascists they're nowhere near as bad
Woo! Is nose guy the Jawbreaker guy? I am bad at keeping up with the thread

Related: I do find it quite funny how a lot of America's super psyched about this, while we're on our second female PM and they've both been total shit

Be glad Clinton isn't total shit

While we're on the topic of the Democrats, Obama didn't have to lump communists in with fascists they're nowhere near as bad

yisss *o*

bleeeh @ all the hillary praise. she's better than trump not more.
yisss *o*

bleeeh @ all the hillary praise. she's better than trump not more.
What annoys me about it is that people are already getting ready to blame the left for if Trump wins because they didn't vote for her

As if they're entitled to the votes of the left, despite constantly mocking and disparaging them (see the people laughing at the crying Sanders delegates). This happens with Labour over here too, they took the working class vote for granted and lost 5 million votes between 1997 and 2005

Politics is about convincing people. If she can't convince enough people to beat Donald fucking Trump, that's on her. Stop blaming other people for her flaws.

To be honest, I'm terrified of what's going to happen in the next election if there's not a significant break from the status quo. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem that will just get worse if it's not addressed. Inequality needs to be tackled. The working class need to be given attention.
What annoys me about it is that people are already getting ready to blame the left for if Trump wins because they didn't vote for her

As if they're entitled to the votes of the left, despite constantly mocking and disparaging them (see the people laughing at the crying Sanders delegates). This happens with Labour over here too, they took the left vote for granted and lost 5 million votes between 1997 and 2005

Politics is about convincing people. If she can't convince enough people to beat Donald fucking Trump, that's on her. Stop blaming other people for her flaws.

well it's the whole argument of seeing her as the lesser evil. also why Sanders endorses her. that's the only good thing about her tbh because I can only imagine she made some sort of deal with him in order to achieve that

well it's the whole argument of seeing her as the lesser evil. also why Sanders endorses her. that's the only good thing about her tbh because I can only imagine she made some sort of deal with him in order to achieve that
Totally. I don't agree with Bernie or Bust but instead of getting angry at them and calling them stupid, maybe actually think about why people are doing so and try to combat it.

Bloody liberals. Stop blaming the left for your problems jeez

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I'm totally a Hilary supporter. The corruption allegations aren't that far from the allegations against Monsanto.

Just fodder.


well it's the whole argument of seeing her as the lesser evil. also why Sanders endorses her. that's the only good thing about her tbh because I can only imagine she made some sort of deal with him in order to achieve that


haha I still need to draw that mermatrab sometime! ♥

re. Hillary I'm not sure what the major beef is -- I don't agree with her on every policy position, but I align with her dramatically dramatically dramatically more than I do Trump in every way -- Not just on policy but on general demeanor.

There's no such thing as a perfect candidate, we have to make the most of it though
What annoys me about it is that people are already getting ready to blame the left for if Trump wins because they didn't vote for her

As if they're entitled to the votes of the left, despite constantly mocking and disparaging them (see the people laughing at the crying Sanders delegates). This happens with Labour over here too, they took the working class vote for granted and lost 5 million votes between 1997 and 2005

Politics is about convincing people. If she can't convince enough people to beat Donald fucking Trump, that's on her. Stop blaming other people for her flaws.

To be honest, I'm terrified of what's going to happen in the next election if there's not a significant break from the status quo. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem that will just get worse if it's not addressed. Inequality needs to be tackled. The working class need to be given attention.

As if that would happen lol.

Expansion of SSI would be nice, for one. And by expansion I mean the following:

1) Taxing the millionaires to pay their fair share*
2)Allowing disabled people to have more in their savings
3)Going to Republican dominated state congress and jackfucking slap the hell out of the Republicans and blue dog dems who don't vote for medicaid/medicare expansion. The tea party are fucking savages I swear to god and should fuck off for using medicaid/medicare expansion as fucking negatitve. MEANFUCKINGWHILE, dental is still fucking considered a cosmetic operation and not covered by the current medicaid/medicare company and THAT'S BULLSHIT because I'm over my head in debt to my lovely fucking dentist who charges about $500+ because for a fucking filling lol and there's proof that dental exam can save life but this is America, who the fuck cares about goddamned facts, TRUTHINESS is what matters at the end of the day.
4)Expansion of food stamps and every other resource available to poor people.

*lol this is already a no go for Dems. Fuck the poor. Pander to the fucking middle class as much as possible lol. Fuck this post is too infuriating to type out. Having any kind of optimism for any kind of expansion of anything related to poor people is recipe for disaster (THANKS Republicans and spineless dems.) Why is America the leader of the free world again, when our parties are such goddamn barbarians and shit?

Optimism is nice and all, But unless Hillary and dems take both senate and congress, you can bet your ass that ain't not a goddamned thing about income inequality will be done unless it's goddamned apocalyptic. I have to simply resign myself to getting a second job at Wal Mart or whereever just so I can make rent and what not. I wish the working class in America. I wish the high functioning disabled people vote. I wish everyone would godddamn vote. But that doesn't seem to be happening, does it? With the system and the politician more then happy to disenfranchise the regular vote. I hope with all my heart and soul, sometime in the near future a democratic SCOTS shoots down voter ID in America. I hope it happens to the Missouri GOP. Because fuck those assholes.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Looks nasty. A friend of mine lost her whole finger nail during one night of heavy drinking. Took her several hours and a shower to realize that something might be missing.
I lost two of nails earlier this year when I smashed them in an m2

Anyways, hopefully it's no biggie Dragonz and you get more than Motrin
I have ADD and God I need my Adderall.

In general, I need this election to fucking end ASAP because the primary political ads are making me irrationally angry.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
tfw you're by far the drunkest at work drinks


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Our politics are so simplistic and inhumane, it sucks.
It's all you see so you don't really see how it is kind of the same everywhere. Everyone sensationalizes their politics.

But if you really want to see inhumane, follow global elections. Look at some of the incredibly corrupt global elections. People being beaten at polling stations, blatantly rigged counts, etc

Not saying our elections aren't super problematic, but I think it is very important to be aware of things globally. To see a while picture of the world.
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