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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.

What a bizarre combination

Edit: For context, today is "post random shit on imgur" day, so if you go there prepare to find a lot of unusual things


Damn, beaten to the fairy joke.

I frequently say things that are subtle or not so subtle attempts at getting any form of attention for myself. ;)

Nah. I did pick up Conker and Thunder Blade this evening though, when I went to get AV cables for my SMS I forgot earlier.

Shatterhand is one of those games I missed out on as a kid and was always curious about -- I checked it out as an adult and it's kind of amazing. As an NES game it's gorgeous to look at, and worth it for that alone... But it's also a fun game.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I both do and do not get the hate for Witcher 3's combat. It definitely has issues but I really feel a lot of those come down to weird imbalances, general performance / responsiveness, and enemy specific design inconsistencies. Leshen hitboxes, for example, are awful for their attacks and I have no idea why CDPR hasn't fixed them yet.

Otherwise the combat feels pretty great to me. To be fair, playing it on a high end PC where the framerate can hold up does wonders. That extra responsiveness, or at least the illusion of such, with the smoother framerate compliments the somewhat sluggish character motions, making engagements feel far less frustrating.

RE: Elder Scrolls / Bethesda Fallout. I can totally see the appeal; Bethesda essentially built limitless RPG sandboxes with a ton of attribute and function safety nets to encourage freeform play, and folk love that stuff. They're pretty unique in that respect, and there's not many games that offer similarly relaxed, open experience where low risk agency is the cornerstone of world interactivity. You can literally just boot it up and go wherever, do whatever, and not have to worry too much about consequences. Comfy gaming, balanced with carrot-on-a-stick progression through levelling and gear.

I personally find that a bit boring though, and it's not what I'm after in my RPGs. I like more complex interwoven game systems and statistics where player agency and character speccing resonate with a reactive game world, as that to me is what role playing is; envision who you're going to be, and see that recognised, through strengths and weaknesses. There has to be some game system causality, and it's highlighted in stuff like New Vegas over Fallout 3, despite sharing the same game system template.

Plus, you know, the stories and what not. They're all fucking boring. Bethesda's writing is so dull. I feel no lure of engagement or presence. And I mean, Wild Hunt is objectively a less agency driven RPG than TES. Your scope of world interactivity is far more limited. But the writing elevates the simple game design over everything else. I can actually, you know, remember shit.


One of my best buds sent me $40 for my birthday, expressly meant for I Am Setsuna. I guess I'm gonna be getting my old school JRPG on this evening.



I just remembered I had something to tell everyone. Maybe this will entertain you.

So I'm walking my dog and this beautiful girl who was very much physically my type (dark hair + glasses) was also walking her dog. We start to pass each other and just as I'm about to say hello my dog flips the fuck out jumping around barking and wanting to play with the other dog. The moment was ruined and my dog was the ultimate cock block this time


I just remembered I had something to tell everyone. Maybe this will entertain you.

So I'm walking my dog and this beautiful girl who was very much physically my type (dark hair + glasses) was also walking her dog. We start to pass each other and just as I'm about to say hello my dog flips the fuck out jumping around barking and wanting to play with the other dog. The moment was ruined and my dog was the ultimate cock block this time

Maybe your dog's sixth sense was kicking in an saved you from a life of misery. #glasshalffull

I still gotta catch up on the first season of this. What I watched was amazing, though.



I just remembered I had something to tell everyone. Maybe this will entertain you.

So I'm walking my dog and this beautiful girl who was very much physically my type (dark hair + glasses) was also walking her dog. We start to pass each other and just as I'm about to say hello my dog flips the fuck out jumping around barking and wanting to play with the other dog. The moment was ruined and my dog was the ultimate cock block this time


dogs are supposed to aid not block
Give it the bro talk and and some stake
It will understand



I just remembered I had something to tell everyone. Maybe this will entertain you.

So I'm walking my dog and this beautiful girl who was very much physically my type (dark hair + glasses) was also walking her dog. We start to pass each other and just as I'm about to say hello my dog flips the fuck out jumping around barking and wanting to play with the other dog. The moment was ruined and my dog was the ultimate cock block this time


Do you have a dog park nearby? Go take your dog over to one and let him hang around for a bit with the other dogs. You'll meet some cool people in the process.

My dog doesn't bother with tiny dogs. He likes playing with dogs his size.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Emma Roberts is super attractive.
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