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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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why do I STILL have to dream about my ex and bring all the painful memories back when I wasn't even thinking about it that much anymore. this haunting shit... it's not fair ;(

I've done this

just remind yourself of all his shitting or whatever gross shit you said he did


Redmond's Baby
it's not just akward for me... it always bring back all the negative feelings. and it can happen anytime... like totally randomly and I don't even know why. I wonder if it'll ever stop.
Our brain mess up with us when we least expect it. It happens to me quite often, dreaming about all my ex gfs and I wake up in quite bad mood... -.-


Im so damn tired after doing 2 hours of mowing the lawn even after taking a nap. Someone come here cuddle me and bring me a shroom pizza.

I just mowed the lawn too!

Lawn bros!

why do I STILL have to dream about my ex and bring all the painful memories back when I wasn't even thinking about it that much anymore. this haunting shit... it's not fair ;(

It takes time.

I met my now ex-wife in kindergarten. We had been friends our whole life. Married for seven years. Divorced in late 2015 and I'm still kind of fucked up from the whole thing tbh :(


I mowed nothing

But this sick track

Rave down, hit the ground
Before the pistol crack spins me out sideways
Like the sharp hard hit of a car crash in a dream
There's kids on the corner wanna
Beat-box my brains to bits
You can't cut creed clean
Things ain't black or white like they seem

I just mowed the lawn too!

Lawn bros!

It takes time.

I met my now ex-wife in kindergarten. We had been friends our whole life. Married for seven years. Divorced in late 2015 and I'm still kind of fucked up from the whole thing tbh :(
wow. well that's understandable. totally. ;/ with me it's kinda like a joke, we haven't even been together that long but I guess it was the most meaningful thing for me ever. meh.

Kathy Bates with her slave blood fountain of youth.
and all the raping and incest. I didn't expect that :eek:


I have underestimated the importance of a strong color pallet for an artstyle

Color selection is one of the single most important and powerful things in a composition and I've spent so much time and thought on it for my project

The right colors can make you feel certain ways


When I move to FL we .can hang breh


I basically have zero irl friends these days :/

edit - I mean I do but most of them have kids and shit so they are never able to chill and my former crush only wants to hang when our mutual friends from LA are in town :(


irresponsible vagina leak

I basically have zero irl friends these days :/

edit - I mean I do but most of them have kids and shit so they are never able to chill and my former crush only wants to hang when our mutual friends from LA are in town :(

Well you better get your butt ready to party hard! (Alcohol, drug free of course)


MTG packs are so much cheaper at the collectible place than they are in the stores but that place is a pain in the ass to find parking for. Either way, now I need Graf Rats and I want to make a R/G werewolf deck.


My best friends don't live in the same state as me. They are people I've known since school. I rarely see them in person but we're in constant contact on our hangout and share everything.

I dont have a lot of close local friends but I'm okay with my level of human contact. A little more than okay lately...


Everyone move to Florida!

We have:

Great food
Great beaches
Touristy shit



I only go to Florida once every few years or so to visit family.

I'm supposed to go somewhere with my best friend tomorrow but she hasn't been answering any of my calls or texts. This tends to happen a lot. I don't mind cancelling plans but a text to say that they can't make it/don't want to go or that they're gonna be late would be helpful.


Color selection is one of the single most important and powerful things in a composition and I've spent so much time and thought on it for my project

The right colors can make you feel certain ways

I want to go back to charcoal. I understand that better


I want to go back to charcoal. I understand that better

I am very strange in that what I usually do is just get colors down then decide what they ll be afterwards by changing the colors and tinkering until I like it

One more reason I suck at traditional media


Orlando - 20ish minutes from downtown

Hmm, that's around a 5 hour drive from where my family lives. I'd probably be more likely to see you if I head back out there again for theme park purposes.

Let's see how much of a werewolf deck I can build with what I have on-hand. I'm naming it Firewatch
it's not just akward for me... it always bring back all the negative feelings. and it can happen anytime... like totally randomly and I don't even know why. I wonder if it'll ever stop.

It'll stop. I rarely think about my ex anymore compared to when we broke up...oh wow, almost ten years ago. She did me dirty though, and I'm glad I don't have those negative feelings anymore.


Hmm, that's around a 5 hour drive from where my family lives. I'd probably be more likely to see you if I head back out there again for theme park purposes.

Let's see how much of a werewolf deck I can build with what I have on-hand. I'm naming it Firewatch

Word. It would be so rad if we could get a fakegaf group for a day at IoA

It'll stop. I rarely think about my ex anymore compared to when we broke up...oh wow, almost ten years ago. She did me dirty though, and I'm glad I don't have those negative feelings anymore.

If you can teach me how to forgive I'll forever be in your debt. So far therapy has only taught me to not feel like a piece of shit.


I am very strange in that what I usually do is just get colors down then decide what they ll be afterwards by changing the colors and tinkering until I like it

One more reason I suck at traditional media

Since you like it so much clearly you'd like to do that stuff for free for me riiiight?


Ok, America, this joke is no longer funny.

Also: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...lights&contentPlacement=8&pgtype=sectionfront
He's doing super poorly with the electoral map. He most likely already lost Virginia and colorado and north Carolina and Georgia are actually in play.

For inspiration and tweaking. Great website. :D
I usually mess around with this:
Still doesn't help me much

Funky Papa

Honestly, after the whole Brexit mess I'm done with post-factual politics and polls.

I can only hope Hillary tears him a new asshole on live TV during the debates and that the Democratic base doesn't indulge into the usual complacency.


And yeah, post convention polls are the least reliable in history. Every time.

White noise.

Though trump got very little of a convention bump. This is more Hillary dealing with like three straight weeks of bad news and the DNC hasn't kicked in yet. The fact that she's still looking quite ahead in all actually useful polling is impressive (well it probably says more about trump)
Honestly, after the whole Brexit mess I'm done with post-factual politics and polls.

I can only hope Hillary tears him a new asshole on live TV during the debates and that the Democratic base doesn't indulge into the usual complacency.

Brexit was a one off thing. This has precedent. a lot of the polls recently though are aiming for clickbait such as Nate silver's "now-cast" (the pic you linked to)

Follow someone who actually is trying to look for real trends. Sam Wang is doing a pretty good job: http://election.princeton.edu/

At this rate its still projected to be nearly unwinnable for trump


My best friends don't live in the same state as me. They are people I've known since school. I rarely see them in person but we're in constant contact on our hangout and share everything.

I dont have a lot of close local friends but I'm okay with my level of human contact. A little more than okay lately...

I don't have any close local friends any more. My oldest friend moved to Germany last year and everyone else remaining are more acquaintances than friends. I do have some musician friends here but those are more professional relationships, for the most part.

That said, I have some fucking amazing long distance friends. Just wish I could see them more often (or at all).


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I just bought a PC Engine and the kit to region mod it. Someone fucking stop me.

I also spent $450 on my kid's back to school shopping. WTF am I doing.


I just bought a PC Engine and the kit to region mod it. Someone fucking stop me.

I also spent $450 on my kid's back to school shopping. WTF am I doing.

Wait, your kid's in kindergarten, right? How did you spend that much? A year's worth of back to school supplies from Walmart is like $60.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Wait, your kid's in kindergarten, right? How did you spend that much? A year's worth of back to school supplies from Walmart is like $60.

I refuse to ever, EVER EVER shop at anything that has to do with the Waltons.

BUt no this was clothes, shoes, backpack, jackets, accessories, supplies, etc. She walks all over me <3
If you can teach me how to forgive I'll forever be in your debt. So far therapy has only taught me to not feel like a piece of shit.

Part of it was me relishing in the fact that she was worse-off than I was when she finally contacted me a year after she cut me and the relationship off, but I was a lot younger and more spiteful back then. She told me that she hated her current boyfriend because (at the time, don't know if that's the case now) he treated her like shit emotionally. When I asked her why she didn't leave his ass, she hit me with the "I'd rather be miserable than alone" excuse. She made her choice, and while I'm not above trying to save someone, I can't do that if they don't wanna help themselves.

In general for me, the best way to learn to forgive is to just keep trying to better yourself. I've got a good job that is trying to kill me with hours, great friends (including on GAF <3), better family, and I'm generally enjoying my life. Yeah I'm lonely as fuck and I miss the companionship of a real relationship, but I'm sure that'll change eventually.

Besides, there's always Lucian's headache cure!
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