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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Watching Now You See Me with the querlfrend.

It's not a very good film.

Enjoy it for the dumb mess it is :)

Yesterday I figured out that Gin Tonic probably features the best ratio of "drink a lot and et drunk" and "no hangover" that I ever had.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Show is really campy as good or bad that might be for you. Hard to take it seriously but its a good show to watch and shut your brain off.

I'm looking for something to fill that dumb, bitchy void that's a little bit Mean Girls and a whole lot of slosh.


oh god everytime cute nose guy asks me what I'm doing it's always stuff like "playing magic cards" "catching pokemon". I need to find something exciting to do for a change


irresponsible vagina leak
oh god everytime cute nose guy asks me what I'm doing it's always stuff like "playing magic cards" "catching pokemon". I need to find something exciting to do for a change

Say petting your pussy then send a picture of your cat so he doesnt get a mixed message. (Im awful today sorry lol)
Try to spend as much time as you can in researching pegging. It's the best way to introduce the subject.
but I don't wanna introduce the subject :c

Say petting your pussy then send a picture of your cat so he doesnt get a mixed message. (Im awful today sorry lol)

lol :D I nearly choked on gummi candy...maybe that's exciting enough

I've literally gotten this text

you're dating vazra


Sitting on the couch next to deep asleep Erica watching old half in the bag episodes on my TV... Interstellar right now
I'm at a gig. I can't watch this. Gimme a summary

Star Wars parody song called "In the Zone"

Why can't we be more than friends
Why can't you see
That baby I'm in the zone
Like a king without a throne
I'd rather have you by my side
Than play the skin trombone
I thought that what we had was real
But I couldn't close the deal
I'm a piece of shit
Cause baby
Baby I'm in the ZONE

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I wish I had my vape. This would be even more awesome.

Reckon I can make it to 3? Should I is the better question


Its weird when you meet a new person in a dream and get to know them and all and then you wake up and it turns out they don't exist. Kinda sad


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Good weekend has, thus far, been good.

- Work drinks were soothing and sloshy. New boss is cool, but I'm also confidently in the don't-give-a-fuck zone that if it all goes to shit it's no loss.
- Sister shot me through some solid government jobs that I'd be suitable for, applied.
- Woke up to a good friend standing out the front of my house, on the way to work, with a coffee for me knowing I'd be woozy from work drinks.
- Hit up the Holgate Brewery. Ate an awesome felafel burger, paced myself alcohol wise to ensure I didn't get sloshed.
- Picked up three of Holgate's fancier brews to take home and save for a later date.
- Caught up with one of my oldest, closest friends and his fiance.
- Came home and cracked a delicious barley wine ale gifted to me to cap the night.
- Worked on my screenplay, pretty sure I can get it done on the cheap sometime next year with my accumulated savings.
- Worked on my game, likely to go on the backburner a bit for the screenplay as skill to complete the former exceeds the latter.
- All my shopping for next week is done so I should be able to live cheap and easy.
- Jumped on the Netflix bandwagon finally.
- Review code for Abzû arrived.
- Super fucking excited for No Man's Sky and Deus Ex Mankind Divided this month.

Tomorrow I'll kill it with some Abzû, maybe go out for lunch with a couple of mates I haven't seen for awhile, go for a walk and do some photography, and maybe watch some shit on Netflix.

High value lazy Sunday.
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