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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Yeah. I'm a mess right now and I'm overthinking everything. I've rewritten this response a dozen times because I can't figure out what to say, how to say it, or even why it needs to be said. I can't fix all the world's problems but I can fix some of them, and I try to take note of that when I can. But in the mean time I just want to come home to and spend time with people who love me for who I am, not what I have.

For what it's worth, I noted your enthusiasm and general intellect/competence long before I knew anything else about you.

Being born wealthy is a hell of a thing, as is being born poor. Life's not fair. If you've been given much then all I would hope is that you do something interesting with your life beyond just "being rich".


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Poppy is great.

American Kids is great.


financial stability is certainly a part of it (without the showy status part—I don't care about that), but I would be sorely amiss to claim that finance is the only privilege I've been given. It's easier to hang out with people who you're not embarrassed to be yourself around. Like it's embarrassing for me to talk about days when things are going really well for me in this thread when there are other people who constantly go on about their depression or job problems or illness or a lack of confidence or relationship drama or death of family. Because it's not fair. And the very last thing I want to do is make light of other people's problems, so it's just easier to avoid confrontation for the most part.

Life isn't fair. You know that. We all know that. But I think it would be a shame for you to edit yourself because you feel other people will judge you for being richer/happier/having better blue hair, etc.

Take what you have and use it to make other people's lives better. Even just being in their lives can be enough.


Forgot to add my actual post. I finished DOOM a little bit ago finally. That was a hell of a game! Loved it.

Installed Wolfenstein: The New Order to continue this single player romp weekend.
I played a little over three hours today. It's really solid. Not as characterful nor well written as Double Fine games tend to be, but much better designed mechanically. The controls are really nice, the environment is fun to explore, the combat is decent, and the puzzles are great. I dunno. It's been a good, strong distraction for me today.
I want to get that game eventually really bad. I love love love the aesthetic they're going for and the general goofiness of the set up.

Didn't expect it to be a metroidvania when I first saw the trailers, but that's fine too.
It's nice to be able to afford things.

And by things I mean beer, to numb the pain of living.
Money means very little to me as long as my basic needs are met. But I admit I'm in a scenario where I can't enjoy having it anyway.
financial stability is certainly a part of it (without the showy status part—I don't care about that), but I would be sorely amiss to claim that finance is the only privilege I've been given. It's easier to hang out with people who you're not embarrassed to be yourself around. Like it's embarrassing for me to talk about days when things are going really well for me in this thread when there are other people who constantly go on about their depression or job problems or illness or a lack of confidence or relationship drama or death of family. Because it's not fair. And the very last thing I want to do is make light of other people's problems, so it's just easier to avoid confrontation for the most part.

so most of the time we can talk about general issues and interests, and most of the rest of the time I censor myself. But ignoring that disparity is harder to do in real life when you're in it and living it.

(to be clear, I'm not trying to say I think I'm always humble, nor that I think I ought to be. It's a tricky balance)
I think perspective is valuable in growing as a person. I get the embarrassment feeling you're describing, but honestly it's on the other people as well to understand, separate, and accept you for who you, Lili the person/individual, are, not what your family or background is.

Basically, you shouldn't censor yourself for others. However I do feel you should have an open mind and be happy to engage and learn from others from other backgrounds. Rather than boundaries out of an individual's control.

But I'm all about honesty and being up front with everybody, regardless of (most) situations. I just realized that bit me in the ass at work as I got into it a bit with a cofounder because they were getting butthurt over a completely minute issue that he was bitching at all of us over. Oh well.

I say that as someone who grew up around the rich and privileged while being the 1% who is poor in the area. :p I've dealt with the embarrassment feeling from the opposite side the majority of my life.

This got all sorts of fucked up with my post-post editing. DAMN!

Take what you have and use it to make other people's lives better. Even just being in their lives can be enough.
Yes, good! This is the conclusion I was going for. Thanks JB.


Forgot I put this stuff in the attic

financial stability is certainly a part of it (without the showy status part—I don't care about that), but I would be sorely amiss to claim that finance is the only privilege I've been given. It's easier to hang out with people who you're not embarrassed to be yourself around. Like it's embarrassing for me to talk about days when things are going really well for me in this thread when there are other people who constantly go on about their depression or job problems or illness or a lack of confidence or relationship drama or death of family. Because it's not fair. And the very last thing I want to do is make light of other people's problems, so it's just easier to avoid confrontation for the most part.

so most of the time we can talk about general issues and interests, and most of the rest of the time I censor myself. But ignoring that disparity is harder to do in real life when you're in it and living it.

(to be clear, I'm not trying to say I think I'm always humble, nor that I think I ought to be. It's a tricky balance)

You've come to the wrong thread if what you want is financial and mental stability, lol.
Life isn't fair. You know that. We all know that. But I think it would be a shame for you to edit yourself because you feel other people will judge you for being richer/happier/having better blue hair, etc.

Take what you have and use it to make other people's lives better. Even just being in their lives can be enough.

For what it's worth, I noted your enthusiasm and general intellect/competence long before I knew anything else about you.

Being born wealthy is a hell of a thing, as is being born poor. Life's not fair. If you've been given much then all I would hope is that you do something interesting with your life beyond just "being rich".

I think perspective is valuable in growing as a person. I get the embarrassment feeling you're describing, but honestly it's on the other people as well to understand, separate, and accept you for who you, Lili the person/individual, are, not what your family or background is.

I say that as someone who grew up around the rich and privileged while being the 1% who is poor in the area. :p I've dealt with the embarrassment feeling from the opposite side the majority of my life.

You guys are making me feel all warm and fuzzy. Thank you! I needed to hear that :)

I want to get that game eventually really bad. I love love love the aesthetic they're going for and the general goofiness of the set up.

Didn't expect it to be a metroidvania when I first saw the trailers, but that's fine too.

Yeah, I'm really glad they decided to go ahead and make the game. It was submitted twice for Amnesia Fortnight, once privately and once publicly, but nobody ever chose to have it be one of the projects they worked on. I have to confess I didn't vote for it either way back when, and I don't know why not. Now I'm enjoying it much more than I had anticipated. :)
I used to save my Game Informers, now I use them as tinder.

My brother and I used to collect a lot of magazines too. He had a bunch of like skate and surfer mags, where as mine were LEGO and fashion. Also I loooved looking at store catalogues haha. I think he burned all of his like you did after a while, whereas I tried to use a lot of them for collages and crafts. :p


Bae: "you don't know how much I like you"

What does this mean

It means she like is totally into you!!! :O ♥

Like maybe she wants to say "I love you" but doesn't feel like she can yet so this is one tiny step under it

Anyway I finished stranger things. It lives up to the hype.

Thanks Jobbs

and thank you for paying proper dues to me for being the first to discover this! :)

I used to save my Game Informers, now I use them as tinder.

Hope you didn't burn the two issues that featured Ghost Song :(


She was like "i really like you a lot" and I was like "me too" and then she said that and now I'm all ??

Have you told her you love her yet (assuming you do)? This might help break the ice. Or it could cause an implosion in space time that'll suck up the universe. But then, some risks are worth taking.
financial stability is certainly a part of it (without the showy status part—I don't care about that), but I would be sorely amiss to claim that finance is the only privilege I've been given. It's easier to hang out with people who you're not embarrassed to be yourself around. Like it's embarrassing for me to talk about days when things are going really well for me in this thread when there are other people who constantly go on about their depression or job problems or illness or a lack of confidence or relationship drama or death of family. Because it's not fair. And the very last thing I want to do is make light of other people's problems, so it's just easier to avoid confrontation for the most part.

so most of the time we can talk about general issues and interests, and most of the rest of the time I censor myself. But ignoring that disparity is harder to do in real life when you're in it and living it.

(to be clear, I'm not trying to say I think I'm always humble, nor that I think I ought to be. It's a tricky balance)
I don't think you should be embarrassed about your situation, though I do get what you mean. Like, I'm not exactly rolling in money but I've got a decent, secure wage, which is more than can be said for a lot of people in the punk scene, and it sometimes make me feel a bit weird and outsidery

But yeah, I think as long as you recognise the ways in which you're priveleged and have a modicum of tact (and this post shows you do), then I wouldn't worry about censoring yourself


I used to save my Game Informers, now I use them as tinder.

I think I have a very slight undercurrent of OCD.

The issue I linked was from 2000.

There's a preview for MGS2 in here

Why all the hype on this game that's still over a year away? if you played the first Metal Gear Solid, chances are you don't need to ask. But even if you hated that game, seeing the roughly 10 minutes of footage of the sequel trailer will at least get you excited abut the capabilities of the Playstation 2.Sure some other PS2 titles look good, but this game-the environments, the characters, effects, everything is head and shoulders above anything else we've seen for the system.
Bae: "you don't know how much I like you"

What does this mean

It means she really really really really really likes you.

Buy Emotion on iTunes.

My brother and I used to collect a lot of magazines too. He had a bunch of like skate and surfer mags, where as mine were LEGO and fashion. Also I loooved looking at store catalogues haha. I think he burned all of his like you did after a while, whereas I tried to use a lot of them for collages and crafts. :p

Oh lord, I remember child me collecting pop tabs too. I have no idea why. Thankfully now I can throw things away without feeling weird about it.

This is dope. Haven't heard any of her music before.

Her EP Bubblebath is full of catchy chunes.

Hope you didn't burn the two issues that featured Ghost Song :(

I don't know her.

(I promise I'll buy when it releases.)


and thank you for paying proper dues to me for being the first to discover this! :)

Confession: I was looking forward to stranger things since the first trailer months ago. I just knew that you would like if someone gave you credit

"Friends don't lie"



Confession: I was looking forward to stranger things since the first trailer months ago. I just knew that you would like if someone gave you credit

"Friends don't lie"


I really need to finish this. Will it get me in the feels? I'm a sucker for friendship dynamics.


I really need to finish this. Will it get me in the feels? I'm a sucker for friendship dynamics.


one of my favorite things about the show is that it's generally an empathetic show with respect to how it treats its characters. It's very nice

Confession: I was looking forward to stranger things since the first trailer months ago. I just knew that you would like if someone gave you credit

"Friends don't lie"


friends also.. fuck.. I already forgot what else friends do

but I was still an early adopter. I burned through the show by the second day after it debuted.

How do I function


ahh young love ♥

Why are you asking here

We don't have any idea how to function

I actually kinda think I do -- I have good advice for just about any situation tbh

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Life isn't fair. You know that. We all know that. But I think it would be a shame for you to edit yourself because you feel other people will judge you for being richer/happier/having better blue hair, etc.

Take what you have and use it to make other people's lives better. Even just being in their lives can be enough.

In battle, in the forest, at the precipice in the mountains,
On the dark great sea, in the midst of javelins and arrows,
In sleep, in confusion, in the depths of shame,
The good deeds a man has done before defend him.


I really need to finish this. Will it get me in the feels? I'm a sucker for friendship dynamics.

Yeah man especially towards the end.

There is tons of young kids being stupid and yelling at each other too. This got on my nerves a bit.

But there is lots of redemption here and it'll pull your heart strings.

Can't wait for season 2


She was like "i really like you a lot" and I was like "me too" and then she said that and now I'm all ??

It's not serious until she tells you she fancies you.

You're handling it a lot better than I would. Between that and the questions about marriage I'd have a corkboard trying to find the connection to discover the answer.


You're fine. If you're not comfortable saying you love her then there's no reason to force it.

Speaking for myself, I've kinda stopped making this a big deal. We say we love things like tacos and stuff, for heaven's sake.

Erica's said it casually so I repeat it back casually. I certainly love her more than I do a taco (if I even ate tacos, but you get what I mean).


Yeah man especially towards the end.

There is tons of young kids being stupid and yelling at each other too. This got on my nerves a bit.

But there is lots of redemption here and it'll pull your heart strings.

Can't wait for season 2

I made it through Super 8. I can deal with the young kids part. :p But yeah, need to resume this...

Speaking for myself, I've kinda stopped making this a big deal. We say we love things like tacos and stuff, for heaven's sake.

Erica's said it casually so I repeat it back casually. I certainly love her more than I do a taco (if I even ate tacos, but you get what I mean).

I dunno. "I love you" is a real big deal to me. I've never used it in a romantic context, I'll admit but it's a big deal if I use it in friendships. I don't want to just throw it around if I don't feel that attachment.
financial stability is certainly a part of it (without the showy status part—I don't care about that), but I would be sorely amiss to claim that finance is the only privilege I've been given. It's easier to hang out with people who you're not embarrassed to be yourself around. Like it's embarrassing for me to talk about days when things are going really well for me in this thread when there are other people who constantly go on about their depression or job problems or illness or a lack of confidence or relationship drama or death of family. Because it's not fair. And the very last thing I want to do is make light of other people's problems, so it's just easier to avoid confrontation for the most part.

so most of the time we can talk about general issues and interests, and most of the rest of the time I censor myself. But ignoring that disparity is harder to do in real life when you're in it and living it.

(to be clear, I'm not trying to say I think I'm always humble, nor that I think I ought to be. It's a tricky balance)

Yeah. I'm a mess right now and I'm overthinking everything. I've rewritten this response a dozen times because I can't figure out what to say, how to say it, or even why it needs to be said. I can't fix all the world's problems but I can fix some of them, and I try to take note of that when I can. But in the mean time I just want to come home to and spend time with people who love me for who I am, not what I have.

I think that if we try too hard to feel like someone we're not (different status, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.), it will either eat us alive or turn us into hipsters.

Perspective, as others have said, makes us who we are.


I dunno. "I love you" is a real big deal to me. I've never used it in a romantic context, I'll admit but it's a big deal if I use it in friendships. I don't want to just throw it around if I don't feel that attachment.

Saying and hearing I love you (whether it's a romantic context or not) seems to be a positive thing in general, and I think these feelings (romantic or not) should be acknowledged and fostered

I would exercise some common sense around misleading people but generally speaking I tihnk love is a good thing to say. I can't tell my nieces enough how much I love them and I also make sure to tell them individually how special they are


I made it through Super 8. I can deal with the young kids part. :p But yeah, need to resume this...

This was so much better than super 8

And I was one of the few that didn't hate that movie

And re: saying "I love you" I made the mistake of saying that too soon to the girl I dated right after the divorce. It didn't go over well. But I think in dragonz case the feeling is mutual but there is just fear to take that step.
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