You Know Nothing
Besides, there's always Lucian's headache cure!
I love that this is still a thing.
Besides, there's always Lucian's headache cure!
Somebody fill me in.
Aspirin doesn't jolt your brain at the same time, though.I mean that is kinda how aspirin works.
Join me. Its 25C over here.wide awake again at 2:30. why am I like thisI could sleep all day.
What kind of stuff have you bought to spend $450!? 0_0
EDIT: Ah including clothes and stuff.
Umm do you have any idea how easy it is to drop money on kids
I spent $150 on the last ones birthday and please God don't ask me about Christmas
And I'm just the uncle
I refuse to ever, EVER EVER shop at anything that has to do with the Waltons.
BUt no this was clothes, shoes, backpack, jackets, accessories, supplies, etc. She walks all over me <3
Go on disability. No one expects you to pay for anything.
But still, $450?
again, I could take a 7 year old or whatever to a store and spend $450 with my eyes closed
I fuckin' pay for everything. I don't care though
/sugardaddy I guess
It's easy to avoid spending money on kids when you don't like them.
Hey Matt have you played Headlander yet? You get it for free, right?
Yeah, I checked, it's in my library.
Is it good? Should I installsies?
I fuckin' pay for everything. I don't care though
/sugardaddy I guess
On school supplies?
Will you be my sugar daddy?
I fuckin' pay for everything. I don't care though
/sugardaddy I guess
I played a little over three hours today. It's really solid. Not as characterful nor well written as Double Fine games tend to be, but much better designed mechanically. The controls are really nice, the environment is fun to explore, the combat is decent, and the puzzles are great. I dunno. It's been a good, strong distraction for me today.
Do you ever worry about that being the only reason someone likes you?![]()
I played a little over three hours today. It's really solid. Not as characterful nor well written as Double Fine games tend to be, but much better designed mechanically. The controls are really nice, the environment is fun to explore, the combat is decent, and the puzzles are great. I dunno. It's been a good, strong distraction for me today.
you get a kid into a store with a mandate to pick things out and yeah, easy, you only spend less than that if you say no a lot
Or if the kid was me. I never wanted anything. Id have three item long christmas lists which were basically a game, a lego set, and a book. Id be set for the year after that
It's nice to be able to afford things.
And by things I mean beer, to numb the pain of living.
No, since I'm mostly joking
I mean, I'm sure the fact that I'm not broke and have a quiet place to myself have to factor in, how can it not, but what can I do about that?
I only watched a stream of it and it seemed like a lot of the puzzles didn't have a specific way in mind for a solution. But you just kinda mess with it till you get angles that work. Not really a fan of that for puzzle games.
Though some of the larger view for the puzzles seemed neat like switching between different robots to accomplish different things.
oh, okay. It's something I struggle with sometimes. I think it's why I tend to prefer hanging out with people who are more like me.
Yeah, I like it because it's not always puzzles with exact solutions, and there are often several ways to do something, but it's not immediately obvious what the thing to do is. Plus the world design is so complex that navigation itself becomes a puzzle!
oh, okay. It's something I struggle with sometimes. I think it's why I tend to prefer hanging out with people who are more like me.
I guess now's a better time than ever to get in here as I am a handful of drinks in tonight
It's nice to be able to afford things.
And by things I mean beer, to numb the pain of living.
oh, okay. It's something I struggle with sometimes. I think it's why I tend to prefer hanging out with people who are more like me.
Just got back from D&D, shit was rad
One of the party launched an airship with a couple of improvised shitty molotovs into another, bigger airship, jumped off onto the airship everyone else was, walked over to the pilot and started making out with her while the two airships collided and blew up
While this was being described I put on Don't Wanna Miss A Thing by Aerosmith
It was glorious
Installed Headlander and preordered No Man's Sky -- After feeling ambivalent about that game since its annoucement, I finally gave in and as often is the case zeitgeist is what pushed me over. Everyone's going to be playing this highly ambitious gimmicky thing, so I want to share in that for better or for worse.
Perch for The Last Guardian instead.
It kills me that they didn't manage to ship a product during the entire bloated 7th console generation.
i.e. the rich?
One of society's problems is that rich people section themselves off from poor people and no one understands eachother
I've heard some girls say (Erica's even said this) how humorous it is when men will find ways to display their status to her by talking about their income or something expensive they own or whatever
I don't do any of that, so I don't know what else I can doI'll be generous at times but in the case of early relationships I consciously am not going to put pressure on it by spending a lot of money.
I'd like to have friendships where people put in equal amounts of effort but that doesn't happen very often. It's gotten to the point that I expect so little of other people that virtually any form of effort is genuinely surprising. My aunt surprising me by sending me that replacement Coke bottle with my name on it was one of the nicest things someone's done for me in a while.
The puzzles seem more angry birds to me than portal though. Like figuring it out a different way than intended isn't some clever thing using the environment differently, its more like if you brute force it something might eventually might work due to the thousands of different combinations of positions
But yeah the navigation looks amazing. Seems like a very good take on metroid style exploration though a lot more guided (and guided by puzzles!)
Part of it was me relishing in the fact that she was worse-off than I was when she finally contacted me a year after she cut me and the relationship off, but I was a lot younger and more spiteful back then. She told me that she hated her current boyfriend because (at the time, don't know if that's the case now) he treated her like shit emotionally. When I asked her why she didn't leave his ass, she hit me with the "I'd rather be miserable than alone" excuse. She made her choice, and while I'm not above trying to save someone, I can't do that if they don't wanna help themselves.
In general for me, the best way to learn to forgive is to just keep trying to better yourself. I've got a good jobthat is trying to kill me with hours, great friends (including on GAF <3), better family, and I'm generally enjoying my life. Yeah I'm lonely as fuck and I miss the companionship of a real relationship, but I'm sure that'll change eventually.
Besides, there's always Lucian's headache cure!
Maybe this doesn't make any sense but that's where I'm at.
Sorry for rambling :/