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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Coughed up a Lili purse! :O

Erica's on the front porch smoking. Kinda wish she didn't smoke, but life's a compromise. I ain't her daddy

Coughed up a Lili purse! :O

Erica's on the front porch smoking. Kinda wish she didn't smoke, but life's a compromise. I ain't her daddy

I know you probably just spent half an hour making that GIF but did you consider that shrinking down the oversized lipstick bag just makes it look like a regular lipstick? You can't even tell it's a bag anymore. It's a double negative, or something like that.

I'm trying to think of a solid joke where I accidentally say smoking hot instead of smoking pot, but I can't think of the exact verbiage so that's all you get. Erica is smoking hot. Oops, I meant smoking pot.


I know you probably just spent half an hour making that GIF but did you consider that shrinking down the oversized lipstick bag just makes it look like a regular lipstick? You can't even tell it's a bag anymore. It's a double negative, or something like that.

I'm trying to think of a solid joke where I accidentally say smoking hot instead of smoking pot, but I can't think of the exact verbiage so that's all you get. Erica is smoking hot. Oops, I meant smoking pot.

Lili please... It took me like 5 minutes The purse only appears in 15 frames!


And I'd be lying if I said she isn't really smoking hot, and she also occasionally smokes pot, so both seem fair
What's good gif editing software

I generally use PhotoShop. After Effects is better for some things, especially if motion tracking is involved, but it's way more complicated. GIFCam does GIF recording and can add text to GIFs you've recorded if that's all you want to do, but there are also online services you can use instead for that.

Size queens are the worst.

Good morning, fakers.

You just talking about dicks, or we measuring lady parts too? I mean I agree, I'm just curious. :)

Lili please... It took me like 5 minutes The purse only appears in 15 frames!


Then why is Ghost Song taking so long?

I'm sorry, that was a low blow.

Hey speaking of low, seventeen is pretty low. I found an old picture of me and my special friend from seven years ago. Of course you can't really see her face because her sunglasses are so big, but maybe that's a good thing. It leaves more to the imagination. This would have been shortly before I left for college.



Size queens are the worst.

Good morning, fakers.

I wouldn't want more than 8 inches, for a lot of women this is too uncomfortable (everyone's different, of course) so I don't see the point beyond some juvenile dick measuring contest

and no, I'm not saying I have 8 inches, I'm not saying anything

Then why is Ghost Song taking so long?

I'm sorry, that was a low blow.

Hey speaking of low, seventeen is pretty low. I found an old picture of me and my special friend from seven years ago. Of course you can't really see her face because her sunglasses are so big, but maybe that's a good thing. It leaves more to the imagination. This would have been shortly before I left for college.

Ghost Song is taking so long because I suck and I deserve criticism, though thankfully very few people have been critical.

And aw. ♥ I approve!

Funky Papa

You just talking about dicks, or we measuring lady parts too? I mean I agree, I'm just curious. :)

D. But that's a good point. I've never heard anobody shaming a girl for being too shallow or too loose (which happens, because bodies tend to be random like that). Then again, many are over small boobs and stuff, but I prefer proportion over size.

Is there such thing as too much dick? Can your hunger ever be satiated?
There's been a number of studies in which a number of women were asked to pick their "ideal" penis. Lo and behold, most of them chose well over average sized ones, but when asked about the ideal size they would prefer for intercourse, they go for the relatively average ones. Also, we are all terrible at estimating lenght and girth, just like we suck at estimating height.


irresponsible vagina leak
Is there such thing as too much dick? Can your hunger ever be satiated?

Hmmm I have deepthroated 8 inches and no idea how many inches were the banana I deepthroat on my gif but thats quite big. As for my thirst just feed me daily and we're good. (I would appreciate it multiple times per day but I know that's impossible at times.)
Is there such thing as too much dick? Can your hunger ever be satiated?

If he indeed has a limit, I think it's worth exploring what that actually is. Maybe his throat is actually a black hole and nothing could possibly fill it all the way.

I wouldn't want more than 8 inches, for a lot of women this is too uncomfortable (everyone's different, of course) so I don't see the point beyond some juvenile dick measuring contest

and no, I'm not saying I have 8 inches, I'm not saying anything

Ghost Song is taking so long because I suck and I deserve criticism, though thankfully very few people have been critical.

And aw. ♥ I approve!

Even eight inches is more than I want to put up with, but Vaz has a completely different set of standards :O

I'm only bummed Ghost Song is taking this long in as far as I know you want to be done with the project already, but I'm glad it's turning out so well.

And thanks! ♥


If he indeed has a limit, I think it's worth exploring what that actually is. Maybe his throat is actually a black hole and nothing could possibly fill it all the way.

Even eight inches is more than I want to put up with, but Vaz has a completely different set of standards :O

I'm only bummed Ghost Song is taking this long in as far as I know you want to be done with the project already, but I'm glad it's turning out so well.

And thanks! ♥

It could have been done. The project was completely started over from scratch half a year into it, and last year was not nearly as productive as it should have been for various reasons.

I'll also admit that productivity has a tendency to wane after a while because you just get tired of the same shit. Creativity and energy come in ebbs and flows, and as time goes the ebbs start to be more common than the flows.

I'll take my lumps, but at the end of the day the game will come out (it's real right now and can be played, it's not imaginary contrary to what a few people have claimed) and I genuinely believe that despite some shortcomings and despite some compromises it is better than what was originally pitched.

Speaking of finishing things, I think I've found my Hutch. Once this is banged out I'll be all done with VO (other than miles of editing, of course... FML..)
I've actually given a lot of thought over the past couple weeks as to when I'll stop dying my hair. It might be some time this year. Not sure yet.

I'm watching somebody stream No Man's Sky right now. It's good white noise while I work on some art stuff.


I just started watching a stream a bit ago.

I guess it's basically a survival game? I could get into that. I like the ambience and the music.
I just started watching a stream a bit ago.

I guess it's basically a survival game? I could get into that. I like the ambience and the music.

Yeah, seems like it. I'll probably end up spending far more time watching others play than playing myself, especially since the premise of the game is to see a billion different things.

Also, does this still read like a ladder to you? If so, I'll probably try lessening the highlight on the steps as they go up.
I would shorten the rungs or else it looks like stairs.

Then they shall say of us

Never have so many

Been so disappointed

By so few

I'm grabbing my unsalted popcorn ready to bathe it in the upcoming salt that is coming.

I'm prepared to pick it up on Winter Sale. Right now, everyone is just way too overhyped for what is going to be a really cool experiment but nothing more.

I mean, I'm expecting a great game with fun naming mechanics. That's it.


Yeah, seems like it. I'll probably end up spending far more time watching others play than playing myself, especially since the premise of the game is to see a billion different things.

Also, does this still read like a ladder to you? If so, I'll probably try lessening the highlight on the steps as they go up.

The reason I called it a ladder as a first impulse was because I instinctively wanted to climb up it Mega Man style.

Looking at it here I can understand it as steps, yeah. That's how it reads.

So do you just jump up it as a series of platforms?

The music in NMS is so great... It adds so immensely to the experience. I love it.

Music is so damn important in games.
The reason I called it a ladder as a first impulse was because I instinctively wanted to climb up it Mega Man style.

Looking at it here I can understand it as steps, yeah. That's how it reads.

So do you just jump up it as a series of platforms?

The music in NMS is so great... It adds so immensely to the experience. I love it.

Music is so damn important in games.

Well so originally I kept making a bunch of level designs that necessitated narrow vertical ascension, and it was a lot of jump jump jump. But it's hard to make that work plausibly in every scenario, especially parts of the world that civilians traipse about in. So I decided I'll just program actual stairs into the game and make it so that if you're above/below a staircase then you can push the control stick in the appropriate direction and she'll move thusly. I haven't animated it yet, but I have it all worked out. There will be an animation for each walking up and down the stairs, and then also each step will count as a platform for if you jump to it or stop climbing the steps.

The NMS music reminds me a lot of the Minecraft music, which is a good thing. Nice and relaxing and helps fill the dead air.


Well so originally I kept making a bunch of level designs that necessitated narrow vertical ascension, and it was a lot of jump jump jump. But it's hard to make that work plausibly in every scenario, especially parts of the world that civilians traipse about in. So I decided I'll just program actual stairs into the game and make it so that if you're above/below a staircase then you can push the control stick in the appropriate direction and she'll move thusly. I haven't animated it yet, but I have it all worked out. There will be an animation for each walking up and down the stairs, and then also each step will count as a platform for if you jump to it or stop climbing the steps.

The NMS music reminds me a lot of the Minecraft music, which is a good thing. Nice and relaxing and helps fill the dead air.

Oh, that should be perfect then.

I also wanted to note your improved color selections lately. You've come a long way. Seeing more interesting tones and contrasts. I'm so proud :')


The Last of Us soundtrack is probably my favorite ever -- I even own the vinyl for some reason.

Oxenfree indeed had very strong music. It really elevated the game. Any game is elevated by great music.

I was this close ----> <---- to saying "fuck it" and not going running because I'm pretty sore and tired, but I've changed my mind and I'm going.
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