I'm hoping for the best for you.
Also pretty intrigued by your ability to fall in love so quickly. No judgment here but I guess that happens when you are quick to trust. After what I went through I am not confident I'll ever be able to trust someone again.
There are a lot of things at play. My previous boyfriend and I ended on great terms, to the point where I don't like calling him my ex and where he even encouraged me to try and move on if I could. I still love him very much, but there's room in my heart for more than one person right now, and finally opening up to this other side of me has had me champing at the bit to do something about it. I'm realizing more and more that I need to be careful about that because I don't want pressure anyone into something they're not ready for, let alone jump into something
I am not ready for. As well, this is a girl I've known since high school, so we've already been through a lot together, and now we both share this extra thing.
You might be right to be worried. I don't have an objective perspective by any means, but maybe that's okay. Like I know in theory how this all looks, but it
feels different for me. If I live to regret this then you're more than welcome to say I told you so!
She stood near a bunch of spiders too long apparently to face her fears but then it tipped her over to insane, and all of our rabbits turned into demon rabbits. It's at that point she asked me to take over for a while. It was a bit difficult to salvage but we didn't die. I found some green mushrooms and cooked them up.
Re Lucy I'm excited for you and I'm crossing everything that it goes smoothly with her parents. Do they seem like the type of people who would give her shit for it?
aww, you didn't let her learn the hard way!
Lucy's parents are super accepting but they'll have a million questions so undertaking that gauntlet is part of what's so daunting.
I will personally go over there and yell at them if they are.
(I have a lot of anger in me. I can totally pull this off. And then I'll remember that I'm a wuss and go hide out in the rental car.)
knowing how difficult travel is for you right now this means a lot to me ♥