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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Watching and coaching my gf through Don't Starve is so great . She freaked out when the hounds came and it made my night



I had a dream where I was in a 5-10 minute earthquake in Boston, the fuck man

Let me just have a sex dream and sleep well :3

I had a dream where Batman and Superman couldn't save us from the inevitable doom of an expanding black hole that was consuming everything. The earth dissolved in cold darkness before I woke up.

I think the fact that I had the air condition set low added an extra effect of dread in this dream.


My worst recurring dream is being stuck in the bathroom while blood is bubbling up from the bathtub drain, slowly filling the room as I drown.
Wait what's going on lili?

There's this girl I'm falling in love with and until she comes out to her parents at least I feel like my hands are tied. She invited me over to dinner this evening so I could be there and support her in breaching all the news to her parents, but the timing just wasn't right.

Last night she and I went out to a party with some friends, and we had carpooled because the event was almost an hour north of where we live, and she was still too drunk to drive when we got back to my house super late last night, so I told her she could spend the night and she happily took me up on that offer. We didn't even do anything but it was electric...

So her parents tonight were really grateful to me for taking care of her, and I just couldn't figure out a way to say "you're welcome and by the way I kissed her the other night". Plus it's her business being the one to come forward first.

I should've just been like "hey, Lucy has something to tell you" or "we have something to tell you" but I didn't think of it in time. So now the plan is she'll tell them tomorrow. But that's always the plan because there's always a tomorrow.

Watching and coaching my gf through Don't Starve is so great . She freaked out when the hounds came and it made my night

It warms my heart that you're doing this with her ♥


Unconfirmed Member
Erica's father and mother have been separated for ages and she has a step parent on each side and everyone is awful and in some cases abusive (stories I've heard make my blood boil).

Why are abused people disproportionally hotter than non-abused people? Did they become hot because of the abuse or were they abused because they're hot?


There's this girl I'm falling in love with and until she comes out to her parents at least I feel like my hands are tied. She invited me over to dinner this evening so I could be there and support her in breaching all the news to her parents, but the timing just wasn't right.

Last night she and I went out to a party with some friends, and we had carpooled because the event was almost an hour north of where we live, and she was still too drunk to drive when we got back to my house super late last night, so I told her she could spend the night and she happily took me up on that offer. We didn't even do anything but it was electric...

So her parents tonight were really grateful to me for taking care of her, and I just couldn't figure out a way to say "you're welcome and by the way I kissed her the other night". Plus it's her business being the one to come forward first.

I should've just been like "hey, Lucy has something to tell you" or "we have something to tell you" but I didn't think of it in time. So now the plan is she'll tell them tomorrow. But that's always the plan because there's always a tomorrow.

I'm hoping for the best for you.

Also pretty intrigued by your ability to fall in love so quickly. No judgment here but I guess that happens when you are quick to trust. After what I went through I am not confident I'll ever be able to trust someone again.


It warms my heart that you're doing this with her ♥

She stood near a bunch of spiders too long apparently to face her fears but then it tipped her over to insane, and all of our rabbits turned into demon rabbits. It's at that point she asked me to take over for a while. It was a bit difficult to salvage but we didn't die. I found some green mushrooms and cooked them up.

Re Lucy I'm excited for you and I'm crossing everything that it goes smoothly with her parents. Do they seem like the type of people who would give her shit for it?

Why are abused people disproportionally hotter than non-abused people? Did they become hot because of the abuse or were they abused because they're hot?

Are they?

I don't know if they are, but sadly lots of girls are abused. It's not as uncommon as you'd hope.


Do they seem like the type of people who would give her shit for it?

I will personally go over there and yell at them if they are.

(I have a lot of anger in me. I can totally pull this off. And then I'll remember that I'm a wuss and go hide out in the rental car.)
I'm hoping for the best for you.

Also pretty intrigued by your ability to fall in love so quickly. No judgment here but I guess that happens when you are quick to trust. After what I went through I am not confident I'll ever be able to trust someone again.

There are a lot of things at play. My previous boyfriend and I ended on great terms, to the point where I don't like calling him my ex and where he even encouraged me to try and move on if I could. I still love him very much, but there's room in my heart for more than one person right now, and finally opening up to this other side of me has had me champing at the bit to do something about it. I'm realizing more and more that I need to be careful about that because I don't want pressure anyone into something they're not ready for, let alone jump into something I am not ready for. As well, this is a girl I've known since high school, so we've already been through a lot together, and now we both share this extra thing.

You might be right to be worried. I don't have an objective perspective by any means, but maybe that's okay. Like I know in theory how this all looks, but it feels different for me. If I live to regret this then you're more than welcome to say I told you so! ;)

She stood near a bunch of spiders too long apparently to face her fears but then it tipped her over to insane, and all of our rabbits turned into demon rabbits. It's at that point she asked me to take over for a while. It was a bit difficult to salvage but we didn't die. I found some green mushrooms and cooked them up.

Re Lucy I'm excited for you and I'm crossing everything that it goes smoothly with her parents. Do they seem like the type of people who would give her shit for it?

aww, you didn't let her learn the hard way!

Lucy's parents are super accepting but they'll have a million questions so undertaking that gauntlet is part of what's so daunting.

I will personally go over there and yell at them if they are.

(I have a lot of anger in me. I can totally pull this off. And then I'll remember that I'm a wuss and go hide out in the rental car.)

knowing how difficult travel is for you right now this means a lot to me ♥


aww, you didn't let her learn the hard way!

Lucy's parents are super accepting but they'll have a million questions so undertaking that gauntlet is part of what's so daunting.

I'm a super protective boyfriend and can't help it. 💪

I'm glad they're generally accepting but.. At some point it's just like jeez.. What's the big deal? Why does this require a gauntlet of questions? People need to evolve already

And nothing wrong with loving quickly IMO. Live for today. Speaking for myself we throw around the love word a fair bit already and it hasn't hurt anything. It's nice actually

I don't coddle. Either you be you and defend yourself, or fuck off.

well then Erica probably wouldn't go for you because she likes being coddled :)

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I don't coddle. Either you be you and defend yourself, or fuck off.

I may also be drinking, so pfffffft.

One of the great things about Jobbs is that he does challenge me and calls my bluff. That's something I can respect.


knowing how difficult travel is for you right now this means a lot to me ♥

Yeah, it might be a challenge, but you know. Think positively, haha. <3

(I'd take the opportunity to rent a convertible because really, you can't drive down the PCH without a convertible. And THEN I'll yell at her parents.)

I don't coddle. Either you be you and defend yourself, or fuck off.

I may also be drinking, so pfffffft.

Shiiiiiiit, I knew I missed something tonight. Instead, I ate like 800 calories of crappy cherry ice cream. :|


One of the great things about Jobbs is that he does challenge me and calls my bluff. That's something I can respect.

or I just know my girlfriend. she's very passive/submissive and we have a dynamic that seems to work. She's very cuddly and spoony, too, much moreso than my last GF, which is something I like

sometimes she like holds onto my arm just when we're out wherever and I like that

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
or I just know my girlfriend. she's very passive/submissive and we have a dynamic that seems to work. She's very cuddly and spoony, too, much moreso than my last GF, which is something I like

sometimes she like holds onto my arm just when we're out wherever and I like that
As long as you both are happy. I'm just a curmudgeon.
I'm glad they're generally accepting but.. At some point it's just like jeez.. What's the big deal? Why does this require a gauntlet of questions? People need to evolve already

They're just nosey/super protective. They're the kind of parents who would step in and take the control from her if she started going insane to try and salvage her life.

Hey, wait a minute...

Now I can't sleep

I need a good cuddle to drift away , where is my Emma :( :3

This is part of why I have two dozen pillows on my bed.

Yeah, it might be a challenge, but you know. Think positively, haha. <3

(I'd take the opportunity to rent a convertible because really, you can't drive down the PCH without a convertible. And THEN I'll yell at her parents.)

Sometimes I'm so bad at being a beach person. It'll probably surprise you to find out I've literally never driven down the coast in a convertible :O

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
A Mazda Miata and Big Sur is a dream.
The Miata is misunderstood.

It's a low power roadster you beat the shit out of. You just work the gears and take the corners at twice the legal limit. It's perfectly balanced but with enough body roll, that you think you are doing something illegal in most states.


They're just nosey/super protective. They're the kind of parents who would step in and take the control from her if she started going insane to try and salvage her life.

Hey, wait a minute...

Well you've got me there

But I'm accepting too. As long as she doesn't want to date any girls I'm good

Right now she's asleep on my couch because there's no bed in my room. Sometimes we sleep on the bed in the spare bedroom but I tihnk it's time to get an actual bed for my room.
Cuddles achieved. Now he's playing me music. I like him :3

He seems like good people :)

Well you've got me there

But I'm accepting too. As long as she doesn't want to date any girls I'm good

Right now she's asleep on my couch because there's no bed in my room. Sometimes we sleep on the bed in the spare bedroom but I tihnk it's time to get an actual bed for my room.

Wait is that why you were sleeping on the floor?

And to be honest I prefer when parents are thorough/interested in their children's lives than completely detached or embittered. There's probably a healthy balance of course, but if they have to lean one way or the other then that's what I'd take.


He seems like good people :)

Wait is that why you were sleeping on the floor?

And to be honest I prefer when parents are thorough/interested in their children's lives than completely detached or embittered. There's probably a healthy balance of course, but if they have to lean one way or the other then that's what I'd take.

Nah, I only sleep on the floor when I'm here alone. I do it because I sorta like it.

Sometimes we sleep in the spare bedroom or on the couch here, which is very cozy and cuddly. That's what we did today, but this morning we fell asleep and the window AC for some reason didn't come on (I have a window AC in here because the central air doesn't reach this room very well) and I woke up and we were all sweaty on our little couch.

In the interest of not relying on the couch or the spare bedroom in order to sleep together, it's definitely bed time.

Our worlds are starting to come together a bit, one of the markers for this is the little skyline of girly products that has amassed in my bathroom. &#9829;

I would tend to agree that connected and involved parents are a very good thing, but I have to say if your child is in her or his 20s and is gay or bi, like, what is there to ask? I don't know what the gauntlet of questions would be, but I hope it goes super well


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
All this love is giving me fuzzies.


Unconfirmed Member
If we meet up EatChildren is buying the first round because he has a cushy government job and I pay taxes ergo he owes me a beer.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
If we meet up EatChildren is buying the first round because he has a cushy government job and I pay taxes ergo he owes me a beer.

My job isn't government unfortunately (which is really symptomatic of how toxic the government arm is) but I'll buy you a beer anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
My job isn't government unfortunately (which is really symptomatic of how toxic the government arm is) but I'll buy you a beer anyway.

I don't pay taxes either. What the ATO doesn't know won't hurt them.


Unconfirmed Member
I bet he isn't even good at magic you're better off.

Do all German dudes just suck are all the good ones just already taken
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