Good evening folks!
Fuck Mondays lol
Burnt the shit out of my right hand on the George Foreman grill making cheeseburgers, I have aloe vera on it.
My workplace, Boomer's Bar and Grill, has been closed since 3 PM Sunday to maintenance reasons and will probably be closed tommorrow for the same reason. Gonna have to call them and see if they want me to come in on Wednesday (the first day of my work week.) if not, I'am off till Friday.
I love my job but the boss's wife has been causing consternation with me. She's been mentioning that she's not happy with general work speed (I've always had work speed problems) and now apparently Jeff, my boss is complaining as well. Which is not helping at all. I talked to my Job Ops (the organization that helped me find this job.) coordinator about what should I do about this. The nice lady will be coming over on Saturday to time me on my work speed. Which is nice but I'm still very paranoid about losing my job. I'm still paranoid because I lost my second job as a dishwasher because of work speed.
I vastly underestimated my financial resources when it comes to this moving thing. I dream about being on my own and doing my own thing but making it happen is proving most difficult with being on disability and working a minimum wage (My last job didn't give me minimum wage. This is why minimum wage is important to me.) I have a credit card and a savings at a credit union but with my meager as fucking hell wages, I don't I could come up with rent without being a real stressor on my meager finances. I mean I'am on food stamps but that only comes every 20th of the month and it's very meager right now because I live with my dad. I'am almost to the point of giving up because there's so much on my plate right now. Because when I first started Job Ops, I only stated I wanted one job because in my Naive ete, I thought I would make enough money. Job Ops closed their file on me a couple of months because I had already used my training hours up but they said if I were to move out of the city I could come up to them and have them find a new job.
Music is my sanity right now. As a proper Missouri trashboy, I'm listening to The Urge right now. If I move out of this godawful white bread factory of a town, I will weep with happiness. God I've hated this town since fucking forever.
Pray and hope the rest of August goes better then today and it has to because the rest of August is not a perpetual goddamn Monday shit streak. If it was, the population of earth wouldn't be as much as it is now.
I love all y'all motherfuckers, can I get a hug?