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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Funky Papa

I feel like procedural generated works well in smaller settings. Go big/make it the main focus and fun starts crumbling down pretty fukin' fast.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Procedural generation is the guts of Diablo.


I feel like procedural generated works well in smaller settings. Go big and fun starts crumbling down pretty fukin' fast.

In Don't Starve I'm building something and amassing things and making progress. There's progress in NMS but it's just impossible to care about. There's no personality to anything and I don't care about making a better module for my whatever. "Exploration" what's the point of walking endless landscapes that are just the same shit forever? I don't understand how that's engaging

Anyway I'll stop ranting, for some reason most the people in the NMS OT seem to love it. I think I must be really cynical and have trouble just leting go and using my imagination or whatever it must be that enables this game to seem fun


Yeah you've given me oomf; I'll restart tomorrow when I get home from work and need a wind down. The cutscenes are great though yeah. The actual script is very convincing and the character performances / coaching spot on, so I have no issue there, it's more the smoke-and-mirrors gameplay junk that bothers me. Kind of like Jobbs and No Man's Sky right now, it's the little things in the Uncharted series that make me go uuuuugggghhhhhh booooooring. Like in that same chapter the
Nadine fist fight[/i]. No matter how gorgeous and beautifully animated it is I just don't give a shit because the fight is so simple and dull and so obviously trying to hide the fact behind fancy production that there's no real substance. Same goes for a lot of encounters in the Uncharted games; I just don't care and don't feel them to be particularly inventive, dynamic, or thrilling.

But then I remember really enjoying Uncharted 2 so *shrug*
Yeah, it's tricky because gameplay-wise, there's not really a lot there. The gun fights are more spread out than any of the previous games so it's mostly a bunch of running around and climbing on things. I guess this time around, I was more invested in what was going on to the point where I was able to forgive a lot of that.

The Nadine fight is amusing mostly in that she completely kicks Drake's ass. I'm not really sure what the point was in making that sequence playable, though since it's all a foregone conclusion. It was like a JRPG boss fight that you're meant to lose.

I'm also waiting for the inevitable moment when Elena figures out Nate is lying to her and kicks his ass.

And I concede there are some games that procedural generation works okay with. But I find it's mostly games that don't have a lot of moving parts. Maybe some find it works for No Man's Sky but I don't see how it would work for me. But I don't think that game is for me anyway. I'd get bored too quickly by the repetition.


I like procedural generation, you just need to do something fun on top of it... Have some kind of engaging "gameplay".

e.g., I found the Bloodborne generated dungeons to be fairly fun even though most people had valid complaints about them -- Because the actual core gameplay of Bloodborne is fun.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Anyway I'll stop ranting, for some reason most the people in the NMS OT seem to love it. I think I must be really cynical and have trouble just leting go and using my imagination or whatever it must be that enables this game to seem fun

Eh it's cool. Creative expression is subjective and you'll always find stuff that seems dull and boring to you yet bewilderingly resonate with others. I think this is particular true in the inherently abstract nature of interactivity and virtual playspaces where, just like real life, even the most simplistic engagement and activity can seem thrilling and awe inspiring to the right person.

Games are cool like that.

Thank you for reminding me that we are never getting another proper Diablo game.

Share in my suffering.
Procedural generation is the guts of Diablo.

Yeah but in a different way. The procedural generation exists to build a container inside of which scripted encounters and a linear story take place, adding replayability.

4X games live on procedural generation too, but those are a lot more "about the game" if that makes sense. It's a competitive head to head game against other players (virtual or otherwise) in which the "board" is randomized to force you to develop general strategies rather than specific ones tailored to a particular board.


e.g., I found the Bloodborne generated dungeons to be fairly fun even though most people had valid complaints about them -- Because the actual core gameplay of Bloodborne is fun.

I liked the Chalice Dungeons... for about an hour. And then I became increasingly aware that they're all basically the same four rooms pasted together in random ways. At that point, I just wanted to skip ahead to the boss battles (which were actually fun).
I liked the Chalice Dungeons... for about an hour. And then I became increasingly aware that they're all basically the same four rooms pasted together in random ways. At that point, I just wanted to skip ahead to the boss battles (which were actually fun).
Imagine if instead there were nearly infinite different room layouts but none of them felt intentionally designed, and every enemy was a palette swap of two base models with only two or three animations each, and there were only four kinds of loot, and there were never any boss battles.


I'm trying to isolate the problem, and I think it's because there's just no motivation. There's nothing I care about that I want to do or work towards, and the simple act of playing the game isn't fun because there's nothing to it. Feels almost tech demoey.

Since everything is just computer vomit, too, there's no sense of community or "touchstone" places. Like you can't say 'oh, I found this awesome thing here, go check it out" So there's no sense of suprafictive whatever other htan "look at this cool randomly generated lego creature I found, it looks cooler than the other ones I've seen so far"
There's nothing wrong with procedural generation, but I feel like it can't be used for games where one of the biggest selling points is exploration. The joy of exploration based games is in the discovery of things which have been explicitly designed to be discovered. I'm all for procedural generation in games like Crypt of the Necrodancer or Nucllear Throne or Spelunky, where the game is more action focused, with a strongly defined sense of what to do and what progress is being made, but that's because those games have mechanics lend themselves to the environs being algorithmically generated. Exploration mechanics do not.

That said I haven't played NMS yet so I might be talking bollocks

EDIT: Oh and I totally called it that people would be disappointed in NMS, just so you know :p


It's just Mr. Potato Head: The Game

Glad I didn't subject Erica to this, she'd probably just fall asleep instantly

On the bright side I've been given the little gift of legitimately disliking something that most people like, which, I guess, is the game's indirect way of providing some fun


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Census done. Take that, government.
I was hoping for more of a Borderlands feel. Those games do procedural generation really well.

But instead NMS can't figure out what it wants to be so it decides to not be good at anything. Their philosophy seems to be some players won't want to fight, so don't make any enemy actually dangerous because then players who don't want to would have to become defensive. Which is to say there are some enemies that will attack you, but their attacks are so weak and their speed is so slow and their AI is so dumb and forgiving that they might as well be docile. And some players won't want to spend a lot of time figuring out how to craft stuff well, so don't make any highly involved blueprints nor really any way for players to customize their experience besides relatively linear upgrades. And some players won't really want to explore, so make sure there's plenty of almost everything within the immediate area or a couple minute's walk away. And some players won't know what to do, so make sure to tell them exactly where to go for what reason at all times, with reminders and tips ever thirty seconds on rotation.

I don't think people are wrong to enjoy it, but it's not for me.


Imagine if instead there were nearly infinite different room layouts but none of them felt intentionally designed, and every enemy was a palette swap of two base models with only two or three animations each, and there were only four kinds of loot, and there were never any boss battles.

That sounds like hell.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is the real MVP for August gaming.

Can I do it on my phone in the next 10 mins?

It was over pretty damn quickly for me since I live alone so yeah sure maybe.
look at all these different planets! :O


okay I'm done. And to be fair, I am grateful to the game for being a vehicle of white noise to participate in while conversing with my new favorite person, so it has that going for it.
Finally watched The Invitation.

A few things of note: First, bae was hot af naturally.
Even if he did end up being a brainwashed psycho.
Second, the main character was also hot af. Third, the tension in the final thirty minutes was magnificent. But I lived for that gradual buildup. Made it all the more satisfying. Fourth, the coyote scene at the beginning triggered me as expected. Fifth,
I love the way the film had me totally believing Will was paranoid and delusional and even anticipating his behavior. For example, knocking the drinks out of everyone's hands which was my first instinct. And then it all comes out and you realize he was right all along anyway.
I'm salty BOTH of the gays couldn't live.

I give it
out of 5.


okay I'm done. And to be fair, I am grateful to the game for being a vehicle of white noise to participate in while conversing with my new favorite person, so it has that going for it.

It needs more like random little parts switching out on the same alien bodies like mr. potato head. I'd do it but I'm just about to go running in a bit.

I found Don't Starve to be very good as a shared experience, btw, I don't know for sure if it's for everyone but I found that there's time to talk and stuff but the game also manages to be engaging as well.

Maybe we'll try again tomorrow. Might play Shipwrecked this time (we played ROG last time because it's what I was familiar with).

Second, the main character was also hot af

Once you notice he's like an off brand unlicensed Tom Hardy it becomes distracting because it's just so true
Once you notice he's like an off brand unlicensed Tom Hardy it becomes distracting because it's just so true

Yoooo, I didn't notice the resemblance in the movie due to the shoulder length hair and beard but yeah.


He's like a cleaner and hotter Tom Hardy tho. (Sharp knees or whatever but I don't find Hardy that attractive for whatever reason.)


Okay I think I pissed off just the right Goldilocks number of people in the NMS OT to get my rocks off

Ich werde rennen.
Finally giving the Endserenading a decent listen

This is v good

I've always had the problem that the start of The Power Of Failing is so incredibly strong that Endserenading just made me want to listen to that instead, and even now it kind of still is. Plus the fact that every song takes ages to get to the loud bits when TPoF has Gloria right at the start. I like loud >_>
Okay I think I pissed off just the right Goldilocks number of people in the NMS OT to get my rocks off

Ich werde rennen.

lmao end it.

You know whenever a new hyped game comes out, it has to have at least a period of a month for the circlejerk. Then everyone can look back and admit x game wasn't that good. (Except for The Last of Us and rightly so because it's still incredible.)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
my favourite thing in the last of us is exploiting the dumbass ai into corridor bottlenecks with a bottle/brick and then one hit killing them with a molotov for EZ MODE

i legit think the last of us is by far naughty dog's best game and a proper gem even if i think some parts need work

also the ending was perfect
Crash is a dumpster fire franchise and I'm glad it's effectively dead.

:: channeling Jobbs ::

my favourite thing in the last of us is exploiting the dumbass ai into corridor bottlenecks with a bottle/brick and then one hit killing them with a molotov for EZ MODE

i legit think the last of us is by far naughty dog's best game and a proper gem even if i think some parts need work

also the ending was perfect

You're goddamn right.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Crash was never good.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Crash Easter Egg is worthwhile because goddamn Elena is cute.


Dropped my phone in just the perfect way and the screen cracked. Worse, though, is that it no longer is receptive to any touch. FML.

Xiao Hu

NMS looks incredibly dull and repetitive. I'll passed on that one.

Do you gals/guys have a list of what games you want to buy this year? Mine looks like this so far:

- Deus Ex
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Mafia 3
- Dishonored 2
(- Watchdogs 2 depending on the reviews and imoressions)
NMS looks incredibly dull and repetitive. I'll passed on that one.

Do you gals/guys have a list of what games you want to buy this year? Mine looks like this so far:

- Deus Ex
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Mafia 3
- Dishonored 2
(- Watchdogs 2 depending on the reviews and imoressions)
Yooka-Laylee is basically the only game I care about right now


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Idgaf about Uncharted, but why is Crash bad? Specifically 2

I dunno I just don't find Crash very fun :(

NMS looks incredibly dull and repetitive. I'll passed on that one.

Do you gals/guys have a list of what games you want to buy this year? Mine looks like this so far:

- Deus Ex
- Rise of the Tomb Raider
- Mafia 3
- Dishonored 2
(- Watchdogs 2 depending on the reviews and imoressions)

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided because Human Revolution was super great and far, far better than I expected in (admittedly not perfectly, but nevertheless) being reminiscent of the good stuff that makes up Deus Ex. I'm confident Eidos Montreal have it in the bag.

Dishonored 2 because Dishonored is a brilliant Steampunk Predator sim and Arkane have all the right brains at work. Daud's expansion pack showed the team still have it and I think they'll have learned a lot from mistakes in the last one. I also find the lore/universe oddly appealing.

Battlefield 1 cos I like Battlefield and I'm loving the WW1 aesthetic.

ReCore because despite being "rough around the edges" *cough* I'm pretty confident it'll be a gem of an exploration/action/adventure game reminiscent of Metroid Prime.

Mafia III as a point of curiosity. It looks more Sleeping Dogs than Mafia.

The Last Guardian to witness this spectacular trainwreck first hand.

South Park The Fractured But Hole because Stick of Truth is probably the best non-game media interactive adaption I've ever played, relentlessly hilarious, and truly authentic to the show.

Gravity Rush 2 because Kat is CUTE.

Shadow Warrior 2 because Wang is CUTE.

And Ni-Oh, because maaaaaaaaaaaaan holy shit that alpha was so so so fucking good. Like okay it's so obvious to take the whole Dark Souls template and just copy/paste it with mostly the same shit and call it your own original project (hello Lords of the Fallen) yet so inferior in every way. Ni-Oh on the other hand has obvious inspiration but is still very much its own thing, with its own unique nuances to encounters, balance, and combat. Once it clicks it feels goddamn satisfying to play.


Crash 3 is legit.

Life is Strange thoughts after episode 2:
Warren G
is a creep but kinda likeable.
Nathan is even creepier and definitely not likeable.
Victoria is Hitler 2.0 I EVEN TRIED TO BE NICE TO YOU, BYTCH.
Chloe's mom is pretty cool.
Step-douche is a douche.

10/10 so far.
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