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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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I'm probably a bit weird in that I wouldn't mind a match telling me her problems as long as they're interesting ones

Boring problems may get tedious though
Nice. I'll accept your tyranny as long as butt stuff is okay.

You'd be the lamest daddy.
Your daughter around 2030 AD:

Butt stuff will be REQUIRED.

Also, #GroanZone

I also fuck boys (read boys as men please).



Unconfirmed Member
This is an important thing to women. You really should know this

I just found out today that women only have one stomach so I am just kind of reeling from that information because I always thought they had two.
I'm probably a bit weird in that I wouldn't mind a match telling me her problems as long as they're interesting ones

Boring problems may get tedious though
but only crazy and selfish people open up so quickly about their issues. those are warning signs being slapped in your face
I just found out today that women only have one stomach so I am just kind of reeling from that information because I always thought they had two.

one stomach for capri sun


irresponsible vagina leak
Madness is my old friend
We don't need fancy drinks and penthouse suites
To run a riot

And you, you were just a fling
A beautiful addition to the
Valley of my vices

We're different people
Adam and Evil
Dreaming alone

You smile at the sunrise
I long for a landslide
Baby you know

The diamond days are done
The diamond days are gone
And I would be a fool to carry on

And no there's nothing wrong
But I'm already gone
Like headlights in the dawn
We've had our fun

The diamond days are done


These aspersions about my butthole have to stop.

Funky Papa

This is going to be my final contribution to the whole meat debate (everybody has moved out from it, but I thought some rural perspective could help)

then you probaly also know what a lot of industrial field goods, crops and soy, are used for - feeding the animals you want to eat. this actually is a huuuuge part of how the produce is used (the stuff that goes into direct consumption or even Tofu burgers is pretty small compared to this) so following your logic meat eaters have twice the amount of blood on their hand but still blame the vegans for trying to reduce pain and suffering. like what's up with this reasoning of "this is bad but THIS is also bad so I don't have to care about the other thing that was bad"...you gotta start somewhere. tackle one thing then the other thing.
The thing is, meat eaters are not the ones setting the moral bar (usually). Those are ethical vegans. For meat eaters, the lose of animal life in agriculture is not something they even think about. It's a non-issue. They don't care if your beans came at the cost of thousands of small, fluffy creatures and cute ground nesting birds. But since (some) vegans are the ones using the tiresome "meat is murder" argument or claiming that the slaughter of animals for food purposes in unethical, it's only natural to hold them to their ethical standards and point at them that growing crops and vegetables require the targeted and very deliberate anihilation of billions of small animals.

I'm ok with vegans acknowledging this and attempting to reduce their "animal killing footprint", so to speak. I don't share their views, but I appreciate that they are not hypocrites about it. But those obsessed with moral purity while willfully ignoring the realities of agriculture can find another person to yell at.

also the mice thing sounds a bit like blaming people for accidentally stepping on bucks. I'm sure mice are not intended to be hurt during the process of making crops. pigs and cows are meant to die. and because thisis an active decision it can be actively changed.
Mice are specially targeted. They are a huge, massive pest. I've burned hundreds of common vole myself after having them poisoned with traps. My dog eats them as if they were snacks at fields without traps. They eat sprouts and roots like nobody's business and will decimate wheat and vegetable fields. Each female vole gives birth to six litters with up to 10 baby voles, meaning that their population can explode in no time.


This fucker right here.

We've tried to get them out with natural predators such as falcons and owls, but they can't contain them once they get to fucking. They make FakeGAF look like a beacon of prudence and sexual restraint. The only way to kill them off once they get out of control is to stop growing produce and let them starve, which is terrible for the farmer, awful for the consumer and most likely lethal for the animal.

But this is just one example. Then you have other animals such as boars, which are hunted at my hometown in the thousands. Boars are a real pain in the ass. They are massive, crazy strong and won't stop until they are sated, so they will break through metres of reinforced fencing (which is expensive) only to wreck your fields. I've seen them devastating hundreds of square metres of fields, tearing down trees and ruining large extensions of crops and irrigation infrastructure. Once they are done, the fields look like something out of the Battle of Verdun.


That photo would be a bad news for somebody growing wheat or potatoes. If that field hosted a slow, costly crop such as truffles, however, it could mean the loss of the farmer's livehood. So each year my family must go on a veritable piggie apocalypse, which in turn allows consumers to eat their veggies while farmers fill their fridges and freezers with plenty of meat.

Just like most people eating burgers don't know about how cattle is raised, a huge amount of vegans seem to ignore the realities of agriculture and the slaughter behind it.

Drawing lines regarding the ethical consumption of food is always going to be incredibly troublesome unless we are growing it in vats or talking about mushrooms.

Anyway, we all know that the tastiest meat is that of the FakeGaffer *licks lips*


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Pau is Batman. The secret is out!!!


Unconfirmed Member

Golden Age Batman too campy, Silver Age too gritty, coca-cola Batman was best interpretation.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
So many dad jokes


The best part about the whole gay thing is if I marry a girl I'm not necessarily locked into doing it

...shit you're right, I would totes be like her
I'm just saying when I was pregnant I went from 34D to 48EE while I was nursing, down to 46DD when I weaned her. And your tits are already way bigger than mine, so like you are going to have fucking beach balls on your chest.

But kids are the best. Especially once they hit like 2-3 and become real people.

Funky Papa

Bruce Timm all day erryday.

And if we are talking about the Bat-family, Batwoman's design is a fuggin piece of art. I even love Batgirl's current take on the suit. I think it's lovely.



Smells like fresh rosebuds
Bruce Timm all day erryday.

And if we are talking about the Bat-family, Batwoman's design is a fuggin piece of art. I even love Batgirl's current take on the suit. I think it's lovely.

So me and Pau discussed this yesterday, but the Burnside Batgirl is great, but Batgirl Barbara is both the worst Batgirl and the worst role for Barbara. Oracle was so much better
I'm just saying when I was pregnant I went from 34D to 48EE while I was nursing, down to 46DD when I weaned her. And your tits are already way bigger than mine, so like you are going to have fucking beach balls on your chest.

But kids are the best. Especially once they hit like 2-3 and become real people.

:((((((( I'm in pain just thinking about it


ATpau now that I think about it I described the rebirth wrong. It's still in new52 continuity except Wally who was from the old continuity. They will probably merge more in the future I'd think
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