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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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Yeah, I'm surprised you have trouble Trab, you are beautiful , maybe German guys just struggle? hmmm
*runs away red faced*
I take the most L's on tinder though so you aren't worst at luck Trab B^)

top of the page post: I found a harry potter scene it game hidden in the corner while cleaning , still sealed, I think I am a hoarder 0_o


...never mind I'm just as big



Getting together with someone ain't just about being pretty tho

Like, we figured out half of German dudes love rollerblading, that's not a great pool to be working with.
I'm more confused as to how you aren't. Is it just lack of trying or just lack of normal guys because I can't really think of any other problems. What happened to guy from yesterday?

maybe I'm trying too hard idk.
he got boring real fast. there's this new level of casual going on somehow where the guy doesn't even ask for a date anymore....he was just like "oh you gonna be at event xy? nah? well nothing I can do about that!"
I'm not about traditional gender roles but I need to see SOME effort coming from the other side here right? that's exactly the shit high guy pulled too...like even actively deciding to meet up together just was too much commitment -_-
okay enough venting.sry I keep saying the same stuff over and over again.

Yeah, I'm surprised you have trouble Trab, you are beatiful , maybe German guys just struggle? hmmm
*runs away red faced*
I take the most L's on tinder though so you aren't worst at luck Trab B^)

top of the page post: I found a harry potter scene it game hidden in the corner while cleaning , still sealed, I think I am a hoarder 0_o

haha thanks :3
future generations will have portals so no one will be alone unless they really want to.
damn those kids of kids of kids of kids

There will be a debate x vote for portals or transporters so I hope they go with portals :p


maybe I'm trying too hard idk.
he got boring real fast. there's this new level of casual going on somehow where the guy doesn't even ask for a date anymore....he was just like "oh you gonna be at event xy? nah? well nothing I can do about that!"
I'm not about traditional gender roles but I need to see SOME effort coming from the other side here right? that's exactly the shit high guy pulled too...like even actively deciding to meet up together just was too much commitment -_-
okay enough venting.sry I keep saying the same stuff over and over again.

You ain't crazy, if they're being flaky about even meeting up can you imagine how flaky they'd get if y'all were seeing each other on the regular?

Buncha boys on Tinder where your at


Just keep swiping and don't settle for less, I refuse to believe there's not someone who's a good fit for you within your search radius.


Unconfirmed Member
Yo trab if you met a cute guy cashier that made your tummy all fluttery would you ask him out and how would you ask him out?
you people are too cool, thx <3

Yo trab if you met a cute guy cashier that made your tummy all fluttery would you ask him out and how would you ask him out?

hmm just thinking from a cashier's perspective... I personally always found it awkward when someone was flirting with me and my coworkers were around and stuff....but then again I never saw anyone I liked. and there's really no other way than the direct approach. so just strike up a bit of a conversation if it's not too busy and ask for the number.


maybe I'm trying too hard idk.
he got boring real fast. there's this new level of casual going on somehow where the guy doesn't even ask for a date anymore....he was just like "oh you gonna be at event xy? nah? well nothing I can do about that!"
I'm not about traditional gender roles but I need to see SOME effort coming from the other side here right? that's exactly the shit high guy pulled too...like even actively deciding to meet up together just was too much commitment -_-
okay enough venting.sry I keep saying the same stuff over and over again.

Don't worry about it. Those are legitimate complaints. Mutual effort's something that I have a problem measuring. I'm never sure if I'm trying too hard or if they're not trying hard enough.
Don't worry about it. Those are legitimate complaints. Mutual effort's something that I have a problem measuring. I'm never sure if I'm trying too hard or if they're not trying hard enough.

I always feel like ideally it's a bit of a playful back and forth (at least at the beginning) but in reality I'm the only one going back and forth while the other person is standing still like an idiot on the dancefloor lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Also when you're standing in front of a counter and someone is preparing your coffee what is the correct way to stand? Do you put your arms to the sides or on your hips or behind your back or in your pockets or what

Unless she's giving you the clearest of signals, you're about to put yourself in creep territory.

I don't know man I only ever asked one person out and she said yes that is a success rate of 100%
I was a cashier for a few months, I thought of asking a girl out I was ringing up but I thought I'd look like a huge creep x weird so I didn't , I fucked up hard not asking a girl I worked with out, we had so much fun times but I just choked and didn't

*takes L*
Also when you're standing in front of a counter and someone is preparing your coffee what is the correct way to stand? Do you put your arms to the sides or on your hips or behind your back or in your pockets or what

I don't know man I only ever asked one person out and she said yes that is a success rate of 100%

pretend to browse GAF on your phone

you gotta try. you can't be afraid a like German dude. you know they are not well respected here. you're better than that!

Um we're actually talking about that rn

the tl;dr of it is that I'm a total goner

wut? :O


maybe I'm trying too hard idk.
he got boring real fast. there's this new level of casual going on somehow where the guy doesn't even ask for a date anymore....he was just like "oh you gonna be at event xy? nah? well nothing I can do about that!"
I'm not about traditional gender roles but I need to see SOME effort coming from the other side here right? that's exactly the shit high guy pulled too...like even actively deciding to meet up together just was too much commitment -_-
okay enough venting.sry I keep saying the same stuff over and over again.
Maybe you just need the Wright man.


I always feel like ideally it's a bit of a playful back and forth (at least at the beginning) but in reality I'm the only one going back and forth while the other person is standing still like an idiot on the dancefloor lol.
That doesn't sound like fun at all. :/

Would you consider moving out of Germany? Is it possible at all?


My problem is that I haven't met a gay dude yet that I've wanted to date as much as some of my straight friends. It sucks.
Basically she was like "idk why you'd think I'm out of your league you're beautiful" and we talked about it and she just like made me feel so appreciated

I'm gonna go vomit it's too cute for me to handle
That doesn't sound like fun at all. :/

Would you consider moving out of Germany? Is it possible at all?

I kinda would. but not without any perspective on jobs. maybe moving to a different city will also help though.

Basically she was like "idk why you'd think I'm out of your league you're beautiful" and we talked about it and she just like made me feel so appreciated

I'm gonna go vomit it's too cute for me to handle

yaaassssss <333


A while back, I wanted to go to Germany, learn the language and possibly find love.
Since I was a kid, always had a thing for German girls.
Not sure why. :|


My problem is that I haven't met a gay dude yet that I've wanted to date as much as some of my straight friends. It sucks.

I had a crush on a gay girl once years ago. When I first met her I thought everything was coming up milhouse, too, before learning she was a lesbian. We seemed to be hitting it off so well.

So I sorta can understand, but I guess you have it happen way more often since about 10% of the population is gay


I always feel like ideally it's a bit of a playful back and forth (at least at the beginning) but in reality I'm the only one going back and forth while the other person is standing still like an idiot on the dancefloor lol.

I do love good playful banter...

It's hard when the other person gives you jack to go on, though. I know people who can hold half hour long conversations using literally any piece of information that you give them, no matter how minor it is, and those people are awesome, but most conversations are still a two person game. Both of you have to give some semblance of a shit.
A while back, I wanted to go to Germany, learn the language and possibly find love.
Since I was a kid, always had a thing for German girls.
Not sure why. :|

this might sound superficial but there's truth in this: since most German men are incompetent of wooing or even approaching girls, people from other countries actually have like...HUGE chances here. I mean the last person I dated was from the US too. +two of my closest friends only date Americans lol. try again+knock yourself out!


I had a crush on a gay girl once years ago. When I first met her I thought everything was coming up milhouse, too, before learning she was a lesbian. We seemed to be hitting it off so well.

So I sorta can understand, but I guess you have it happen way more often since about 10% of the population is gay

It's frustrating here because the culture isn't really focused towards monogamy. It's all open relationships and hook-ups. If that works for people, great but it's not really what I'm looking for (when I'm looking at all). Just to make it even more fun, the community even in big cities is pretty small and everyone seems to know each other.


this might sound superficial but there's truth in this: since most German men are incompetent of wooing or even approaching girls, people from other countries actually have like...HUGE chances here. I mean the last person I dated was from the US too. +two of my closest friends only date Americans lol. try again+knock yourself out!

Almost did, but work got in the way.
Plus now I have a GF. :p


@pau just to make sure when was the weekend(or day, can't remember if it was weekend) when you were talking about doing things? Cause the weekend of the 16th is busy for me. I think you said 22nd tho but I cent remember for sure


in general terms: journalism. gaming related would be the dream though.
Good luck! :)

@pau just to make sure when was the weekend(or day, can't remember if it was weekend) when you were talking about doing things? Cause the weekend of the 16th is busy for me. I think you said 22nd tho but I cent remember for sure
Yup the weekend of the 22nd! I think the 23rd (Saturday) would be best?
A while back, I wanted to go to Germany, learn the language and possibly find love.
Since I was a kid, always had a thing for German girls.
Not sure why. :|

I remember having a huge crush on this exchange student from Germany in high school, her accent was , plus she found me funny :3 <3
In general I seem to like women from outside the USA for some reason , hmmm
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