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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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haha well okay! I think I have a cross-dressing kink. I've been trying to get men into women's apparel all day. still think Clyde would be a vision in that mermaid dress.

but that pic was from GirlGaf btw...thought you saw that coming :D

I'll take this as a reminder that I need to jump back into GirlGAF at some point. I keep forgetting to.

Also that's definitely one of my many kinks. ♥


this is what I've been saying for years!

Why try to outlaw doping in sports when you can't stop it anyway? I say set science loose! Let's create the most powerful athletes known to man and see what is possible! Unleash them!

I think the concerns then would be about which players are bought and paid for, like which ones can afford the best drugs because they're sponsored or already loaded or whatever.

Also health reasons. But come on, sports already lead to injuries and concussions and stuff. Bring it on! :D

Raisin' Canes

that one


But do I want nuggets or a Big Mac or Raisin' Canes

Bet they fixed the server problems by now:

Real talk time-

I know a guy who does IT at one of the 6 McDonalds service centers and shit goes sideways at McDonalds so very often, but they're usually able to fix it within minutes if not a few hours.


I'll take this as a reminder that I need to jump back into GirlGAF at some point. I keep forgetting to.

Also that's definitely one of my many kinks. ♥

I try not to take too much space there because I'm not a girl, but it's the highest quality thread on Neogaf IMO

I think the concerns then would be about which players are bought and paid for, like which ones can afford the best drugs because they're sponsored or already loaded or whatever.

Also health reasons. But come on, sports already lead to injuries and concussions and stuff. Bring it on! :D

that one

ah fuck all that. sports are already dangerous and people already dope. unleash science.
Sorry to hear about your father, dragonz :(

Get them crispy as fuck nuggz

DAE know any other restaurants that do chicken nuggets besides McDonald's and BK?
I know that Hardee's does. Haven't had that in awhile.


ah fuck all that. sports are already dangerous and people already dope. unleash science.

I'm of two minds.

Yes, people are doping and risking future health risks already...

but if it were legitimized I feel like it would be much more prevalent and more dangerous, which is especially concerning considering most of sports is minority entertainment for middle/upper class white people.

I'd feel really fucking dirty about watching sports thinking that these kids grew up knowing they'd have to start doing drugs if they ever wanted to compete :(

If I go to McDonald's with the intention of getting nuggets I know I'm gonna get a Big Mac

Damn you're right.

But then... a big mac........ hmmm
I'll take this as a reminder that I need to jump back into GirlGAF at some point. I keep forgetting to.

Also that's definitely one of my many kinks. ♥

I think the concerns then would be about which players are bought and paid for, like which ones can afford the best drugs because they're sponsored or already loaded or whatever.

Also health reasons. But come on, sports already lead to injuries and concussions and stuff. Bring it on! :D

that one

you're my sex twin I swear!


I'm of two minds.

Yes, people are doping and risking future health risks already...

but if it were legitimized I feel like it would be much more prevalent and more dangerous, which is especially concerning considering most of sports is minority entertainment for middle/upper class white people.

I'd feel really fucking dirty about watching sports thinking that these kids grew up knowing they'd have to start doing drugs if they ever wanted to compete :(

Damn you're right.

But then... a big mac........ hmmm

Football is already a bloodsport where minorities destroy their health for rich white team owners. That's already what it is. You should already have a problem with it


Football is already a bloodsport where minorities destroy their health for rich white team owners. That's already what it is. You should already have a problem with it

Well, a lot of my exposure to football is based on my upbringing in the southwest where it's predominantly a white sport in HS.

Regardless, I do have a major problem with the lack of concern the NFL shows in regards to long term health issues caused by the sport. To the point where I refuse to let my son play football for fear of CTE. I played through middle and some HS and shit was brutal even then.

In the end though, I can't keep up my faux concern while still being slightly interested if they did away with all their fake concern and made steroids essentially mandatory. It's that same cognitive separation I use to be able to still eat meat.


I failed to get tacos and now I want a Big Mac. You people are too influential

Also this math class is super rudimentary. Thank fuck because I'm extremely mediocre at math.


Well, a lot of my exposure to football is based on my upbringing in the southwest where it's predominantly a white sport in HS.

Regardless, I do have a major problem with the lack of concern the NFL shows in regards to long term health issues caused by the sport. To the point where I refuse to let my son play football for fear of CTE. I played through middle and some HS and shit was brutal even then.

In the end though, I can't keep up my faux concern while still being slightly interested if they did away with all their fake concern and made steroids essentially mandatory. It's that same cognitive separation I use to be able to still eat meat.

I wonder if Football is in long term jeopardy as fewer parents let their kids get started in it, because I sure as hell wouldn't.

Also new season of Marco Polo is tomorrow on Netflix :eek: anyone else watch this? I liked it overall, despite some criticisms
the new jobbs:

You know, I look at people in the fitness thread and think 'that's a natty', and I take one look at this guy and think: "look at all that juice".


Sorry to hear about your dad Em. :( I don't know how he's dealing with the diagnosis and how far along he is in treatment and stuffs, but from my experience just continuing to be yourself and continuing interacting even long distance is good support.

The endless slew of appointments can get exhausting so maybe send him terrible GoT fanfiction to get him threw the drudgery. :p

Wishing your family the best. <3


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
will someone please tell me how to get a bigger chest? It's too flat

Bench, decline bench, incline bench, chest flies. I noticed a change after only ~2 weeks of adding those lifts.

Also squats, because glutes for the sloots.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Forgot that I have a lunch today with workmates. Whoops. Good thing I can be ready to go in under 10 minutes.


Brother Vs Sister Uncut?

Batman V Superman Ultimate Cut

Better than most of the Marvel movies IMO, certainly better than Civil Snore

Also has one of the best fight scenes in any of these movies -- When Batfleck fights all the thugs -- Was perfection


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Batman V Superman Ultimate Cut

Better than most of the Marvel movies IMO, certainly better than Civil Snore

Also has one of the best fight scenes in any of these movies -- When Batfleck fights all the thugs -- Was perfection

You're fucking dead to me.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I could write a dissertation on what a piece of shit Civil War is. Please come at me

But you LIKE BvS, a movie that just fundamentally doesn't understand its characters and has almost nothing redeemable. So like, I'm not exactly gonna really take anything you say seriously.
But you LIKE BvS, a movie that just fundamentally doesn't understand its characters and has almost nothing redeemable. So like, I'm not exactly gonna really take anything you say seriously.

honestly it sounds more like you're describing civil war

but we've already been over this


I'm kinda drained atm so throw any ideas you've got my way and we'll talk later

Yara/Dany Alt-U Fanfic Set in the Bring it On universe


I'm thinking maybe Tinder isn't for me.

Maybe I should try OKCupid

or Maybe I should try dying old bitter and alone, regretful of ever having had feelings in the past


But you LIKE BvS, a movie that just fundamentally doesn't understand its characters and has almost nothing redeemable. So like, I'm not exactly gonna really take anything you say seriously.

I don't give a shit about the core material and if it's consistent or not with comics. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯
Besides, we've already seen that the comics aren't even consistent with themselves, so who cares anyway?

As a movie it's better than most the marvel stuff and certainly way better htan civil war.

My opinion of BvS is dependent on how they end up handling the Robins.

*slithers back into shadows*

Slither back here for a sec. What would be a good interpretation of Robin in this Batfleck reality? Just curious. How would you briefly describe it

or Maybe I should try dying old bitter and alone, regretful of ever having had feelings in the past

hold onto those feelings.. right here. inside you. now.. use them. put them into the dance.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I don't give a shit about the core material and if it's consistent or not with comics. ¯_(&#12484;)_/¯
Besides, we've already seen that the comics aren't even consistent with themselves, so who cares anyway?

As a movie it's better than most the marvel stuff and certainly way better htan civil
As a a movie it is incoherent as fuck. And why make a movie about Batman and Superman when you have a Batman who kills and a money Superman, the very idol of what is good in man. This movie is nowhere near the worst of the Marvel movies, or even most of DCs output. It's trash, like everything Zack Snyder does. It's pretty but banal. It reminds of Bishop k Infinite, it wants to do these grandiose things but is just unable to do any one thing correctly, it just comes off stuffy and up its own ass. There's a reason Snyder has been dramatically demoted and caretakers pit in charge of salvaging the franchise.


Slither back here for a sec. What would be a good interpretation of Robin in this Batfleck reality? Just curious. How would you briefly describe it
Dick survived his stint as Robin and became Nightwing.

Jason died at the Joker's hand at around 15 or 16.

Bruce spiraled hard, isolated himself from his oldest son, and became the broken guy you see in the movie. Tim never showed up to make amends and Bruce didn't carry out his suicidal intentions and just coasted. Alfred's lament about no heir holds two barbs: one died and the other wants nothing to do with his dad to the point of disowning him.

No Robin became the Joker.

Batman's solo movie would be The Red Hood.
Jason's resurrection cements this new, more fantastical world where Bruce is out of his depth. Bruce, with the character development from BvS, reaches out to Dick and the movie is about him trying to reconcile with his sons. Succeeding with one but failing with the other. Dick doesn't join the Justice League but agrees to take care of things in Gotham when Bruce and the JL deal with larger threats. Jason stays MIA with the question of redemption up in the air.


As a a movie it is incoherent as fuck. And why make a movie about Batman and Superman when you have a Batman who kills and a money Superman, the very idol of what is good in man. This movie is nowhere near the worst of the Marvel movies, or even most of DCs output. It's trash, like everything Zack Snyder does. It's pretty but banal. It reminds of Bishop k Infinite, it wants to do these grandiose things but is just unable to do any one thing correctly, it just comes off stuffy and up its own ass. There's a reason Snyder has been dramatically demoted and caretakers pit in charge of salvaging the franchise.

I was able to follow the plot well enough, but what I prize more in a movie, especially a comic book movie, is the tone. For example, I didn't feel like CW had a very consistent tone. Early on we had concerns over collateral damage, grieving widows, guilty Tony Starks, United Nations stuff.... Theeeeen it's Spiderman pretending to be a Snowspeeder on a giant Antman.

Meanwhile, the tone of BvS was relatively consistent. Some criticize it for being "grimdark", but I perceived a certain understated silliness to it that I appreciated far more than the overt silliness of the Avengers stuff.

I don't really care if Superman is the embodiment of hope or not. He's a horrible character to begin with. I liked Man of Steel. He's just an alien, not a hope jesus. I have an easier time with that.

Dick survived his stint as Robin and became Nightwing.

Jason died at the Joker's hand at around 15 or 16.

Bruce spiraled hard, isolated himself from his oldest son, and became the broken guy you see in the movie. Tim never showed up to make amends and Bruce didn't carry out his suicidal intentions and just coasted. Alfred's lament about no heir holds two barbs: one died and the other wants nothing to do with his dad to the point of disowning him.

No Robin became the Joker.

Batman's solo movie would be The Red Hood.
Jason's resurrection cements this new, more fantastical world where Bruce is out of his depth. Bruce, with the character development from BvS, reaches out to Dick and the movie is about him trying to reconcile with his sons. Succeeding with one but failing with the other. Dick doesn't join the Justice League but agrees to take care of things in Gotham when Bruce and the JL deal with larger threats. Jason stays MIA with the question of redemption up in the air.

I like it and I like the thought that went into it :D


Dick survived his stint as Robin and became Nightwing.

Jason died at the Joker's hand at around 15 or 16.

Bruce spiraled hard, isolated himself from his oldest son, and became the broken guy you see in the movie. Tim never showed up to make amends and Bruce didn't carry out his suicidal intentions and just coasted. Alfred's lament about no heir holds two barbs: one died and the other wants nothing to do with his dad to the point of disowning him.

No Robin became the Joker.

Batman's solo movie would be The Red Hood.
Jason's resurrection cements this new, more fantastical world where Bruce is out of his depth. Bruce, with the character development from BvS, reaches out to Dick and the movie is about him trying to reconcile with his sons. Succeeding with one but failing with the other. Dick doesn't join the Justice League but agrees to take care of things in Gotham when Bruce and the JL deal with larger threats. Jason stays MIA with the question of redemption up in the air.

Alright this is good.
You're fucking dead to me.

But you LIKE BvS, a movie that just fundamentally doesn't understand its characters and has almost nothing redeemable. So like, I'm not exactly gonna really take anything you say seriously.

You have my axe! *war cry*

Seriously, if you fail to tell a story (ANY story) at two hours, making it longer is the opposite of what you should be doing. We're kind of going to similar motions in the ID4-2 spoiler thread now, with people hoping that maybe there's a version that makes sense later on. I mean, in what world would you release a movie so terrible that people have to ask: "is this serious?" in fucking CINEMA, which is still very much the primary source of income for movies, and then release 'the real thing' on home release?

It gets weird when everybody and their dog can tell that your story sucks, it cannot be fixed, and they kinda (arrogantly) suspect they could do better. That should be an expert response, not your average moviegoer.

btw, I have watched The Dark Knight Returns part 1 & 2 to see what the real story was, and that one is great. I also finally understand what a five-minute segment on Batman: The Animated Series referred to. Sadly, Michael Ironside did not voice the movie version. But The Dark Knight Returns is glorious in its critique of the characters, the '80s politics in which they find themselves, and what would happen if there was no Batman Beyond.
That movie should have played instead of BvS and people would have fucking cheered for it.


Excuse me Jobbs, Clark is not a horrible character. :p

I don't like the idea of Superman to begin with. He's too powerful and has one weakness. It doesn't lend itself to the type of storylines I'm interested in.

Batman or most of the X-men (or many other examples in comics) are more interesting to me because they are so vulnerable by comparison. It's easier to become invested.

Superman seems like a character designed by a child. "Yeah? Well I'm SUPER man. I'm invincible, and I can fly, and I have LASER EYES, and x-ray vision, and, and.."
Excuse me Jobbs, Clark is not a horrible character. :p

How do you make an interesting story with Superman that doesn't either involve kryponite or some sort of Sophie's choice? His motivations seem to be little more than "do good things and save my family". Or maybe I'm just not watching the right Superman material.

Seriously, if you fail to tell a story (ANY story) at two hours, making it longer is the opposite of what you should be doing.

There's no way this is describing BvS. If anything, BvS tells too much of a story. The movie could well do without the Abomination fight at the end, but everything else is a sublime epic and dissertation on existentialism in the form of a thriller masquerading as a superhero movie.


I don't like the idea of Superman to begin with. He's too powerful and has one weakness. It doesn't lend itself to the type of storylines I'm interested in.

Batman or most of the X-men (or many other examples in comics) are more interesting to me because they are so vulnerable by comparison. It's easier to become invested.

Superman seems like a character designed by a child. "Yeah? Well I'm SUPER man. I'm invincible, and I can fly, and I have LASER EYES, and x-ray vision, and, and.."
He doesn't have the most interesting power set but I'm more interested in the human part of superhuman. :p


Huh, that new Sum 41 song ain't the garbage I was expecting it to be.

What a time to be alive.

It ain't great, but it's not bad either.

He doesn't have the most interesting power set but I'm more interested in the human part of superhuman. :p

To be fair, there are stories that do deity inserted into humanity much better, but there are Clark books that are written very well.


Unconfirmed Member
Movies based on comic book are for children. They are the cinematic equivalent of wrestling. I watched BvS because someone else paid and afterwards I felt less human. I watched Civil War of my own volition and afterwards every ledge and sharp edge I saw caused me to daydream of suicide.

Guardians of the Galaxy and Snowpiercer were ok


He doesn't have the most interesting power set but I'm more interested in the human part of superhuman. :p

What are some interesting story arcs in Superman that don't involve kryptonite or Superman having to choose who to save or something like that? What else can he do?

Considering the power of Superman, I frequently question the need for the justice league and wonder how there continue to be badguys.

A new supervillain shows up? Fly to him whereever he is at a zillion MPH and instantly kill him

Unless he's another kryptonian, in which case you slug eachother for ten hours and/or someone has kryptonite or something.. Right?


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I don't like the idea of Superman to begin with. He's too powerful and has one weakness. It doesn't lend itself to the type of storylines I'm interested in.

Batman or most of the X-men (or many other examples in comics) are more interesting to me because they are so vulnerable by comparison. It's easier to become invested.

Superman seems like a character designed by a child. "Yeah? Well I'm SUPER man. I'm invincible, and I can fly, and I have LASER EYES, and x-ray vision, and, and.."
Well, you don't understand Clark. You only have a vary bare pop culture understanding of Superman. He has many flaws, and his biggest weakness isn't kryptonite, it's that he believes people are inherently good. He sees good in everything and redemption in everyone.

Next thing you will be making fun of Aquamarine, Der her all he does is talk to fish when there is soooo much more to Arthur.

Now it takes a good writer to write Superman, which is why there is so much more bad than good. But please go read All Star Superman at least.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Movies based on comic book are for children. They are the cinematic equivalent of wrestling. I watched BvS because someone else paid and afterwards I felt less human. I watched Civil War of my own volition and afterwards every ledge and sharp edge I saw caused me to daydream of suicide.

Guardians of the Galaxy and Snowpiercer were ok
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