Freeza Under The Shower
How do you make an interesting story with Superman that doesn't either involve kryponite or some sort of Sophie's choice? His motivations seem to be little more than "do good things and save my family". Or maybe I'm just not watching the right Superman material.
There's no way this is describing BvS. If anything, BvS tells too much of a story. The movie could well do without the Abomination fight at the end, but everything else is a sublime epic and dissertation on existentialism in the form of a thriller masquerading as a superhero movie.
You know, for a moment there I really thought you were serious (my judgement becomes worse when I get angry, and oh boy does that movie -and its prequel, and the people defending either or- make me angry. Seriously, I should get a watch to monitor my heart rate or something).
I completely forgot you also posted in the UC thread to give this thing the shit it deserves. I lurked for a bit because I'm delusional enough to believe that maybe it could really be fixed (somehow). Kind of what happens when something is really terrible.
I know this because I bought Sonic 2006 at full price with a new Xbox360 and my brother had to tell me to stop hurting myself playing something that terrible. "but it can't be... maybe it gets better? *sob* " "put it down"
Thank god for Gears of War saving the day. I then traded in Sonic for Call of Duty 3... but it was a definite improvement in very basic 'how do I make thing?'.