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FakeGAF 8: Overthirst

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A great thinker once said that (paraphrasing) strictly defining oneself as left or right is just another form of incurring in brain atrophy.

Different countries host different societies with different economies and different morals that require different approaches to politics which may even change as time passes by.

The core of my political beliefs pretty much revolves around "don't be a dick". I think it's a good starting point.

Once nearly all the GOP's platform stops being a tire fire, I'll take them seriously.

I can't in good conscience ever vote for a party that openly panders to racists and religious fundamentalists. Not to mention the gun worship because they're in the NRA's pockets. No ma'am. I hope the disaster that is Trump makes them reshape their party so the inmates are no longer running the asylum.

Funky Papa

Once nearly all the GOP's platform stops being a tire fire, I'll take them seriously.

I can't in good conscience ever vote for a party that openly panders to racists and religious fundamentalists. Not to mention the gun worship because they're in the NRA's pockets. No ma'am. I hope the disaster that is Trump makes them reshape their party so the inmates are no longer running the asylum.

I mean, that isn't to say that all political parties are worthy of respect. Specially considering that the GOP and Trump's campaign are basically run about the "be a dick" idea. Like this guy:



I fucking hate when people misidentify 3phase motor wires in a build where the motor j-box is hard as fuck to get too.

Good thing this isn't the last shipping friday of June! ;_;


irresponsible vagina leak
Literal shit?

No. But everything here is meat or dairy based stuff and I kinda want to switch things up. Gotta see if there are any Mangos in the backyard and maybe start with a fruit smoothie.
Sounds like you need to eat shit, then ������������
I don't feel like eating you today hun.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I have no problem with our opt in system.

Just the dickheads I have to choose from.

I hear you. Not much better in my neck of the woods.

I just need to actually remember to go vote after work. Probably write a great big note on my hand so I cant forget haha.

Xiao Hu

I mean, that isn't to say that all political parties are worthy of respect. Specially considering that the GOP and Trump's campaign are basically run about the "be a dick" idea. Like this guy:


Lol, this must be some artist performing live political/social satire
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