I like the prequels fine and I prefer Amazing Spiderman to Raimi Spiderman. I have bad taste in movies.
I haven't caught up to GoT but Cersei's new haircut is totally a "let me speak to the manager" haircut
yeah, I don't get why the GoT producers aren't letting Cersei and Jaime grow their hair back out. There are valid reasons for the hair having been sheared in the first place, but it's unfortunate that they're keeping it short.
Yeah, it'd be fantastic if finding someone special in your life didn't cause you to put everyone else on the backburners, but at the same time, that's most people. When you find someone that special to you, you want to spend every moment with them. Most people don't consciously abandon their friends. It's just something that happens in the process. I don't like it and I'll try not to be like that if (or when...gotta stay positive) I find someone, but I get it.
I mean it's just basic arithmetic. Having alone time with someone means sacrificing time with others. If all my time with Justin was also spent with other people, then I don't think we'd have a very close relationship.
As with most things, I think a balance is healthiest.
Axiom Verge is giving me life. Thats all.
Yo, I wish I was better at this game. The boss fights keep screwing me over, and the stage design gets kind of spammy towards the end. But it's a great game.