Fuck Bastion, annoying ass character to fight for me unless I'm D.va or something!
Phara is the Bastion Killer
Fuck Bastion, annoying ass character to fight for me unless I'm D.va or something!
The sky. The thing that you see when you look up. Theres this weird blue thing there
Oh, that? That's my dick.
The sky. The thing that you see when you look up. Theres this weird blue thing there
Oh, that? That's my dick.
New Blink album
I quite like it
Matt Skiba is rad
That's one big dick.
I have the bluest balls in all the land
Jumping into a big ol' hot bathtub feels great damn
I love using her, she kinda reminds me of Quake/Unreal Tournament with the way she shoots them rockets, plus I love her ultimate.Phara is the Bastion Killer
you mean the other mirror ?
Already on my way back. It was super boring 😔 Got tons of snacks
Nah 😒 Only popcorn and chipsAny cock meat sandwiches?
I got that, but I chose not to install it, because it uses SecuROM, apparently.Yeah. Last summer I think it was ea put everything Sims 3 free for a few months to convince people to use origin
Oh wait apparently it was Sims 2. Nevermind
Nah 😒 Only popcorn and chips
jake do you want your sim to be a hairy motherfucker
I went smooth, sorry. It looks awful w/ hair.
Anyway here's me
and Jake
Oh god are a fakegaf Sims game? You'll have to do daily reports! Also don't forget me
jake has started a book called "Fuck Me, Trump"
I knew you were going to do this when I saw my lifetime wish was to be a professional author.
your book is doing well
slay a bit
Laser tag rn
aka overwatch irl
jake we're makin out ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It's happening
Yaaassss, I'm about to get rich(er)
How the hell do we have over a million simoleans already anyway? DID U CHEAT?
NahWhere's vaz btw? Also a victim of the lewd gif purge of 2016?