Okay I love vampires and werewolves more than most people, so I would have loved to see that, but I wonder why not levy the same concern at The Last of Us? Why is it mostly other humans you're facing instead of zombies? Right?
Yeah, I get that and I appreciate it. I just think it's a bad example of being okay with them hating the game because you've already accepted the game's flaws, so this (in theory) doesn't tear it down any further.
The game's main villain is Dracula, but it never resolves the story with him. It's just.. bizarre. I'm not sure if they assumed there was going to be a sequel (there is none and never will be), but even if there was going to be a sequel the way they left their story, such as it is, was nigh inexplicable. I wonder how much internal strife there was that resulted in the butchered story.
The Last Of Us had a lot of infected stuff in it, and I thought the rhythm of going back and forth between human and infected portions of the game actually went a long way to set the pacing. In The Order, you only encounter werewolves in a few isolated incidents, and they're easy. Almost the entire game is just shooting it out with bland grey clothed dudes with guns... Which is something I can get anywhere. I can get that in The Division. In my monster game i want monsters!
Re. Alien Isolation I didn't agree with most of their points and I thought they failed to point out the game's considerable strengths, and they not only hated the game but mocked it (as they often do with games they don't like) but I still enjoyed the video. I can accept that people won't all like something I like. If someone says "I don't like this" that statement is always true. It's never wrong.
Right. I don't much like reviewers to begin with considering they don't add any value to the world. I have never found a reviewer whose tastes could be generally said to align with my own. They always differ some significant portion of the time. So when they act smug like "how dare Ready At Dawn serve us this mediocre game instead of a 10/10 experience" it's like go do something that actually helps people. Thanks.
I guess I shouldn't downplay the catharsis these overly analytic reviewers bring but I consider that of much lesser value to actual media.
I just like people who 1) make me laugh 2) are insightful in a way that makes me think/learn something. They happen to do/be those things. In general I don't care much for reviews/reviewers but in this case, yeah, they're entertaining.