I can blow your candle for you. Happy Birthday XOXOToday's my birthday and I get to throw myself into work and school today.
What a time to be alive.
I can blow your candle for you. Happy Birthday XOXOToday's my birthday and I get to throw myself into work and school today.
What a time to be alive.
It was just a joke that what Japan is for Weaboos, France is for people from Quebec,
Generic hero/villain trailer about nothing
People on Reddit are actually hyped as hell for this game. I mean, to each their own, but it's rough.
Is that the perception outside of Canada? Because it really doesn't ring at all true.
Cute CG. The rest seems dumb af. Like the general outline of a story a grade schooler would write.
My literary snobbishness is coming out. I must refrain.
Cute CG. The rest seems dumb af. Like the general outline of a story a grade schooler would write.
My literary snobbishness is coming out. I must refrain.
The blatant, obscene and senseless Audi product placement made me groan IRL.
I wish I could read Audi and Squeenix's marketing docs regarding their target.
The thing
For them
To save
From that
Thing over there
The whole world
Will be dead
The thing
For them
To save
From that
Thing over there
The whole world
Will be dead
Taking bets on when Lightning's cameo in XV is.
I don't know exactly when it happened but I cannot abide turn based JRPG anymore.
I used to love games like this but I just can't do it anymore
I don't want to say I've outgrown them because that would make me sound even more like a judgmental bastard but there was certainly a cutoff point where that gameplay stopped appealing to me.
Maybe plush form in a random area.Taking bets on when Lightning's cameo in XV is.
I don't know exactly when it happened but I cannot abide turn based JRPG anymore.
I used to love games like this but I just can't do it anymore
I don't want to say I've outgrown them because that would make me sound even more like a judgmental bastard but there was certainly a cutoff point where that gameplay stopped appealing to me.
I take turn based RPGs over what FF15 is doing. ¯_(ツ_/¯
Post Credits
Final Fantasy XV-2 - Finish the fight
Edit : oh shit, I don't know how I missed that post FloatOn. Happy birthday! Hope you have a swell day, man
JRPGs still appeal to me mechanics wise.
But writing wise they're mostly all complete juvenile trash even by video game writing standards. They're all mainly simple and trite stories encapsulated by ~mature~ and ~adult~ trappings to lend them any shred of legitimacy. This was all great when I was 15. Now it's mostly annoying. And I'm not even saying that a simple or mindless story is always a bad thing. I'm just saying that they can't even pull that off well for the most part. Save us Persona 5.
Are you saying that JRPGs are the YA gaming equivalent? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I gotta see more of P5 before it being Perfectsona 3 good or Pandersona 4 meh.Persona 5 will be our salvationI hope
My little brother is 22 today. It's freaking me out.
Are you saying that JRPGs are the YA gaming equivalent? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Those indie games where you do nothing but walk around and Telltale games are the YA equivalent. They were interesting at first but now everyone's doing them and they're starting to lose their charm.
What is "YA"?
What is "YA"?
Young AdultsWhat is "YA"?
Until occasionally one comes along and outdoes the progenitor of the trend.
The Red Rising trilogy wouldn't exist were it not for The Hunger Games making YA dystopian sci-fi modish, and yet the RR trilogy utterly surpasses THG in every conceivable way from world building, to characters, to plot, to prose, to general level of entertainment. Thanks, Hunger Games. You were good for something after all.
That's how it goes. Someone brings the genre to light, then someone else makes a better one, then people make several clones of that better one and the genre implodes, then it happens all over again. It's a pretty accurate description of the FPS genre.
WW II era to Modern era, and now we're in future era. Eventually we'll have to go to space.
YA has gone from paranormal romance to dystopian future.
okay someone explain to me why not saying "hi" to someone is rude.
to me its awkward af. I only do it because some people get weirdly mad at me if i don't
Still great.
Well, I have heard rumblings the next CoD will be set in space. It's happening.
And the next YA trend is going to be paranormal romance in a dystopian sci-fi setting.
okay someone explain to me why not saying "hi" to someone is rude. (or good morning etc etc)
to me its awkward af. I only do it because some people get weirdly mad at me if i don't.
the only situation where it makes sense to me is if you're trying to start a conversation
the primary offender for me is family members. I see them often enough that its abnormal to not see them so why do I need to acknowledge their presence multiple times a day?It's just the way our culture is set up. If you're from a small town you say hi to everyone you see. Otherwise you mostly just reserve it for people you know or people you're stuck in a room with/have to talk to. When you don't say hi, people take it as you dismissing their presence. If you want, you can do what I do and wear earbuds virtually everywhere you go regardless of whether or not they're actually playing any music. That way when you don't say hi you can play it off and say "sorry I had my earbuds in" but most people will see that you have them in and leave you alone initially.
Sometimes if it's right when I get in, the act of opening my mouth to say hi seems like so much of an annoying task that I get annoyed by it. I see you fuckers every day. I don't particularly care about you which is why I don't have drinks with you after work. I just want coffee. Leave me be you trollish twat.
I don't have any friends.
the primary offender for me is family members. I see them often enough that its abnormal to not see them so why do I need to acknowledge their presence multiple times a day?
Then just give a small "hey"
#Team Anti-Social
*doesn't offer hi five because that's weird*
I'm really looking forward to FF XV.
But hey, I ADORE the XIII trilogy and Lightning is one of my favorite protags. I have multiple Lightning figsSo eff the haters.
One really annoying thing. on another forum I post on theres this guy who says hi to me when I start posting. he gets all mad if i dont' respond to him but if i do respond to him he doesn't continue talking to me. its really weird. (he does it to everyone that he doesn't hate btw)