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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Anyone who doesn't believe Rey
is related to Luke (probably daughter) is on gut damn crack

Detailed analysis of her fighting technique has revealed that she does SHEEV STABS. Palpy's daughter confirmed.

Seriously tho, I agree. Doubt she'd get that look at the end if she wasn't :p

Anyone who doesn't believe Rey
is related to Luke (probably daughter) is on gut damn crack

So ur with ur fam and yur growin up wen the fam leaves. U wait on it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my bb8?" U tell it Luke n he say "no, I am ur dad". THEN WHO WAS FAM?


Star Wars is trash.

In my opinion ESB and TFA are the only actual good SW movies, but Star Wars as a whole has been a part of my life since I was a baby, that throughput can't be dismissed as nothing and as I say nostalgia is as good a reason as any to like something. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts


So ur with ur fam and yur growin up wen the fam leaves. U wait on it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my bb8?" U tell it Luke n he say "no, I am ur dad". THEN WHO WAS FAM?

your.. mom?

BTW these animations are getting more elaborate, I nodded approvingly
Shade for miles

Carbuncle STAYS MVP forever haha

You could hear my heart break after I realised Evil Eye was a mistake, it was nothing but trash.

IT'S NOT MY FAULT. Fuck this game and it's confusing iconography :p
You know what would be better than a leaf for wood? I don't know, maybe a tree icon. Leaf screams to me "grass".

Also I keep looking at the bark icon and thinking it's a rock.

Thanks Pokemon. haha

Double also, Chimera is insane. Those battles with 2 Chimera at once was a quick trip to "Wrecked Ville"

YOU WERE LATE. And now I'm done. :(

Stupid bank took goddamned forever. All I wanted to do was pay my artist :<

That foot positioning is so goood(a lot of people miss this detail).
The only thing I would fix is the last left foot position to blend better into the first frame of animation to avoid it "snapping" back too erratically.
your.. mom?

BTW these animations are getting more elaborate, I nodded approvingly

Yeah, combos in the game generally lead to longer/more complicated moves so that it's not just spamming quick attacks.

Also I really hope SW8 explores Rey's family more. That was the biggest tease of 7 for me.

That foot positioning is so goood(a lot of people miss this detail).
The only thing I would fix is the last left foot position to blend better into the first frame of animation to avoid it "snapping" back too erratically.

Thanks! I er... practiced this move a lot today while at work, plus some last night. My brother made fun of me haha.

I'll go ahead and adjust that foot. :)

that attack anims in your game have improved so much!

I'm working on it! &#9829;

I'm contemplating streaming Day of the Tentacle but I'm worried that an adventure game probably isn't the best use of the format, especially if I get stuck. ;)

Yo, I was in the process of recommending that to you on stream but for whatever reason my keyboard was dropping input like mad, so I couldn't type correctly.


DOTT was my childhood

As a kid, those P&C games were so fucking immersive. Full of wonder.

I remember being 8 or 9 and being physically afraid of the Maniac Mansion NES cart. It was so scary to play.

That foot positioning is so goood(a lot of people miss this detail).
The only thing I would fix is the last left foot position to blend better into the first frame of animation to avoid it "snapping" back too erratically.

I've played around with melee swing animations before and the footwork is honestly one of the harder parts. You have to decide whether to cheat, whether to go for realism, or some blend. I mostly cheated




irresponsible vagina leak
Carbuncle STAYS MVP forever haha

You could hear my heart break after I realised Evil Eye was a mistake, it was nothing but trash.

IT'S NOT MY FAULT. Fuck this game and it's confusing iconography :p
You know what would be better than a leaf for wood? I don't know, maybe a tree icon. Leaf screams to me "grass".

Also I keep looking at the bark icon and thinking it's a rock.

Thanks Pokemon. haha

Double also, Chimera is insane. Those battles with 2 Chimera at once was a quick trip to "Wrecked Ville"

LOL the tutorial stage shows you all that but quickly reading stuff doesnt help. Also you didnt knew what was going on with the story for skipping some conversation from fairies and Gurd. I can spoil all the story for you if you want via twitter so you catch up on everything you have done so far and more.
I'm contemplating streaming Day of the Tentacle but I'm worried that an adventure game probably isn't the best use of the format, especially if I get stuck. ;)

Do iiiiiiiiiiiit. I did Curse of Monkey Island and it worked out alllllriiiight :p

Thanks! I er... practiced this move a lot today while at work, plus some last night. My brother made fun of me haha.

Haha I saw your tweet about doing animation recording the other day and I remembered when I did it a couple of weeks ago with a friend it basically looked like this


For 8 hours. I'm glad noone else but myself have the recordings :p

Just as an aside, your animations in general are REALLY coming along now :D

I've played around with melee swing animations before and the footwork is honestly one of the harder parts. You have to decide whether to cheat, whether to go for realism, or some blend. I mostly cheated



Jesus H Lopez, how it comes together in the second gif is beautiful. You completely nailed the movement of feet (position and rotation) as it should be.

This is so fine

LOL the tutorial stage shows you all that but quickly reading stuff doesnt help. Also you didnt knew what was going on with the story for skipping some conversation from fairies and Gurd. I can spoil all the story for you if you want via twitter so you catch up on everything you have done so far and more.

SHIT. I must've completely forgot. haha
Oh no, I don't skip the dialogue, I just read that fast.

I was more making a joke at how completely sudden the change was :p

We didn't talk about it but I completely curbstomped Helena. I was so proud of that.
Stunlocking the stunlocker™

Since we're all showing stuff, I'll post here what I've been doing all day (other than LK stream)

I've been painting over the artist's draft today of the main character (Clement) and experimenting with some ideas and changes I'm gonna be sending him in a second.
I'm trying to paint his hair in a way that shows the curves/direction of hair but without making it look completely cartoony.
Just more trying to get a general idea of the edits I need to send him before I go back to finishing off the rig properly and starting on Arie's animation.

Funky Papa

"Excuse me, I'm not sexist or anything, but why does the article about how men pressure women in bed have to be strictly about women?"

I always refrain from posting anything like that because it's an incredibly boorish way to hijack a thread and reeks of stale gator, but sexual issues is one of those fields where the well-being of both genders intersect*.

Case in point, there are plenty of men having trouble achieving orgasms (so many more people think), and as a result their partners suffer a massive loss of confidence or think there's something wrong with their man or their own bodies. There are so many women who feel inadequate because of this despite being something absolutely normal. Sex is one of the areas where men are becoming more and more frustrated, which may devolve in unhealthy attitudes and behaviours.

Granted, the male concerns over female partners failing to orgasm have a different tint due to society and media pushing the ideal of the all achieving super male capable of making any woman quiver with their D, but it still goes both ways.

You have the insecure men who believe they have failed if their partners didn't orgasm, the few assholes who demand them (time to drop them and never call them again) and the ones who wonder if it's the woman's fault --not out of malice or prejudice, but a glaring lack of education. And of course, you also have the young and inexperienced women who wonder if their fleshy bits are healthy and correct. After all, all Hollywood movies depict women having spontaneous orgasms from vaginal intercourse and at the same time than their men. What went wrong then?

As far as I'm concerned, compartmentalizing such a widespread situation is detrimental to both sexes. Sex ed should be universal in all aspects in order to achieve the best results and avoid a whole lot of frustration (although sex segregation makes sense in that article since it's posted at a primarly men's website). The push for sexual equality while inadvertedly maintaining the stallion image in porn and mainstream media is doing a real number on so many youg men who are being welcome into their first sexual experiences while feeling inadequate and left out.


*I don't know if this is also an issue among gay and lesbian folks.
Is a two tone haircut mandatory in the future?

What dystopian nightmare are you creating?

Not if Nintendo has anything to say about it.

I buckled and got that Miitomo thing because after 2MM+ new downloads in a day they're not going to notice my solidarity.

But they don't have colored hair. They don't even have red hair for Celtic mutants. I cannot sanction this buffoonery.
Nautral red hair? :0

e: Funny story I never told anyone: I've been lurking on GAF for about a year and half or so, For so long, I thought Jawmuncher was a red haired girl.
Then he did a realpic January and that was so disappointing. Apparently, he just love Dino Crisis that fucking much.

In case Jaw sees this <3 you bruh

Funky Papa

I've been relatively uninterested in most things Nintendo since the SNES days (barring portables), but I honestly feel like this Rapp mess has nuked whatever tiny amount of care I still had left for the NX.

That DOTA OT OP is a masterpiece and seeing Lebron's face like that never fails to make me laugh really hard.

I know it's a Twitch emote, but damn.
For some reason I call the Miitomo app, Miiamoto

Honestly, a much better name lol

Miitomo has caused my phone to dip below 10% battery for the first time since I got he phone to begin with.

I think it's gonna be popular, y'all.

Does it get any more interesting than asking you what your favorite food is?

I've been relatively uninterested in most things Nintendo since the SNES days (barring portables), but I honestly feel like this Rapp mess has nuked whatever tiny amount of care I still had left for the NX.

I'm still interested to see what the new Zelda will be, but I don't really care about anything else. It's hard because I know technically there are several distinct entities at Nintendo, but this whole event has given the company a bad rapp.

Funky Papa

Does it get any more interesting than asking you what your favorite food is?

I'm still interested to see what the new Zelda will be, but I don't really care about anything else. It's hard because I know technically there are several distinct entities at Nintendo, but this whole event has given the company a bad rapp.

At this point I'm almost certain I'll buy a second hand NX when the time comes, just like I'll do with the Wii U.


Does it get any more interesting than asking you what your favorite food is?

No idea I haven't done much other than that.

Also I felt basic as heck and put down "pizza"

I'm still interested to see what the new Zelda will be, but I don't really care about anything else. It's hard because I know technically there are several distinct entities at Nintendo, but this whole event has given the company a bad rapp.

why do so many Japanese games give you the the ability to pet people. lmao

I remember being really confused about the sex-ed text book talking about couples 'petting' each other-- had visions of stroking someone's upper arm and thinking "why?!".

Apparently it can be fun asking older relatives what 'petting' and 'heavy petting' mean.
Aaaah you'll be fine. Isn't there like a log thing you can look at to see what's happened?

Also I take it you've played the Zero Escape games right? If not what the hell

Yeah, there is a log.

And I haven't. BUT THEY'RE ON MY LIST.

why do so many Japanese games give you the the ability to pet people. lmao

Because otakus are weird.

Some of them on 2chan bitching about the panty change in Star Ocean 5:



I remember being really confused about the sex-ed text book talking about couples 'petting' each other-- had visions of stroking someone's upper arm and thinking "why?!".

Apparently it can be fun asking older relatives what 'petting' and 'heavy petting' mean.

I actually saw a classmate in grade 10 pet a girl in class. that kid was like so hard trying to be an anime character in real life. he wore like the same clothes to school every day. EVERY DAY

Like anime style pet the forehead. I was baffled. I was like wtf, that shit is demeaning.

i had a crush on the girl
Wow, what I'am doing wrong with trying to upload a new avatar that was resized from imgur.com to GAF?

It was 100 X 120 and the uploadeder told me to eat shit.

Tried two different images and both times it told to go fuck off.

That's annoying.

Wow, what I'am doing wrong with trying to upload a new avatar that was resized from imgur.com to GAF?

It was 100 X 120 and the uploadeder told me to eat shit.

Tried two different images and both times it told to go fuck off.

That's annoying.

Really weird. Post the image and I'll see what the issue could be.
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