It's hard not to have some when so many of them reveal themselves to be real world supervillains.
Almost everyone's an asshole, the poor and powerless just haven't been tested by the same temptations
It's hard not to have some when so many of them reveal themselves to be real world supervillains.
I was thinking more...meat...ishWater, Wine, cheap beer, disappointment and disgrace?
I was thinking more...meat...ish
*awaits joke meat = penis response*
Allergic to cheese and just generally not a sauce fan :cEhhhh just do cheese and sauce and call it a day.
Almost everyone's an asshole, the poor and powerless just haven't been tested by the same temptations![]()
I wouldnt say up. Better location. Just at the end of a long shitty breakup, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Downsizing but got my own place right by the beach. Should make for a good summer.Nice. Moving up?
My dad is a business owner and we're middle class to upper middle class. It affected what I was exposed to for years but once I had the ability I knew I don't agree with him.I was actually just thinking if I would still have my same political leanings were I born wealthy. I don't know.
But I'd like to think that if I would become massively wealthy at some point, I'd hope I'd use that wealth for the betterment of everyone and wouldn't let greed overrule everything else. But as this is highly hypothetical, regardless of what American Exceptionalism says, I'll never get to test it.
I was actually just thinking if I would still have my same political leanings were I born wealthy. I don't know.
But I'd like to think that if I would become massively wealthy at some point, I'd hope I'd use that wealth for the betterment of everyone and wouldn't let greed overrule everything else. But as this is highly hypothetical, regardless of what American Exceptionalism™ says, I'll never get to test it.
Cities skylines or tomb raider?
Cities skylines or tomb raider?
I wouldnt say up. Better location. Just at the end of a long shitty breakup, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Downsizing but got my own place right by the beach. Should make for a good summer.
Yeyeye. Im pretty excited. It will take some getting used to the change but I think it will be a good time. Been in relationship limbo for too long now, time to move on. Went down to the beach there the other day and was like aww yeah I can get used to this.Ah, sorry bout that.
But now you get to enjoy a bachelor pad right by the beach, bwoy.
Feeling lonely
I should go to bed
My dad is a business owner and we're middle class to upper middle class. It affected what I was exposed to for years but once I had the ability I knew I don't agree with him.
Do you know the oldest lie in America, senator? That power can be innocent.
Leaving Hans Zimmer perform music from Imterstellar. Easily the most artistically affecting experience I have ever been to. Sobbed like a baby. Not much else to say.
I'm going to go collect myself now and ponder the universe.
Tomb Raider if you want an action game, X-com if you want to tear your hair out on 95% chance to hit missing.
I grew up in a very similar area, there's a porsche and maserati dealer nearby. People in high school all got their eurotrips or whathaveyou for graduating.Sometimes it's ridiculously obvious how wealthy the neighborhood I live in is. Saw this just now on my ride home. On the other side it says "happy 21st birthday". I mean it's not uncommon here to give young adults vehicles, but the Christmas commercial style showboating is insane.
So a dude just liked 25-30 pictures from my instagram in one sitting.
I grew up in a very similar area, there's a porsche and maserati dealer nearby. People in high school all got their eurotrips or whathaveyou for graduating.
I got the radiator fixed on my beater BMW so I could actually drive it. It was awesome.
Gurl my pics are almost the same pose in all of them which makes it somewhat funnier. He is kinda cute but thats a bit creepyIt seems his thirst is real as the kids say.
We got it for maybe 2 grand? It was a 1986 635csi with an odometer busted at 386,000 miles.beater BMW
the car I drove in HS was a 1988 ford escort and I was actually afraid of it. It had so much slop in the steering it was hard to drive straight.
What are you driving?Still driving my first car after all these years and I'm perpetually afraid that the car will suddenly just cease.
Like me, it feels like the car is held together with cotton threads.
What are you driving?
Yeah, I was leaning toward I still would come to my own conclusions.
I've also thought about how I would feel about the struggles of minorities if I weren't also part of a marginalized group. If I would be one of those moderate fence sitters who pretends a problem doesn't exist. But I think my embracing of empathy would trump all of that.
Have you been doing regular maintenance on it and stuff?'99 Nissan Pulsar, been driving that thing for about....I think 7/8 years
Have you been doing regular maintenance on it and stuff?
I've tried to keep doing services to it regularly but it's about 6 months beyond when it should've been serviced and I still have to catch up with the things that needed to be fixed from last time.
Reason is purely $$$
The Old Hunters... 2nd bosh down.
Getting my groove back.
Well I hope it doesnt break down on you. Cars are such a huge pain in the ass.My biggest concern is the front left CV joint, which I need to fix asap.