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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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I doubt that the guy pic was accidental. It was good until that happened. Sigh.

you don't like the fact that he sent it at all, or you don't mind getting nudes but his nude wasn't a good nude?

so where does it rank compared to asking your partner to go down there with a Sharpie and make things darker? Or experimenting with a pine cone? Or sealing things up with Krazy Glue?

last is a bit hyperbolic IMO

see, Fish gets it.

I had a nightmare once where my asswhole was gone.. so... I guess we do take things for granted, I guess? let us count our blessings


irresponsible vagina leak

you don't like the fact that he sent it at all, or you don't mind getting nudes but his nude wasn't a good nude?

Annoying when unsolicited. The pic was nice but completely irrelevant of the conversation and messes up with the mood.

Funky Papa

Foreskin/circumcision talk is one of the things preventing me from making that sex ed OT. We'd need extra moderation for that one. GAF can't handle it. Just like tipping.



Annoying when unsolicited. The pic was nice but completely irrelevant of the conversation and messes up with the mood.

I never realized you were so demure

but yeah I don't really want lewd pics sent in the wrong context, can't say it's happened much though, I had a girlfriend who sent a few things but generally most the girls I've known haven't been into that, which is fine because I'm not really either


irresponsible vagina leak
I never realized you were so demure

but yeah I don't really want lewd pics sent in the wrong context, can't say it's happened much though, I had a girlfriend who sent a few things but generally most the girls I've known haven't been into that, which is fine because I'm not really either

I'm pretty picky and my standards can be quite high. (may explain why I haven't gone on dates for a long time)

For the nude stuff Im cool if we both agree to it and it usually takes time for me to warm up and do it. Also when you go into trading nudes usually the conversation shifts completely to the sex talk which can be either repetitive or gross depending the individuals. I actually want to know things about the guy before reaching that area because the physical aspect while there is some value to it if the personality isnt there a nice body wont do a thing for me. Oh well now to eat ice cream at 5:48am and listen to Adele music.

just curious, where do you draw the line? Is it just pictures, or are there things he could say that you'd think are inappropriate without proper context?

I can deal with innuendos if they are connected to the conversation but inappropriate without context I'd probably get annoyed. We could go anywhere with the conversations if you know what words to use and asking before doing or asking stuff that might be uncomfortable or simply naughty goes a long way.


I'm pretty picky and my standards can be quite high. (may explain why I haven't gone on dates for a long time)

For the nude stuff Im cool if we both agree to it and it usually takes time for me to warm up and do it. Also when you go into trading nudes usually the conversation shifts completely to the sex talk which can be either repetitive or gross depending the individuals. I actually want to know things about the guy before reaching that area because the physical aspect while there is some value to it if the personality isnt there a nice body wont do a thing for me. Oh well now to eat ice cream at 5:48am and listen to Adele music.

So... These aren't the nudes you're looking for.


I'm just trying to organize this VO I just edited using my insane demented little system and then I'm gonna play some Dark Souls 3 on the couch until I pass out... Looking for Horace. Still looking for him.


irresponsible vagina leak
So... These aren't the nudes you're looking for.


I'm just trying to organize this VO I just edited using my insane demented little system and then I'm gonna play some Dark Souls 3 on the couch until I pass out... Looking for Horace. Still looking for him.

Oh... Horace...

Funky Papa

Unrequested nudes may also be problematic because they may pop up at formal settings, and the least thing you want is some dix pix/butt stuff/tits showing up in the vecinity of your boss/clients/coworkers. WhatsApp notifications have given me enough grief already.


Unrequested nudes may also be problematic because they may pop up at formal settings, and the least thing you want is some dix pix/butt stuff/tits showing up in the vecinity of your boss/clients/coworkers. WhatsApp notifications have given me enough grief already.

when my phone rumbles I know there's a decent chance it's something from hangouts that's really inappropriate, so I just don't check phone when in eyeshot of the wrong people

Oh... Horace...

do you know what I mean? have you found him? I'm pullin my hair out over this, I don't want to miss out on this storyline so I need to find his ass


irresponsible vagina leak
Unrequested nudes may also be problematic because they may pop up at formal settings, and the least thing you want is some dix pix/butt stuff/tits showing up in the vecinity of your boss/clients/coworkers.

Even if you're not working it can be annoying if you're not in that mood. I think its all about context and the right wording. People in ways thank to technology start to lack decency we had before because we are just one of many options in an app and since the individuals are not in the same room they think they can get away with those things. You wouldn't whip your cock out when you see someone you like and ask them if they wanna fuck straight up. Using the manners used in the real life environment into the online one would be nicer but that's not how things work.

do you know what I mean? have you found him? I'm pullin my hair out over this, I don't want to miss out on this storyline so I need to find his ass

Spoilers on where to find him:
After you cross the bridge for the boss fight at the catacombs you can go down the bridge (It should say descend or something along those lines) There will be a few enemies and a bonfire ahead. After you get out of the bonfire there is a big area to walk around, go to your right and roll and dodge the things being shot at you and on that area you are walking look to your right and you should find an entrance. That's pretty much it.


Who wants to go get some drinks and burger shooters at Ruby Tuesdays with me at lunch. It's Friday and fuuuuuuuuuuuck work.


Morning Fakes.

Halcyon I'd have some drinks at Ruby Tuesday's but my body is a temple and I don't put that rubbish in me tyvm


Office space was so good and hits so close to home.

I'll be with my company 13 years this December. That's pretty much a third of my life. I'm so ready for a change.


You know I actually played around with game maker years ago. I made this pong/music toy where whenever the ball would hit something it play a sound assigned to that region of the map.

that's really all it is. once you understand the basics of scripting it's just the same shit to make a bigger game -- the same shit, but more of it


Just think, the dude who did that RageFace Meme game has made so much money.


Unrelated, holy shit at Pokken beating SF5 :lol

I don't mind people getting rich off of "dumb" games. At least they did something people seem to amuse themselves with. There are plenty of people who are born rich and are rich for absolutely no reason. If anything bothers me it's that. That and people who make money from money by moving money around and never really contribute anything to anyone.

And what? I'm becoming a Pokken master (my niece makes me play it online and get my ass kicked for her amusement) but I don't keep up on the news. What do you mean beating SF5?

Render me like one of your French girls.

I am really really good at drawing people, but I don't enjoy it unless I really like looking at them or I am in need of attention


I don't mind people getting rich off of "dumb" games. At least they did something people seem to amuse themselves with. There are plenty of people who are born rich and are rich for absolutely no reason. If anything bothers me it's that.

And what? I'm becoming a Pokken master (my niece makes me play it online and get my ass kicked for her amusement) but I don't keep up on the news. What do you mean beating SF5?

Yea I don't mind either, they did their thing and people paid for it.

And in NPD for March Pokken charted but SF5 didn't (though it charted in Feb), considering the relative install bases that's amazing. And according to leaks Pokken has already caught up to SF5 sales wise.


man i had this nightmare dream where the government separated me and all my brothers from my parents. each one of us got different foster parents across canada.

damn that was scary .


Yea I don't mind either, they did their thing and people paid for it.

And in NPD for March Pokken charted but SF5 didn't (though it charted in Feb), considering the relative install bases that's amazing. And according to leaks Pokken has already caught up to SF5 sales wise.

Wii U has a knack for having certain games with REAAAALLLY high attach rates.

I am a big Nintendo fan-- Despite how much they hurt me with Wii, and how much they hurt me with what they did to Metroid, I still just like the Nintendo stuff. I love Smash Bros and Mario Kart and Mario Maker etc. I was just thinking the other day about how I want to play Mario 3D World. I never finished it.

Funky Papa

That moment when you get a call from your accountant and tells you that your mortgage terms were illegal and that a recent court decission will put you at the receiving end of several thousand €€€ in compensation for abusive compounding bank interest calculus fuckery.



If I want to get really warm and fuzzy feeling I can listen or watch some Mario 64, Sunshine, or Galaxy 1 music/gameplay.

Nintendo reminds me of Christmas. It reminds me of home.
That moment when you get a call from your accountant and tells you that your mortgage terms were illegal and that a recent court decission will put you at the receiving end of several thousand €€€ in compensation for abusive compounding bank interest calculus fuckery.



If I want to get really warm and fuzzy feeling I can listen or watch some Mario 64, Sunshine, or Galaxy 1 music/gameplay.

Nintendo reminds me of Christmas. It reminds me of home.

Playing Mario 3d World, even though it released in November, made me feel like I was 5 years old again. As if I was playing it all night after just having unwrapped it on Christmas.
I actually played with with my niece that Christmas and seeing her face light up the same way I did when I first got a SNES made my heart completely warm.

Fuckin' Nintendo knows how to bring up those nostalgic feelings real good
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