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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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Unconfirmed Member
I remain a thirsty man.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life, freely.


Mia Sara knows the power of sunglasses


Aithbreac means soul urge which I think is the lost sequel to soul calibur or possibly a mid 90s alternative band.

McCartha I dont think means anything

Unique name.

Last name is Nordic for brave warrior, first name means lions love me.

I would punch on with a battalion to get laid this morning.

#angryboner #sobwank #cheese
I remain a thirsty man.

nooooooo what happened?

I don't like sunglasses. I place importance on eyes. If I can't see your eyes I don't trust you and assume you're being a dick

same, but I wanted to join the club so I photoshopped these onto my face. In truth I haven't owned a pair of sunglasses since middle school.

I'm not too beat up about it, but still so very disappointed in you.

Meathead. Stinky Pete. That's all I've got.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
well it wasn't THIS ghost, I've been practicing cuz I only have 1 day to master this song on guitar for the talent show!!

also I'm kinda counting on the audience singing along, hope that can be done..

I enjoyed this very very much, I say that without sarcasm or irony

Whoa, Fall of Troy, havent heard them in forever.
Wait, is the Katering Show season 2 not officially on YouTube? Egads.

Only in Australia via ABC iView unfortunately (fucking trash player).

You can do geo-shenanigans or acquire it via "means".

Catch up replies but no quotes cause because mobile :

Jobbs : glad I'm not alone in the way I play horror.
It's gotta be every window and door wide open, lights off, headphones on, only play past midnight for me

Rob : Robert is the best name and fucking hell, I got shat on so hard that game and I wasn't even the Saboteur. Hahaha Playing the asshole role is the best role


Unconfirmed Member
American's don't know about geo-shenanigans feng, those are state secrets.
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