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FakeGAF Episode 5: The Thirst Awakens

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irresponsible vagina leak
I fell into it because I wanted to make video games when I was younger. It frustrates you at first but you start to get into the groove of it and you learn to only make one part of a program at a time and then test the program furiously. Mostly just looks like this:


I got as far as making a calculator and make a cube move forward and backwards.


irresponsible vagina leak
He's quite the pound taker.


I give and take.

That's a good start. I wish I could draw a realistic human head.

Its easier to develop your own style than working with realism to be honest. I rarely aim for realism with how annoying it can be at times. If you really want to get better at drawing give 30 minutes daily or so doodling the stuff you wanna learn and you should see improvements even in the first week.


heres my new game "bird in a red cloak goes on an adventure"
i dont know why he carries a flower in his pocket either



hes a huge clover field fan

He was so excited after that movie he couldn't get to sleep, I offered him a valium but he brushed it off -- saying he had something "better". Out of his little bird satchel comes 'Inside Llewyn Davis' on Bluray. He pops it in, we were both out like lights


i was going to make a town with stuffed animals and real animals in the actual game i was planning. bird in the red cloak will now be the first resident, telling you all about his taste in cinema

but i really dont get how creatively bankrupt i am for characters. i have a vague idea but cant think of any identifying features. hope for random inspiration i guess


To my fellow DS3 peeps, are you going to ever summon white phantoms on bosses during your first play?

O&S was easy if you summoned help, but pretty damn tough if you didn't.


To my fellow DS3 peeps, are you going to ever summon white phantoms on bosses during your first play?

O&S was easy if you summoned help, but pretty damn tough if you didn't.

I didn't have any humanity left when i beat them. I try to get through as much as possible without summoning help but im not above it. Still undefeated in pvp in bloodborne


irresponsible vagina leak
To my fellow DS3 peeps, are you going to ever summon white phantoms on bosses during your first play?

O&S was easy if you summoned help, but pretty damn tough if you didn't.

Depends on the mood really. I usually play anything goes first then I focus on the full on solo or full coop stuff. I rarely summoned people even when I wanted to so its mostly a solo affair.
About four hours in and my latest opinion of Salt & Sanctuary is that it's only the boss fights that suck. Everything else is good to great, and there's a lot of really interesting ideas they came up with that advance it beyond just a Dark Souls clone. But the boss fights suck. Fortunately there are other large enemies in the game that are difficult to combat but not unfairly so, and thus are quite a joy to spar against.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Went over my head as well.

It was more of a friendly dig and joke around the fact that people take photos of their TV's when their systems have built in ss functions. Nothing insulting about it, which is why I'm surprised it was taken offense to.


It was more of a friendly dig and joke around the fact that people take photos of their TV's when their systems have built in ss functions. Nothing insulting about it, which is why I'm surprised it was taken offense to.

Hah, I really doubt Lili was offended at that.


It was more of a friendly dig and joke around the fact that people take photos of their TV's when their systems have built in ss functions. Nothing insulting about it, which is why I'm surprised it was taken offense to.

I do it constantly because the screenshot taking of PS4 is unwieldy

Hah, I really doubt Lili was offended at that.

It'd be pretty challenging to actually offend her, I think


Is it? I don't think I've honestly used it before. I've only used one a few times.

unless stuff has changed, it was too many steps to take a screenshot and get it off the system hosted somewhere. using my phone is faster and easier, plus it has a personal touch. I take pics of my tv screen any time I want to share something.

Always trying to get people to take party drugs and join you in a J/O session, smdh.

I've never actually done X, I need someone to do it with me :(
Well, I'm sure if I put in a bit of effort, maybe mention there's no such thing as the patriarchy etc...

See but I know you well enough at least to know that you'd be joking! :p

I mostly only get offended if I'm tired and not thinking clearly, then everything moderately affronting registers as a personal attack.

It was more of a friendly dig and joke around the fact that people take photos of their TV's when their systems have built in ss functions. Nothing insulting about it, which is why I'm surprised it was taken offense to.

Oh. I'm going to be honest I've never used the PS4 share functionality. So in the heat of the moment neither did I think of it nor would I have had any trust in my ability to capture a screenshot in a timely fashion.
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