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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.


So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.

I watch on weekends and when I get home from work, when I feel like it. I only need 6 hours of sleep, so factoring in work and travel, I get about 7 hours to do whatever I want after work every day.

That's more than enough time to catch up on shows every day.


So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.

I always said this, but 10+ ongoing is just like an hour per day, anime watching is always most manageable hobby for me, so despite all the rue about "anime is dead" its always enjoyable to me coz all the convenience with time.


So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.

Scheduling leisure sounds rough. I just stay current with whatever holds my interest and catch up as I can as I'm rarely missing out on anything a few weeks after the fact.


Shirobako 11


The legendary Kanno next ep! really nothing else to say this close to the end of the first cour though.
So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.

Weekends. Sometimes during breakfast and dinner. I usually watch anime while eating.


When came to Video game and movie I often thinking "yeah I don't have 2-3 hour for this" but for animu its much easier for me, backlog is different thing doe.


So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.
An episode of anime is just 20 minutes. If you keep punctual, 10 shows isn't so bad. 2-3 episodes a night are easy enough to do.
So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.
I work 7:30-4:00 in addition to working out several times a week.

Its just me and my hamster in my apartment and have no responsibilities except to myself. I find plenty of time to watch anime before work, after work and on weekends while fitting in an excellent amount of time for gaming as well. I mean even if I'm watching 10 shows in a season, I typically watch more than that, that's only about 4 hours a week of anime.

I fully admit I don't get out a lot besides working out.

~wan wan wan


So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.

Lol. SEriously though, I dont have as much free time as you might think. Im dead exhausted even in my off week.

I work 7:30-4:00 in addition to working out several times a week.

Its just me and my hamster in my apartment and have no responsibilities except to myself. I find plenty of time to watch anime before work, after work and on weekends while fitting in an excellent amount of time for gaming as well. I mean even if I'm watching 10 shows in a season, I typically watch more than that, that's only about 4 hours a week of anime.

I fully admit I don't get out a lot besides working out.



Oh no, don't tell me it's one of those shows. Why is anime so bad at drama?

Well, there aren't that many anime that I can think of which fall under the heading of pure 'drama' but I'd say a few factors are at work here:

- Failure to maintain a consistent mood e.g. works that smash comedic and dramatic situations together in a haphazard way.

- Poor writing e.g. you character you don't care about acting in ridiculous manners.

- Poor use of music. Really, music is one of the easiest ways to set mood and so few shows use it effectively.

Still, most of the time that you're talking about "bad drama" you're probably talking about a bad show because if it's failed to deliver on the above then that's a bad sign for the title as a whole.

Specifically in the case of Silver Spoon I can't think of anything that show does really wrong, to the contrary, a number of sequences in the second season are extremely weighty.


So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.

My job is 7 to 4, get home at around 5. If I sleep at 11 I have 6 hours to do whatever I want. Cook 2 days worth of dinners, get used to eating simple healthy stuff like salad and stream veggie. Cleaning and laundry on weekend.

Anime is only 25 minutes long, even if you watch 3 to 5 shows per day it won't take longer than 2 hours.


My job is 7 to 4, get home at around 5. If I sleep at 11 I have 6 hours to do whatever I want. Cook 2 days worth of dinners, get used to eating simple healthy stuff like salad and stream veggie. Cleaning and laundry on weekend.

Anime is only 25 minutes long, even if you watch 3 to 5 shows per day it won't take longer than 2 hours.

I cannot imagine having to get up in the morning and be at work for 7 AM.
I couldnt function.
Well, there aren't that many anime that I can think of which fall under the heading of pure 'drama' but I'd say a few factors are at work here:

- Failure to maintain a consistent mood e.g. works that smash comedic and dramatic situations together in a haphazard way.

- Poor writing e.g. you character you don't care about acting in ridiculous manners.

- Poor use of music. Really, music is one of the easiest ways to set mood and so few shows use it effectively.

Still, most of the time that you're talking about "bad drama" you're probably talking about a bad show because if it's failed to deliver on the above then that's a bad sign for the title as a whole.

Specifically in the case of Silver Spoon I can't think of anything that show does really wrong, to the contrary, a number of sequences in the second season are extremely weighty.

I agree with those points, but I think that there are quite a bit more elements at play here in order for anime drama to be done right.

If you want drama to be good in an anime, or any piece of media for that matter, you have to make the problems that your characters are going through relatable and or understandable.

The viewer has to connect with the character in order to feel sad or angry when they're sad or angry.

The problem is though, most drama anime ends up resorting to the same tactics done over and over again and they barely change.

The dead parents backstory, the abusive parents backstory, the traumatic past backstory, the unfair mean prejudiced family backstory, a romance gone wrong backstory, etc. These are all tropes that have been done before and need some serious tweaking and clever writing in order for it to be presented good.

That and it's all about timing. If you want drama to work, not only does the problem have to be understandable and or relatable, but there needs to be a foundation for it. It needs build-up. You can't just immediately start a show with some guy being sad about any of those problems listed above and expect people to care. Why? Because we've only just met this guy.

If said guy has a likeable attitude throughout the show and shows little to no signs of having any problems, the delivering of the drama can be done well. I say little to no, because there also needs to be SOME hints that something is wrong. The seeds of doubt must be planted in order for a tree of sadness to grow.

This is why many "sad" anime don't really click with most people. They set up the sad atmopshere way too quickly. Rainy weather, sad characters, etc. Which brings me to the final ingrediant for drama in anime to be done well, and is in fact the hardest thing to pull off correctly. The element of surprise.

If you go into a show expecting to be sad, chances are, you're not going to be sad, as you'll start to predict certain things that are going to happen in a show. And when your predictions are right, most of the experience that the writers wanted you to go for can and in many cases, will be lost. This is difficult to pull of because, like I said, people predict things with the evidence that they're given, and they inevitably sort of ruin the surprise for themselves. It doesn't help when you're watching someone else's favourite anime and said person goes wink wink nudge nudge at your impressions like they're expecting a reaction out of you. The cards need to be played perfectly with a good poker face in order for an anime to win the pot.

Becase when your predictions are wrong, and you're taken off-guard and thrown for a loop, that's when things have the potential to get good. You realize you don't know what's going to happen, and that there's a chance that what you want to happen to the characters, may in fact, not happen.

It's those three things that play important parts in creating good drama.

1. Understandable problems.
2. Correct timing of hints and proper build-up of sadness.
3. The element of surprise.


Princess Kaguya

I'm not familiar with the "Legend of the Bamboo Cutter" so I have no idea how faithful this was and if any changes/modernizations were for the better or worse. My take on this was a general indictment of the patriarchy and tradition, typical of Japan's cultural past, that denied poor Kaguya the happiness she so rightfully deserved. Her father truly loved his daughter and wanted her to be happy and what he thought was best for her but it was of course what HE thought was right for her. This is to say nothing of all the dudes who see and treat her as nothing but a trophy - though I did get a HUGE kick on how she turned the tables on them. I thought it was kind of ironic on how in the end, the Moon people were NO better than the Earthlings (the introduction of the Moon sub-plot was super abrupt and I'm assuming that's from the story). For as much as the culture in Japan sought to deny her autonomy, the Moon people wouldn't even hear her cries to stay and sought to rob her of her memories of Earth! Every story doesn't need or deserve a happy ending but it was still sad to see Kaguya get a bad end and see how much she had to struggle to eek out happiness on Earth :(

I hope I don't give the impression I didn't like this movie though. I liked it and thought it was quite strong. From art & animation (wow), characterization, music, etc. the movie was a slam dunk. I just don't think I have too much to say about the movie from a technical aspect other than "it was really good". If this is to be Ghibli's last movie, they went out on a pretty high note. I don't know if its their best film I've seen or OMGWTFBBQ movie of the forever or whatever but it's still worthy of your time and attention :)

Madoka Rebellion

With all the hoopla about
"Homura did nothing wrong"
, it was weird watching this movie constantly waiting for the "shoe to drop". I was confused as things didn't seem to pick up from where I remember where we left at the end of the TV series but that all gets explained soon enough. Animation I felt could have been stronger in some respects though the gun-kata battle was sweet and the new transformation sequences have to be the best I've seen in any magical girl anime EVER. Overall, I thought this was a legit excellent movie though the whole "Kyubies & Homura stand around for 15 minutes explaining to each other what happened" was kind of exasperating. Eventually though, the shoe DID drop........

Wait so is Homura now Satan? I'm not sure I buy that going "full yandere" is the natural progression of her character. So Madoka is still God but Homura pulled a fragment of her into this new world so she has a Modoka she can snuggle with but the new Modoka is still "kind of" aware she's God? What exactly is the role of Kyubey now? What is the end state of this world - Homura and Madoka eventually have a final battle Revelations style for the fate of the world?

I guess the general consensus was that this movie was bad? I dunno, I thought everything prior to "the twist" was very strong putting aside the exposition dumps and while the "twist" and its ramifications are still something I'm pondering - they don't "ruin" the show as is the impression I got from the general buzz. They do more to harm Homura's character, or at least reveal her to be a bit less stable than originally thought, that harm the Modoka franchise. Overall, the TV series remains excellent to me and the movie was also excellent and while it has objectionable elements - they aren't nearly as objectionable as I thought they would be.

So yeah I watched two very good anime movies recently :)


Shirobako 12

Great end to the first half. Didn't really think I'd like this as much as others given how the first four or so episodes were. I know I've seen similar criticism that everyone was their job title and anime production problem of the week was interesting for those curious about production and not so much for those that didn't care for it. Enron put it best when he said he wasn't interested in seeing how sausage was made.

From five on, it was great though. Musani seemed like less of a clusterfuck and more of an extended family, you had great character moments like Endou dealing with his slighted professional pride or Sugie being able to actively contribute to the production. Aoi's personal life was given much more room to breathe and had its own distinct feel to it even with some overlap such as Ema or her phone always ringing I'm glad it took this turn as it made for a much more complete show which in turn made for a better one.
Madoka Rebellion

I guess the general consensus was that this movie was bad?

No, opinions on the twist are split, but it wasn't really poorly received. I think most people in here like it rather then hate it.
Unless you ask Nintendoman.

It's certainly no Rebuild 3.33.

Narag, the first show of the season starts tomorrow (Milky Holmes TD), when is the thread going up?
Madoka Rebellion

With all the hoopla about
"Homura did nothing wrong"
, it was weird watching this movie constantly waiting for the "shoe to drop". I was confused as things didn't seem to pick up from where I remember where we left at the end of the TV series but that all gets explained soon enough. Animation I felt could have been stronger in some respects though the gun-kata battle was sweet and the new transformation sequences have to be the best I've seen in any magical girl anime EVER. Overall, I thought this was a legit excellent movie though the whole "Kyubies & Homura stand around for 15 minutes explaining to each other what happened" was kind of exasperating. Eventually though, the shoe DID drop........

Wait so is Homura now Satan? I'm not sure I buy that going "full yandere" is the natural progression of her character. So Madoka is still God but Homura pulled a fragment of her into this new world so she has a Modoka she can snuggle with but the new Modoka is still "kind of" aware she's God? What exactly is the role of Kyubey now? What is the end state of this world - Homura and Madoka eventually have a final battle Revelations style for the fate of the world?

I guess the general consensus was that this movie was bad? I dunno, I thought everything prior to "the twist" was very strong putting aside the exposition dumps and while the "twist" and its ramifications are still something I'm pondering - they don't "ruin" the show as is the impression I got from the general buzz. They do more to harm Homura's character, or at least reveal her to be a bit less stable than originally thought, that harm the Modoka franchise. Overall, the TV series remains excellent to me and the movie was also excellent and while it has objectionable elements - they aren't nearly as objectionable as I thought they would be.

So yeah I watched two very good anime movies recently :)
I'd say Homura's current state is a sensible progress of a person who become so overly obsessed with the idea of protecting Madoka that she is utterly incapable of respecting the wish Madoka to a point that she fell into despair and became a witch. In addition to that the power of her corrupted 'love' became a god-like being and completely rewrote the universe and erased Madoka's wish as a means of protecting her.

As for QB I've always assumed she inflicted it with emotions which is why it is in the state its in at the end of the movie.

In my opinion the current state of the universe is very fragile as evidence by the fact when Madoka began to remember how things should be she almost shattered everything.

~wan wan wan
Princess Kaguya

I'm not familiar with the "Legend of the Bamboo Cutter" so I have no idea how faithful this was and if any changes/modernizations were for the better or worse. My take on this was a general indictment of the patriarchy and tradition, typical of Japan's cultural past, that denied poor Kaguya the happiness she so rightfully deserved. Her father truly loved his daughter and wanted her to be happy and what he thought was best for her but it was of course what HE thought was right for her. This is to say nothing of all the dudes who see and treat her as nothing but a trophy - though I did get a HUGE kick on how she turned the tables on them. I thought it was kind of ironic on how in the end, the Moon people were NO better than the Earthlings (the introduction of the Moon sub-plot was super abrupt and I'm assuming that's from the story). For as much as the culture in Japan sought to deny her autonomy, the Moon people wouldn't even hear her cries to stay and sought to rob her of her memories of Earth! Every story doesn't need or deserve a happy ending but it was still sad to see Kaguya get a bad end and see how much she had to struggle to eek out happiness on Earth :(

I hope I don't give the impression I didn't like this movie though. I liked it and thought it was quite strong. From art & animation (wow), characterization, music, etc. the movie was a slam dunk. I just don't think I have too much to say about the movie from a technical aspect other than "it was really good". If this is to be Ghibli's last movie, they went out on a pretty high note. I don't know if its their best film I've seen or OMGWTFBBQ movie of the forever or whatever but it's still worthy of your time and attention :)

Madoka Rebellion

With all the hoopla about
"Homura did nothing wrong"
, it was weird watching this movie constantly waiting for the "shoe to drop". I was confused as things didn't seem to pick up from where I remember where we left at the end of the TV series but that all gets explained soon enough. Animation I felt could have been stronger in some respects though the gun-kata battle was sweet and the new transformation sequences have to be the best I've seen in any magical girl anime EVER. Overall, I thought this was a legit excellent movie though the whole "Kyubies & Homura stand around for 15 minutes explaining to each other what happened" was kind of exasperating. Eventually though, the shoe DID drop........

Wait so is Homura now Satan? I'm not sure I buy that going "full yandere" is the natural progression of her character. So Madoka is still God but Homura pulled a fragment of her into this new world so she has a Modoka she can snuggle with but the new Modoka is still "kind of" aware she's God? What exactly is the role of Kyubey now? What is the end state of this world - Homura and Madoka eventually have a final battle Revelations style for the fate of the world?

I guess the general consensus was that this movie was bad? I dunno, I thought everything prior to "the twist" was very strong putting aside the exposition dumps and while the "twist" and its ramifications are still something I'm pondering - they don't "ruin" the show as is the impression I got from the general buzz. They do more to harm Homura's character, or at least reveal her to be a bit less stable than originally thought, that harm the Modoka franchise. Overall, the TV series remains excellent to me and the movie was also excellent and while it has objectionable elements - they aren't nearly as objectionable as I thought they would be.

So yeah I watched two very good anime movies recently :)


I find interesting the theme, given that precisely Japan is known for being still a conservative society, and the director is a man, and a pretty old one at that.


Homura is
Satan because the writer thought it would be cool to have that parallelism between Madoka-god and her, opposite sides and all that, even if it doesn't really much sense nor is plausible (even in a fantasy world like this...) .

John Blade

Noir is a great show but it does take nearly half of the episodes to get rolling. It would strongly benefit from better pacing but also if it was half as long. I can still remember a lot about it and the effect it had on my appreciation for anime, as well as introducing me to the music of Yuki Kajiura.

Magical shopping arcade Abenobashi is pretty insane. You should like it.

Love the Noir music as it sound beautiful. Kinda funny, the music is the 1st that I know about Noir before I even watch it as it was that good at that time. Still have them in my music collection.

For the pacing, it need to balance of telling the audience the background story and spread it apart so it doesn't feel too much condense in one episode which is what it become later in the show (near the end you can see this issue). Other than that, the show is very good and have this serious anime feeling in the story, dialogue, plot, and many more. This is good if you want some serious anime that is more in mature story and less funny stuff you see in most anime.

Another thing I might want to do (not now but maybe almost a year from now) is to re watch the show in English dub. Never watch it yet but did see some clips with English dub and it sound decent. Still, it's too early to watch this again.

Now, time for me to jump into Magical shopping arcade Abenobashi.
Why did people hate Rebuild 3.33?

I say that as someone who hasn't watched it.

That's tough to explain because nearly everything about Rebuild 3.33 is why people don't like it. It's like the Matrix Sequels or the Star Wars prequels.

I think the shortest and easiest way to put it is that it feels like we skipped two movies but every character knows the plot except Shinji and the audience, and that all the complaints people had from 2.22 are unresolved or worse in 3.33.

And Mari still exists. But the music was good. I'll give it that.

Joe Molotov

I watch 2-3 episodes of anime a night before bed, and then 3-4+ on weekends. It's not hard to watch 10+ animes at a time, although I'm usually down to 2-3 by the end of the season.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Hanamonogatari (end)

God help me I actually thought this was pretty good. The start was slow but once it picked up, and Irealized what was happening, there were some compelling metaphors going on in the background. It's unfortunate that what merit this story had was weighed down by poor pacing and shoddy animation.

I must say, I'm definitely not a fan of Edgelord Arararararararagi designed by Tetsuya Nomura.

Looking forward to Tuskimonogatari now.


So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?
I watch one episode a night before going to bed, and cutting out the opening/ending (unless its really good) takes around 20 minutes a day. You can't tell me you can't squeeze out 20 minutes a day. I also store episodes of the slower more talky anime on my phone and will watch a few minutes during bathroom/smoke breaks on slow days.
Funi is confirmed to have Absolute Duo, CR picked up Magic Kaito, and nobody has Milky Holmes TD yet.

Oh good, Magic Kaito will have an official stream now.

I'm glad they got Magic Kaito, but... I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It's a pretty garbage show.

I like it... :( I mean, it has its downsides. Impossible tricks, skipping key events (they never showed Kaito first meeting Conan), and even worse romance than Detective Conan. Still one of the shows I look forward to every week, especially with its opening and ending.

So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.

While I don't have a job, I have school, and an average day would lead to 8+ hours of time, including homework. I currently have 14 shows on my plan-to-watch list, and usually a couple get dropped due to being bad/getting too far behind. I also have leftovers from this season, and maybe a couple more added from the opinions in this thread. So, probably 18 shows in the end. I manage this by not playing my video games :(


Oh good, Magic Kaito will have an official stream now.

I like it... :( I mean, it has its downsides. Impossible tricks, skipping key events (they never showed Kaito first meeting Conan), and even worse romance than Detective Conan. Still one of the shows I look forward to every week, especially with its opening and ending.
Don't get me wrong, I look forward to it also, but the quality of the show as a whole is not even satisfactory. The overall direction and pace is fine, but the animation and character art ranges from acceptable to paltry. A lot of the key cases they've done have already been covered in the Detective Conan Kaito Specials. And they were even better there! So it's hard for me point anyone in the direction of this TV series unless you have a predisposition to enjoying it on account of it being part of the Conanverse.

I occasionally wonder why the show exists in the first place, but I guess it's been pretty popular so they must know what they're doing.


Madoka Rebellion

With all the hoopla about
"Homura did nothing wrong"
, it was weird watching this movie constantly waiting for the "shoe to drop". I was confused as things didn't seem to pick up from where I remember where we left at the end of the TV series but that all gets explained soon enough. Animation I felt could have been stronger in some respects though the gun-kata battle was sweet and the new transformation sequences have to be the best I've seen in any magical girl anime EVER. Overall, I thought this was a legit excellent movie though the whole "Kyubies & Homura stand around for 15 minutes explaining to each other what happened" was kind of exasperating. Eventually though, the shoe DID drop........

Wait so is Homura now Satan? I'm not sure I buy that going "full yandere" is the natural progression of her character. So Madoka is still God but Homura pulled a fragment of her into this new world so she has a Modoka she can snuggle with but the new Modoka is still "kind of" aware she's God? What exactly is the role of Kyubey now? What is the end state of this world - Homura and Madoka eventually have a final battle Revelations style for the fate of the world?

I guess the general consensus was that this movie was bad? I dunno, I thought everything prior to "the twist" was very strong putting aside the exposition dumps and while the "twist" and its ramifications are still something I'm pondering - they don't "ruin" the show as is the impression I got from the general buzz. They do more to harm Homura's character, or at least reveal her to be a bit less stable than originally thought, that harm the Modoka franchise. Overall, the TV series remains excellent to me and the movie was also excellent and while it has objectionable elements - they aren't nearly as objectionable as I thought they would be.

So yeah I watched two very good anime movies recently :)

Now that you've seen Rebellion, you should totally watch the secret final episode.



So for anyone who has a normal full-time job -- and I mean a normalish 9-to-5 daytime gig, not a weird setup like cajunator has or something -- and you're nonetheless planning on watching 10+ shows from the upcoming season... how are you scheduling all that?

Or maybe no one else is that crazy/stupid and I'm just the odd one out.

Well two 20 minute shows each evening seems pretty doable to me, even with a full time job/study.


Why did people hate Rebuild 3.33?

I say that as someone who hasn't watched it.

It's been a while since I watched it, but it started with a
confusing but kinda awesome cold open, followed by lots of, "what you don't know?!" over and over, Shinji plays the piano, there are horses, then finally someone explains what the problem is and a weird battle occurs and it ends.

I thought it was okay, but it wasn't anywhere near as exciting or interesting as Rebuild 1 or 2, it just sorta fell flat for me. It's certainly the weirdest of the 3 movies, from what I remember of them.


I'd say Homura's current state is a sensible progress of a person who become so overly obsessed with the idea of protecting Madoka that she is utterly incapable of respecting the wish Madoka to a point that she fell into despair and became a witch. In addition to that the power of her corrupted 'love' became a god-like being and completely rewrote the universe and erased Madoka's wish as a means of protecting her.

As for QB I've always assumed she inflicted it with emotions which is why it is in the state its in at the end of the movie.

In my opinion the current state of the universe is very fragile as evidence by the fact when Madoka began to remember how things should be she almost shattered everything.

Not sure I agree with all this (like say with Kyubey) but I guess these perspectives, especially on Homura, make some sense.

No, opinions on the twist are split, but it wasn't really poorly received. I think most people in here like it rather then hate it.
Unless you ask Nintendoman.

It's certainly no Rebuild 3.33.

Is that so? When the movie first came out, all I saw in here was a sea of black bars and "I can't believe
" or "I need to lie down because my mind is so full of fuck", etc. The impression I got was that people were MAD. Guess I was wrong?

Now that you've seen Rebellion, you should totally watch the secret final episode.

What in the flying fuck did you just get me to watch?
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