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Fall Anime 2014 |OT2| Idly waiting for the Dog Days of Sabre

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Maturity, bitches.
Psycho Pass 2 END

So they managed to tell a story in half the number of episodes because they cut out all the book quotes!

Akane showing everyone who's boss.


It's slow paced, but I remember liking it.

Yes, it's good. Hell, If you have a Texhnoloyze avatar, I would say it even more.

Alright, thanks. I should be fine with slow pacing + anything samurai related is a plus in my book. Added to the immediate backlog.

Tokyo Ghoul √A (Second Season) CM


That OST was mighty fine and man is Kaneki's VA really talented.

The 2 PV will be out on the 20th it seems.

This was pretty bad. A̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶z̶e̶r̶o̶ ̶n̶e̶w̶ ̶f̶o̶o̶t̶a̶g̶e̶Scratch that, zero new footage and I think he's spouting some bullcrap about having to get stronger to protect his dear ones. At least, judging by this snippet, he doesn't sound like Inaho v2 anymore.
Alright, thanks. I should be fine with slow pacing + anything samurai related is a plus in my book. Added to the immediate backlog.

This was pretty bad. Almost zero new footage and I think he's spouting some bullcrap about having to get stronger to protect his dear ones. At least, judging by this snippet, he doesn't sound like Inaho v2 anymore.

This was just a commercial, the real full PV will come out on the 20th at Jump Fiesta.

Actually there was a bit of new info shown, though telling you any further would go into spoiler territory.
Sakura Trick 01


Such jealousy.

And lots of kissing.
Psycho Pass 2 END

Pretty bad writing for the whole anime though the final episodes made it entertaining. Only good part of the anime
sybil evolving by getting rid of those bad apples. Everythinh else was dull

Kamui deserved a better anime. 1/10
Naruto Shippuden 392


So in manga terms, we are about 7-8 chapters before the best moment in the entire arc actually starts.

Which means it'll take another 15 (I'm being kind) episodes of padding and filler before it happens.


Naruto Shippuden 392


So in manga terms, we are about 7-8 chapters before the best moment in the entire arc actually starts.

Which means it'll take another 15 (I'm being kind) episodes of padding and filler before it happens.
This is why I couldn't watch the anime any longer.


Yuki Yuna 11
Best girl Karin whyyyyyyyyyyyy T-T
She was cool as fuck in that fight but goddamnit noooooooooo she's a fucking veggie now!

There is literally no way this series ends well.


Encouragement of climb 02

Reminds me of my Boy Scout days when I camped like 100 times. I could set up a camping tent in like 5 minutes. I lived without internet and everything! (internet wasnt really a huge thing yet)


Naruto Shippuden 392


So in manga terms, we are about 7-8 chapters before the best moment in the entire arc actually starts.

Which means it'll take another 15 (I'm being kind) episodes of padding and filler before it happens.

In all likelihood you're not far off, there's probably one cour filler arc coming.
Noragami - 11

Huh, so Rabou and Yato used to be partners in crime. And now I guess he wants his old buddy back. Well Yato won't go down without a fight.
Using Hiyori to achieve your goals, you sack of wines. Rabou is pretty rad though, being a herald turned god.


Psycho Pass 2 ep 10

Damn this episode. So good and so sad at the same time. Akane is probably my best character of the year, taking the crown away from Mako... though I like Mako a lot... s maybe they tie. both bestest characters of the year!
Shirobako 11

That feel when you remember something embarrassing from the past. Super cringe.

Was a bit weird how the guy revealed details about Yano's private life openly. Is that a Japanese thing? Felt weird for him to just announce that her dad was in the hospital and that she lived alone with him.


Encouragement of Climb 03

This show is cute as fuck.
Also reminds me how much I actually love hiking on mountain trails. Louisiana doesnt have any, so I dont get to do it often.
Argevollen Episode 24 end

Well m3 seemed to have been the better mecha anime this year. Argevollen felt as if it needed another season due to certain developments, while m3, of the same length concluded its story in a pretty fantastic way.

Noragami - 12 [End]

The setup was good, felt like the end fight of 'Return of the Jedi'. I was just waiting to hear 'Good, good'. I think these last few episodes made Rabou into a decent final boss, if he were more prominent from the start I believe he would've been a great one. His final words were kinda sad.
That said the episode was mostly this fight, and not alot of time was spent on a proper ending. It was a safe bet, but I don't think my heart could've handled if Hiyori died anyway.

- Show overall -
Noragami is a show I don't know what to think really. Majority of the cast was great, and alot of times deadpan funny. It was really the highlight of the show for me, the cast and their interactions with eachother.
As I've mentioned in the impressions Yukine's emotional outbursts really dragged this down, I feel they could've used this 'story' to instead develop more on Rabou. Hell use any of the cool cast, I want to see and know more about Daikoku, Kofuku, and lion rider Bisha!
Soundtrack was pretty good, though I think it could've used more variety. I enjoyed this to the end, despite the bumps. It was nothing groundbreaking but it had it's charm. I think it was a cool concept and I would welcome a season 2.



Encouragement of Climb 04

memories of using a portable camping stove. I forgot the spatula once and had to make scrambled pancakes.
Twintails 11

My favourite part of this episode was the complete lack of
QUALITY shots throughout. Last episode left a bad taste in my mouth so it's good to see they've avoided that this week. The antics involving Soji's new body was funny and we see that despite his proclaimed love for twintails, he actually had a shallow appreciation for them since he was so surprised at how much work goes into maintaining them. I have a feeling that once Soji gets his twintails issue worked out he's going to change back to his normal form. I think it would make more sense for him to stay the way he is now since he loves twintails so much, it would only make sense for him to have a pair of his own.

Yuki Yuna is a Hero - 11

I can't see how they can pull a happy ending out of this show.

Like, Karin's gone blind and deaf thanks to her going Mankai like, 4 times. The only one who can stop Togo is Yuna, and I'm not liking the sound of everyone calling her name in the preview.

At least in Madoka, there was the prospect of a wish being able to save everything. But here, there's none of that. ;_;

Only one more episode left. This has been quite the ride, and easily the biggest anime surprise for me this year.

Isn't it 13 episodes long? I had a feeling this was going to happen. Since
Karin hasn't gone Mankai yet this was the perfect opportunity for her to do so. Even after learning about how she'll lose her body by doing so she still surges ahead without hesitation. That part between her and Yuna after she killed the last Vertex was touching, since she could no longer hear or see Yuna but tried to talk to her anyway.

Also a special mention to that one part earlier in the episode when Itsuki is shaking Fuu while trying to snap her out of her breakdown. Particularly because you could see Itsuki try to speak even though she has lost her voice, she still tried despite knowing that she couldn't actually speak. Powerful moment when someone tries to do something despite being physically inhibited. Even if they fail, it's the effort to push past limitations that counts.

EDIT: Oh, it's apparently 12.
Twintail 10 - Yes! That ending... he's
stuck in girl form, but normally, for a while.
I hope it lasts. :)

This show though, it's half so ridiculous it's great fun, and half painfully generic. Every time something happens, I never know if it's going to twist the trope, or play it straight; half of the time it's one, and half the other. They obviously wanted a crazy show, but also want to attract otaku, so, we get this mishmash of weird and predictable. I've complained about this before about this show, back at the beginning, but it's continued to be this way throughout.

Anyway, this episode, it was pretty good. It was interesting to finally see a villain able to stand up to the Twintails, it's nice that not EVERY opponent just goes down right away. And he's got the crossdressing-boys fetish? Heh.

SeHa Girls 10 - Uh, why did they all get 15 medals? They didn't even beat the boss themselves, that other Rappy did it for them! This show is so random with its medal allocations... :lol: But yeah, good episode, apart from the weird and dumb Dreamcast-taking-photos bit.
The Devil Is a Part-Timer! 12

That horrible archangel.

Thankfully the devil saves the day in his underwear. Too bad about the bike and the MgRonalds uniform.
Bike was restored ( magic rules ) and the uniform was never harmed ( since it was put aside before the fight !:!! All is well !!!

Sakura Trick 01

Such jealousy.

And lots of kissing.
Never enough kissing

What is this unexplainable phenomenon?


The world is better with yuri .
Yuki Yuna wa Yusha de Aru - 11

I....just....ugh.. I mean why!? So much fucking sadness.
Was there any point in driving the despair deeper than turning Karin into a complete fucking invalid? Soon as I saw her go mankai I was like "Don't fucking do it! It won't accomplish anything!" Those dead blind eyes, the fact she couldn't even hear the words Yuna was saying to her the entire time just fucking killed it for me. My god that's a fucking fate worse than death. In fact being denied death is a curse in and of itself for these girls and I'm still not convinced that what Togo is doing it wrong. 12's preview give me a good idea where this is going and I cannot see this ending happily for all parties involved at all. Seems Yuna is going to have to punch some friendship into Togo as well. Also note Karin mankai'd four times and in an earlier episode she got the Death card four times.



Shirobako Episode 11:

The time is dwindling and production is getting down to the bare knuckle while the hunt for Key Frame animators reaches levels of desperation, but other events are transpiring and it is quite remarkable how quickly Aoi's star is rising, although when people on the top layer are quitting I suppose that is only natural.
Psycho-Pass 2 11 END


I changed my mind she is the most hilarious character and should be in everything


Why did this even exist? I think what's her face (Yayoi?) did even LESS this season then the first one, and that's a damn accomplishment. Nothing of consequence happened. Sibyl obaa-chan died and then just came back? Akane became friendsies with Kamui for like no reason? Was I supposed to know the guy who had the sniper Dominator? It looked like glasses-kun knew him. Why does it seem like psycho pass numbers are just being randomly assigned now? Eyepatch girl only gets a knockout but Togane gets like 800 or something? What did Togane do that was worse then Kirito-kun, slice his mommy with some scissors? I know he blackens peoples hue but is that really worse then killing a bunch of civilians?

??????? Duckroll help me

Shirobako 11


Yeah Miyamori does seem to do that a lot

I laughed at the blurred out Doraemons, Shin-chans and Mobile Suits, and I noticed there was a lot of "anime" facial expressions in this episode.
If they actually get Shirobako's version of Anno to work on the project that would be amazing.
Really good episode, even Tarou did something to make me laugh.


Kiddy Grade 07-09

Tim can do whatever he wants, the people of the rich planet aren't the friendly kind of rich people like CCS' Tomoyo, but generally dicks. I do like Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They make a good set of companions to Eclaire and Lumiere. Episode 9 had a good sense of paranoia going for it with the creepy
mind control music
. I can see how the plots are foreshadowed at the start of each episode, but it all comes together in a way where it doesn't feel too contrived. Just a buddy cop show in space, with some superpowers thrown in for good measure. Fun stuff so far.
Your Lie in April 11

Great episode. That track at the end of the episode...so good. Only anime I watch the entire opening.

Surprised Arima kun had the balls to tell her just like that. Ominous ass last quote though :(


Your Lie in April 11

Great episode. That track at the end of the episode...so good. Only anime I watch the entire opening.

Surprised Arima kun had the balls to tell her just like that. Ominous ass last quote though :(

Yeah, I never skip Hikaru Nara from Goose House. That opening is just too good every time I listen to it. :d

It was a fine episode. Even though Kousei didn't make it, he's making progress as a person. The train scene and especially the one with the fireflies was beautiful. So many death flags for Kaori though. Her medical condition, medicines and that quote at the end. ;__; Hope it will end well.


Your Lie in April 11

Great episode. That track at the end of the episode...so good. Only anime I watch the entire opening.

Surprised Arima kun had the balls to tell her just like that. Ominous ass last quote though :(

and it's still sad :(

That last scene was beautiful though.


Kiddy Grade 07-09

Tim can do whatever he wants, the people of the rich planet aren't the friendly kind of rich people like CCS' Tomoyo, but generally dicks. I do like Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They make a good set of companions to Eclaire and Lumiere. Episode 9 had a good sense of paranoia going for it with the creepy
mind control music
. I can see how the plots are foreshadowed at the start of each episode, but it all comes together in a way where it doesn't feel too contrived. Just a buddy cop show in space, with some superpowers thrown in for good measure. Fun stuff so far.

Right now it is but then the story gets rolling and..well...I dont want to spoil anything. Its too much fun.
eclair's lipstick whip is the most amazing thing.
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